dot1x { authenticator { authentication-profile-name access-profile-name; interface (all | [ interface-names ]) { authentication-order (captive-portal | dot1x | mac-radius); disable; guest-bridge-domain guest-bridge-domain; guest-vlan guest-vlan; ignore-port-bounce; mac-radius { authentication-protocol { eap-md5; eap-peap { resume; } pap; } flap-on-disconnect; restrict; } maximum-requests number; multi-domain { max-data-session max-data-session; packet-action (drop-and-log | shutdown); recovery-timeout seconds; } (no-reauthentication | reauthentication interval ); no-tagged-mac-authentication; quiet-period seconds; redirect-url redirect-url; retain-mac-aged-session; retries number; server-fail (bridge-domain bridge-domain | deny | permit | use-cache | vlan-name vlan-name); server-fail-voip (deny | permit | use-cache | vlan-name vlan-name); server-reject-bridge-domain bridge-domain { block-interval seconds; eapol-block; } server-reject-vlan (vlan-id | vlan-name) { block-interval block-interval; eapol-block; } server-timeout seconds; supplicant (single | single-secure | multiple); supplicant-timeout seconds; transmit-period seconds; } ip-mac-session-binding; no-mac-table-binding; radius-options { add-interface-text-description; use-vlan-id; use-vlan-name; } static mac-address { bridge-domain-assignment bridge-domain-assignment; interface interface; vlan-assignment vlan-identifier; } } } ssl-certificate-path path-name; traceoptions { file filename <files files> <size size> <(world-readable | no-world-readable)>; flag (all | config-internal | dot1x-debug | dot1x-event | dot1x-ipc | eapol | esw-if | general | iccp | normal | parse | state | task | timer | vlan) { disable; } } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit logical-systems name protocols], [edit protocols]
Configure IEEE 802.1X authentication for Port-Based Network Access Control. 802.1X authentication is supported on interfaces that are members of private VLANs (PVLANs).
802.1X is disabled.
ssl-certificate-path path-name | Specify the file path for SSL certificates if you
are not using the default path. The default path for SSL certificates
is |
The remaining statements are explained separately. Search for a statement in CLI Explorer or click a linked statement in the Syntax section for details.
Required Privilege Level
routing—To view this statement in the configuration.routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0.
introduced in Junos OS Release
introduced in Junos OS Release