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show isis adjacency holddown



Display holddown status and time when IS-IS adjacencies are being formed. Adjacency holddown process takes place on an IS-IS level basis. When adjacency holdown is enabled, IS-IS adjacencies are formed sequentially. There is a holddown time between each adjacency and the process is completed when all IS-IS adjacencies are formed. This holddown time might cause network instability.

This command is useful to verify whether the adjacency holddown is enabled and facilitates troubleshooting when there are adjacency issues due to IS-IS adjacency holddown .



Display standard overview information about IS-IS adjacency holddown for all routing instances.

brief | detail | extensive

(Optional) Display standard information about IS-IS adjacency holddown with the specified level of output.

instance instance-name

(Optional) Display IS-IS adjacency holddown information for the specified routing instance.


(Optional) Display information about IS-IS neighbors for the specified IS-IS level.

logical-system (all | logical-system-name)

(Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields


Field Description


IS-IS level:

  • 1—Level 1 information

  • 2—Level 2 information


IS-IS Adjacency holddown status:

  • active—IS-IS adjacency holddown is in process.

  • inactive—IS-IS adjacency holddown process is completed.

  • disabled—IS-IS adjacency holddown is disabled.


The time stamp for the IS-IS adjacency holddown.


  • seenself—IS-IS has changed the IS-IS adjacency holddown status.

  • status change—IS-IS adjacency holddown status has changed.


The reason for change in the IS-IS adjacency holddown state.

Sample Output

show isis adjacency holddown

show isis adjacency holddown extensive

show isis adjacency holddown detail

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 16.1.