mgcp { application-screen { connection-flood { threshold rate; } message-flood { threshold rate; } unknown-message { permit-nat-applied; permit-routed; } } disable; dscp-rewrite { code-point string; } inactive-media-timeout value-in-seconds; maximum-call-duration value-in-minutes; traceoptions { flag { all { extensive } } } transaction-timeout value-in-seconds; }
Hierarchy Level
[edit logical-systems name security alg], [edit logical-systems name tenants name security alg], [edit security alg], [edit services alg], [edit tenants name security alg]
Specify the Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) ALG on the device. MGCP is a text-based Application Layer protocol that can be used for call setup and call control.
the MGCP ALG. By default, the MGCP ALG is enabled.
By default, the MGCP ALG is disabled for NFX Series and SRX Series Firewalls.
The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.
Required Privilege Level
security—To view this statement in the configuration.
security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement modified in Junos OS Release 9.2.
The tenant
option is introduced in Junos
OS Release 18.3R1.