Syntax (EX Series and QFX Series)
Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D15 and later:
analytics { collector { local { file filename { size size; files number; } } address ip-address { port number { transport protocol { export-profile profile-name; } } } } export-profiles { profile-name { interface { information; statistics { queue; traffic; } status { link; queue; traffic; } } stream-format format; system { information; status { queue; traffic; } } } } resource { interfaces { interface-name { resource-profile name; } } system { polling-interval { queue-monitoring interval; traffic-monitoring interval; } resource-profile name; } } resource-profiles { profile-name { depth-threshold { high number; low number; } latency-threshold { high number; low number; } no-queue-monitoring; no-traffic-monitoring; queue-monitoring; traffic-monitoring; } } traceoptions { file filename { files number; size size; } } }
Junos OS Release 13.2X50-D15 and 13.2X51-D10 only:
analytics { interfaces { all { depth-threshold high number low number; latency-threshold high number low number; queue-statistics; no-queue-statistics; traffic-statistics; no-traffic-statistics; } interface-name { depth-threshold high number low number; latency-threshold high number low number; queue-statistics; no-queue-statistics; traffic-statistics; no-traffic-statistics; } } queue-statistics { file filename { files number-of-files; size size; } interval interval; } streaming-servers { address ip-address { port number { stream-format format; stream-type type } } } traceoptions { file filename { files number; size size; } } traffic-statistics { file filename { files number-of-files; size size; } interval interval; } }
Syntax (MX Series & PTX Series)
analytics { agent { service-agents { agent-name { inputs { analytics { parameters { generate-tags value; sample-frequency value; sensors file-path; } } input-ipfix { parameters { maximum-connections number; tcp-port port-number; vrf-name name; } } input-jti-ipfix { parameters { record-group group-name { record ipfix-record-name; reporting-interval seconds; } } } } outputs { file { parameters { path file-path; } } kafka { parameters { server ip-address; topic topic-name; encoding encoding-type; } } output-ipfix { parameters { collector-address ip-address; collector-ca-certificate file-path; collector-certificate file-path; collector-certificate-key file-path; collector-connection-retry-interval seconds; collector-tcp-port port-number; collector-vrf-name vrf-name; } } } } } traceoptions { filename filename; flag (debug | error | info | trace); } } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit services]
Configure the network analytics feature that includes monitoring for traffic and queue statistics. The network analytics processes running on the Packet Forwarding Engine and Routing Engine collect and analyze the data, and generate reports that may be saved in log files or sent as streaming data to remote servers.
The remaining statements are explained separately. Search for a statement in CLI Explorer or click a linked statement in the Syntax section for details.
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2.