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Junos CLI Reference
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show subscribers

date_range 20-Sep-24


content_copy zoom_out_map
show <user-plane> subscribers 
<detail | extensive | terse>
<aci-interface-set-name aci-interface-set-name>
<address address>
<agent-circuit-identifier agent-circuit-identifier>
<agent-remote-identifier agent-remote-identifier>
<aggregation-interface-set-name interface-set-name>
<client-type client-type>
<id session-id <accounting-statistics>>
<interface interface <accounting-statistics>>
<logical-system logical-system>
<mac-address mac-address>
<physical-interface physical-interface-name>
<profile-name profile-name>
<routing-instance routing-instance>
<stacked-vlan-id stacked-vlan-id>
<sub-system (agf | bng)>
<subscriber-state subscriber-state>
<user-name user-name>
<vci vci-identifier>
<vpi vpi-identifier>
<vlan-id vlan-id>


Display information for active subscribers on both the broadband network gateway (BNG) and Access Gateway Function (AGF) subsystems. When you have subscribers logged in to both the BNG and the AGF, you can use the sub-system option to view the outputs specific to either subsytem.

See Sample Output for AGF for subscriber session information about the AGF subsystem.


detail | extensive | terse

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.


(Optional) Display all the dynamic subscriber sessions that use the specified agent circuit identifier (ACI) interface set. You must use the ACI interface set name generated by the router, such as aci-1003-ge-1/0/0.4001, and not the actual ACI value found in the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) or Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) control packets.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose IP address matches the specified address. You must specify the IPv4 or IPv6 address prefix without a netmask (for example, If you specify the IP address as a prefix with a netmask (for example,, the router displays a message that the IP address is invalid and rejects the command.


(Optional) Display all the dynamic subscriber sessions whose ACI value matches the specified string. You can specify either the complete ACI string or a substring. To specify a substring, you must enter characters that form the beginning of the string, followed by an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to substitute for the remainder of the string. The wildcard can be used only at the end of the specified substring; for example:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host1> show subscribers agent-circuit-identifier substring*

The table below lists supported string values for different Junos OS releases.

Table 1: Supported Substring

Junos OS Release

Substring Support

Junos OS Release 13.3R1

You can specify a substring without a wildcard.

Starting in Junos OS Release 14.1R1

You must specify the complete ACI string; you cannot specify a wildcard.

Starting in Junos OS Releases 15.1R7, 16.1R7, 16.2R3, 17.1R3, 17.2R3, 17.3R3, 17.4R2, 18.1R2, 18.2R1

You can specify a substring, but you must include the wildcard character at the end of the substring.


(Optional) Display all the dynamic subscriber sessions whose agent remote identifier (ARI) value matches the specified string. You must specify the complete ACI string; you cannot specify a wildcard.

aggregation-interface-set-name interface-set-name

(Optional) Display summary information for the specified aggregation node interface set, including interface, VLAN ID, username, and logical system and routing instance (LS:RI).


(Optional) Display subscribers whose client type matches one of the following client types:

  • dhcp—Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) clients only.

  • dotlx—802.1X clients only.

  • essm—Extensible Subscribers Services Manager (ESSM) clients only.

  • fixed-wireless-access—Fixed wireless access clients only.

  • fwauth—FwAuth (authenticated across a firewall) clients only.

  • l2tp—Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) clients only.

  • mlppp—Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol (MLPPP) clients only.

  • ppp—Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) clients only.

  • pppoe—Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) clients only.

  • static—Static clients only.

  • vlan—VLAN clients only.

  • vlan-oob—VLAN out-of-band (triggered by by Access Node Control Protocol or ANCP) clients only.

  • vpls-pw—Virtual private LAN service (VPLS) pseudowire clients only.

  • xauth—Extended Authentication (XAuth) clients only.


(Optional) Display the count of the total subscribers and active subscribers for any specified option. You can use the count option alone or in combination with one or more of the following options:

  • address

  • client-type

  • interface

  • logical-system

  • mac-address

  • profile-name

  • routing-instance

  • stacked-vlan-id

  • subscriber-state

  • vlan-id

id session-id

(Optional) Display a specific subscriber session whose session ID matches the specified subscriber ID. You can display the subscriber IDs by using the show subscribers extensive command or the show subscribers interface extensive command.

id session-id accounting-statistics

(Optional) Display accurate subscriber accounting statistics for a subscriber session based on the session ID you specify. You must configure the actual-transmit-statistics statement in the dynamic profile for the dynamic logical interface. If you do not configure statement, the CLI displays a value of 0 for the accounting statistics.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose interface matches the specified interface.

interface accounting-statistics

(Optional) Display subscriber accounting statistics for the specified interface. If you do not configure statement, the CLI displays a value of 0 for the accounting statistics.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose logical system matches the specified logical system.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose MAC address matches the specified MAC address.


(M120, M320, and MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display subscribers whose physical interface matches the specified physical interface.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose dynamic profile matches the specified profile name.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose routing instance matches the specified routing instance.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose stacked VLAN ID matches the specified stacked VLAN ID.

subsystem (agf | bng)

(Optional) Display information for subscribers on the AGF or BNG subsystem.


The subsystem option is only available when both the AGF and BNG subscribers are logged into the router at the same time.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose subscriber state matches the specified subscriber state (ACTIVE, CONFIGURED, INIT, TERMINATED, or TERMINATING).


(M120, M320, and MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display subscriber whose username matches the specified subscriber name.


(MX Series routers with MPCs and ATM MICs with SFP only) (Optional) Display active Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) subscribers whose ATM virtual circuit identifier (VCI) matches the specified VCI identifier. The range of values is 0 through 255.


(MX Series routers with MPCs and ATM MICs with SFP only) (Optional) Display active ATM subscribers whose ATM virtual path identifier (VPI) matches the specified VPI identifier. The range of values is 0 through 65,535.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose VLAN ID matches the specified VLAN ID, regardless of whether the subscriber uses a single-tagged or double-tagged VLAN. Among the subscribers using a double-tagged VLAN, this option displays subscribers where the inner VLAN tag matches the specified VLAN ID. To see the subscribers (among subscribers using a double-tagged VLAN) whose outer VLAN tag matches the specified value, you can use the stacked-vlan-id stacked-vlan-id option to match the outer VLAN tag.


Because of display limitation, the logical system and routing instance output values are truncated when necessary.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 2 lists the output fields for the show subscribers command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 2: show subscribers Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Interface associated with the subscriber. The router or the switch displays the subscribers whose interface matches or begins with the specified interface.

The asterisk (*) indicates a continuation of addresses for the same session.

IP Address/VLAN ID

Subscriber IP address or VLAN ID associated with the subscriber in the form tpid.vlan-id

No IP address or VLAN ID is assigned to an L2TP tunnel-switched session. For these subscriber sessions, the value is Tunnel-switched.

User Name

Name of subscriber.


Logical system and routing instance associated with the subscriber.


Subscriber client type (DHCP, FWA, GRE, L2TP, PPP, PPPoE, STATIC-INTERFACE, VLAN).

IP Address

Subscriber IPv4 address.

IP Netmask

Subscriber IP netmask.

(MX Series) This field displays by default. For tunneled or terminated PPP subscribers only, this field displays the actual value of Framed-IP-Netmask when the SDB_FRAMED_PROTOCOL attribute in the session database is equal to AUTHD_FRAMED_PROTOCOL_PPP. This occurs in the use case where the L2TP network server (LNS) generates access-internal routes when it receives Framed-IP-Netmask from RADIUS during authorization. When it receives Framed-Pool from RADIUS, the pool mask is ignored and the default /32 mask is used.

Primary DNS Address

IP address of the primary Domain Name System (DNS) server.

This field is displayed with the extensive option only when the address is provided by RADIUS.

Secondary DNS Address

IP address of the secondary DNS server.

This field is displayed with the extensive option only when the address is provided by RADIUS.

IPv6 Primary DNS Address

IPv6 address of the primary DNS server.

This field is displayed with the extensive option only when the address is provided by RADIUS.

IPv6 Secondary DNS Address

IPv6 address of the secondary DNS server.

This field is displayed with the extensive option only when the address is provided by RADIUS.

Domain name server inet

IP addresses for the DNS server, displayed in order of configuration.

This field is displayed with the extensive option only when the addresses are derived from the access profile or the global access configuration.

Domain name server inet6

IPv6 addresses for the DNS server, displayed in order of configuration.

This field is displayed with the extensive option only when the addresses are derived from the access profile or the global access configuration.

Primary WINS Address

IP address of the primary Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server.

Secondary WINS Address

IP address of the secondary WINS server.

IPv6 Address

Subscriber IPv6 address, or multiple addresses.

IPv6 Prefix

Subscriber IPv6 prefix. If you are using DHCPv6 prefix delegation, this is the delegated prefix.

IPv6 User Prefix

IPv6 prefix obtained through Neighbor Discovery Router Advertisement (NDRA).

IPv6 Address Pool

Subscriber IPv6 address pool. The IPv6 address pool is used to allocate IPv6 prefixes to the DHCPv6 clients.

IPv6 Network Prefix Length

Length of the network portion of the IPv6 address.

IPv6 Prefix Length

Length of the subscriber IPv6 prefix.

Logical System

Logical system associated with the subscriber.

Routing Instance

Routing instance associated with the subscriber.


(Enhanced subscriber management for the MX Series routers) Name of the enhanced subscriber management logical interface, in the form demux0.nnnn (for example, demux0.3221225472), to which access-internal and framed subscriber routes are mapped.

Interface Type

Subscriber interface (Static or Dynamic)

Interface Set

Internally generated name of the dynamic agent circuit identifier (ACI) or ATM line interface (ALI) interface set used by the subscriber session. The prefix of the name indicates the string received in DHCP or PPPoE control packets on which the interface set is based. For ALI interface sets, the prefix indicates that the value is configured as a trusted option to identify the subscriber line.

The name of the interface set uses one of the following prefixes:

  • aci—ACI; for example, aci-1033-demux0.3221225524. This is the only prefix allowed for ACI interface sets.

  • ari—ARI or agent remote identifier; for example, ari-1033-demux0.3221225524.

  • aci+ari—Both the ACI and the ARI; for example, aci+ari-1033-demux0.3221225524.

  • noids—Neither the ACI nor the ARI were received; for example, noids-1033-demux0.3221225524.


ACI interface sets are configured with the agent-circuit-identifier autoconfiguration stanza. ALI interface sets are configured with the line-identity autoconfiguration stanza.

Besides dynamic ACI and ALI interface sets, this field can be an interface set based on a substring of the ARI string. This occurs when the dynamic profile includes the predefined variable $junos-pon-id-interface-set-name, and the profile is applied for a passive optical network (PON). The ARI string is inserted by the optical line terminal (OLT). The final substring in the string, unique for the PON, identifies individual subscriber circuits, and is used as the name of the interface set.

Interface Set Type

Interface type of the ACI interface set: Dynamic. This is the only ACI interface set type currently supported.

Interface Set Session ID

Identifier of the dynamic ACI interface set entry in the session database.

Underlying Interface

Name of the underlying interface for the subscriber session.

Dynamic Profile Name

Dynamic profile used for the subscriber.

Dynamic Profile Version

Version number of the dynamic profile used for the subscriber.

MAC Address

MAC address associated with the subscriber.


Current state of the subscriber session (Init, Configured, Active, Terminating, or Tunneled).

L2TP State

Current state of the L2TP session (Tunneled or Tunnel-switched). When the value is Tunnel-switched, two entries are displayed for the subscriber; the first entry is at the L2TP network server (LNS) interface on the L2TP tunnel switch (LTS) and the second entry is at the L2TP access concentrator (LAC) interface on the LTS.

Tunnel switch Profile Name

Name of the L2TP tunnel switch profile that initiates tunnel switching.

Local IP Address

IP address of the local gateway (LAC).

Remote IP Address

IP address of the remote peer (LNS).


Forwarding flow identifier.


VLAN ID associated with the subscriber in the form tpid.vlan-id.

Stacked VLAN Id

Stacked VLAN ID associated with the subscriber in the form tpid.vlan-id.

RADIUS Accounting ID

RADIUS accounting ID associated with the subscriber.

Agent Circuit ID

For the dhcp client type, option 82 agent circuit ID associated with the subscriber. The ID is displayed as an ASCII string unless the value has nonprintable characters, in which case it is displayed in the hexadecimal format.

For the vlan-oob client type, the agent circuit ID or access-loop circuit identifier that identifies the subscriber line based on the subscriber-facing DSL access multiplexer (DSLAM) interface on which the subscriber request originates.

Agent Remote ID

For the dhcp client type, option 82 agent remote ID associated with the subscriber. The ID is displayed as an ASCII string unless the value has nonprintable characters, in which case it is displayed in hexadecimal format.

For the vlan-oob client type, the agent remote ID or access-loop remote identifier that identifies the subscriber line based on the network access server (NAS)-facing DSLAM interface on which the subscriber request originates.

Aggregation Interface-set Name

Value of the $junos-aggregation-interface-set-name predefined variable. The value is determined based on the following factors:;

  • When the hierarchical-access-network-detection option is configured for the access lines and the value of the Access-Aggregation-Circuit-ID-ASCII attribute (TLV 0x0003) received either in the Access Node Control Protocol (ANCP) Port Up message or PPPoE Active Discover Request (PADR) IA tags begins with a # character, then the variable takes the value of the remainder of the string after the # character.

  • When the hierarchical-access-network-detection option is not configured, or if the sting does not begin with the # character, then the variable takes the value specified with the predefined-variable-defaults statement.

Accounting Statistics

Actual transmitted subscriber accounting statistics by the session ID or the interface. Service accounting statistics are not included. These statistics do not include overhead bytes or dropped packets; they are the accurate statistics used by RADIUS. The statistics are counted when the actual-transmit-statistics statement is included in the dynamic profile.

DHCP Relay IP Address

IP address used by the DHCP relay agent.


(MX Series routers with MPCs and ATM MICs with SFP only) ATM virtual path identifier (VPI) on the subscriber’s physical interface.


(MX Series routers with MPCs and ATM MICs with SFP only) ATM virtual circuit identifier (VCI) for each VPI configured on the subscriber interface.

Login Time

Date and time at which the subscriber logged in.

DHCPV6 Options

len = number of hex values in the message. The hex values specify the type, length, value (TLV) for the DHCPv6 options.

Server DHCP Options

len = number of hex values in the message. The hex values specify the type, length, value (TLV) for the DHCP options.

Server DHCPV6 Options

len = number of hex values in the message. The hex values specify the type, length, value (TLV) for the DHCPv6 options.

DHCPV6 Header

len = number of hex values in the message. The hex values specify the type, length, value (TLV) for the DHCPv6 options.

Effective shaping-rate

Actual downstream traffic shaping rate for the subscriber in kilobits per second.

IPv4 Input Service Set

Input service set in access dynamic profile.

IPv4 Output Service Set

Output service set in access dynamic profile.

PCEF Profile

Policy and charging enforcement function (PCEF) profile in access dynamic profile.

PCEF Rule/Rulebase

PCC rule or rulebase used in dynamic profile.

Dynamic configuration

Values for variables that are passed into the dynamic profile from RADIUS.

Service activation time

Time at which the first family in this service became active.

IPv4 rpf-check Fail Filter Name

Name of the filter applied by the dynamic profile to the IPv4 packets that fail the reverse-path-forwarding (RPF) check.

IPv6 rpf-check Fail Filter Name

Name of the filter applied by the dynamic profile to the IPv6 packets that fail the RPF check.

DHCP Options

len = number of hex values in the message. The hex values specify the type, length, value (TLV) for the DHCP options, as defined in RFC 2132.

Session ID

ID number for a subscriber session.

Underlying Session ID

Session ID of the underlying PPPoE interface for the DHCPv6 subscribers on a PPPoE network.

Service Sessions

Number of service sessions (that is, a service activated using RADIUS Change of Authorization or CoA) associated with the subscribers.

Service Session ID

ID number for a subscriber service session.

Service Session Name

Service session profile name.

Session Timeout (seconds)

Number of seconds of access provided to the subscriber before the session is automatically terminated.

Idle Timeout (seconds)

Number of seconds for which the subscriber can be idle before the session is automatically terminated.

IPv6 Delegated Address Pool

Name of the pool used for DHCPv6 prefix delegation.

IPv6 Delegated Network Prefix Length

Length of the prefix configured for the IPv6 delegated address pool.

IPv6 Interface Address

Address assigned by the Framed-Ipv6-Prefix AAA attribute. This field is displayed only when the predefined variable $junos-ipv6-address is used in the dynamic profile.

IPv6 Framed Interface Id

Interface ID assigned by the Framed-Interface-Id AAA attribute.

ADF IPv4 Input Filter Name

Name assigned to the Ascend-Data-Filter (ADF) interface IPv4 input filter (client or service session). The filter name is followed by the rules (in hexadecimal format) associated with the ADF filter and the decoded rule in Junos OS filter style.

ADF IPv4 Output Filter Name

Name assigned to the Ascend-Data-Filter (ADF) interface IPv4 output filter (client or service session). The filter name is followed by the rules (in hexadecimal format) associated with the ADF filter and the decoded rule in Junos OS filter style.

ADF IPv6 Input Filter Name

Name assigned to the ADF interface IPv6 input filter (client or service session). The filter name is followed by the rules (in hexadecimal format) associated with the ADF filter and the decoded rule in Junos OS filter style.

ADF IPv6 Output Filter Name

Name assigned to the ADF interface IPv6 output filter (client or service session). The filter name is followed by the rules (in hexadecimal format) associated with the ADF filter and the decoded rule in Junos OS filter style.

IPv4 Input Filter Name

Name assigned to the IPv4 input filter (client or service session).

IPv4 Output Filter Name

Name assigned to the IPv4 output filter (client or service session).

IPv6 Input Filter Name

Name assigned to the IPv6 input filter (client or service session).

IPv6 Output Filter Name

Name assigned to the IPv6 output filter (client or service session).

IFL Input Filter Name

Name assigned to the logical interface input filter (client or service session).

IFL Output Filter Name

Name assigned to the logical interface output filter (client or service session).

DSL type

PPPoE subscriber’s access line type reported by the PPPoE intermediate agent in a PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation (PADI) or PPPoE Active Discovery Offer( PADO) packet in the Vendor-Specific-Tags TLV in subattribute DSL-Type (0x0091). The DSL can be one of the following types: ADSL, ADSL2, ADSL2+, OTHER, SDSL, VDSL, or VDSL2.

Frame/Cell Mode

Mode type of the PPPoE subscriber’s access line determined by the PPPoE daemon based on the received subattribute DSL-Type (0x0091):

  • Cell—When the DSL line type is one of the following: asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), asymmetric digital subscriber line 2 (ADSL2), or asymmetric digital subscriber line 2 plus (ADSL2+).

  • Frame—When the DSL line type is one of the following: OTHER, SDSL, VDSL, or VDSL2.

The value is stored in the subscriber session database.

Overhead accounting bytes

Number of bytes added to or subtracted from the actual downstream cell or frame overhead to account for the technology overhead of the DSL line type. The value is determined by the PPPoE daemon based on the received subattribute DSL-Type (0x0091). The value is stored in the subscriber session database.

Actual upstream data rate

Unadjusted upstream data rate for the PPPoE subscriber’s access line reported by the PPPoE intermediate agent in a PADI or PADO packet in the Vendor-Specific-Tags TLV in subattribute Actual-Net-Data-Rate-Upstream (0x0081).

Actual downstream data rate

Unadjusted downstream data rate for the PPPoE subscriber’s access line reported by the PPPoE intermediate agent in a PADI or PADO packet in the Vendor-Specific-Tags TLV in subattribute Actual-Net-Data-Rate-Downstream (0x0082).

Adjusted downstream data rate

Adjusted downstream data rate for the PPPoE subscriber’s access line, calculated by the PPPoE daemon and stored in the subscriber session database.

Adjusted upstream data rate

Adjusted upstream data rate for the PPPoE subscriber’s access line, calculated by the PPPoE daemon and stored in the subscriber session database.

Note: This output field is only available on Junos Release 19.1R1 or earlier versions.

AGF Mode

Type of access.

Adaptive mode indicates an FN-RG.

Local TEID-U

Tunnel endpoint identifier (TEID) on the BNG for the GPRS Tunnelling Protocol User Plane (GTP-U) tunnel to the evolved node B (eNodeB). The identifier is allocated by the BNG.

A fully qualified local TEID-C consists of this identifier and the GTPU Tunnel Local IP address value.

Local TEID-C

Tunnel endpoint identifier on the BNG for the GTP-C control plane tunnel to the Mobility management Entity (MME). The identifier is allocated by the BNG.

A fully qualified local TEID-C consists of this identifier and the GTPC Local IP address value.

Remote TEID-U

Tunnel endpoint identifier on the eNodeB for the GTP-U user plane tunnel to the BNG. The identifier is allocated by the eNodeB.

A fully qualified remote TEID-U consists of this identifier and the GTPU Tunnel Remote IP address value.

Remote TEID-C

Tunnel endpoint identifier on the MME for the GPRS tunneling protocol, control (GTP-C) plane tunnel to the BNG. The identifier is allocated by the MME.

A fully qualified remote TEID-C consists of this identifier and the GTPC Remote IP address value.

GTPU Tunnel Remote IP address

IP address of the S1-U interface on the eNodeB for the GPRS tunneling protocol, user plane (GTP-U) tunnel endpoint.

A fully qualified remote TEID-U consists of this address and the Remote TEID-U value.

GTPU Tunnel Local IP address

IP address of the S1-U interface on the BNG for the GTP-U tunnel endpoint.

A fully qualified local TEID-U consists of this address and the Local TEID-U value

GTPC Remote IP address

IP address of the S11 interface on the MME for the GTP-C tunnel endpoint.

A fully qualified remote TEID-C consists of this address and the Remote TEID-C value.

GTPC Local IP address

IP address of the S11 interface on the BNG for the GTP-C tunnel endpoint.

A fully qualified local TEID-C consists of this address and the Local TEID-C value.

Access Point Name

Access point name (APN) for the user equipment. The APN corresponds to the connection and service parameters that the subscriber’s mobile device can use for connecting to the carrier’s gateway to the Internet.


Name of the tenant system. You can create multiple tenant system administrators for a tenant system and assign the administrators different permission levels based on your requirements.

Routing instance

Name of the routing instance. When a custom routing instance is created for a tenant system, all the interfaces defined in that tenant system are added to that routing instance.

Dynamic Profile Version Alias

Configured name for a specific variation of a base dynamic profile. The presence of this name presence indicates that the profile configuration is different from that of the base profile. The value is conveyed to the RADIUS server during authentication in the Client-Profile-Name VSA (26–4874–174).

Sample Output

show subscribers (IPv4)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers 
Interface               IP Address/VLAN ID   User Name         LS:RI
ge-1/3/0.1073741824     10                                    default:default
demux0.1073741824        WHOLESALER-CLIENT default:default
demux0.1073741825         RETAILER1-CLIENT  test1:retailer1
demux0.1073741826         RETAILER2-CLIENT  test1:retailer2

show subscribers (IPv6)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers 
Interface          IP Address/VLAN ID   User Name           LS:RI
ge-1/0/0.0         2001:db8:c0:0:0:0/74    WHOLESALER-CLIENT   default:default
     *             2001:db8:1/128          subscriber-25       default:default

show subscribers (IPv4 and IPv6 Dual Stack)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers 
Interface           IP Address/VLAN ID         User Name                      LS:RI
demux0.1073741834   0x8100.1002 0x8100.1                                 default:default
demux0.1073741835   0x8100.1001 0x8100.1                                 default:default
pp0.1073741836        default:ASP-1
*                   2001:db8:1::/48
*                   2001:db8:1:1::/64
pp0.1073741837        default:ASP-1
*                   2001:db8:1:2:5::/64

show subscribers (Single Session DHCP Dual Stack)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers 

Interface           IP Address/VLAN ID        User Name               LS:RI
demux0.1073741364             dual-stack-retail35     default:default
                    2001:db8::100:0:0:0/74                            default:default

show subscribers (Single Session DHCP Dual Stack detail)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers id 27 detail
Type: DHCP
User Name: dual-stack-retail33
IP Address:
IPv6 Address: 2001:db8:3000:0:0:8003::2
IPv6 Prefix: 2001:db8:3ffe:0:4::/64
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: ae0.3221225472
Interface type: Static
Underlying Interface: ae0.3221225472
Dynamic Profile Name: dhcp-retail-18
MAC Address: 00:00:5E:00:53:02
State: Active
DHCP Relay IP Address:
Radius Accounting ID: 27
Session ID: 27
PFE Flow ID: 2
Stacked VLAN Id: 2000
VLAN Id: 1
Login Time: 2014-05-15 10:12:10 PDT
DHCP Options: len 60
00 08 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 0a 00 03 00 01 00 00 64 01 01 02
00 06 00 04 00 03 00 19 00 03 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 19 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

show subscribers (LNS on MX Series Routers)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers 
Interface          IP Address/VLAN ID   User Name         LS:RI
si-4/0/0.1   default:default

show subscribers (L2TP Switched Tunnels)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers             
Interface           IP Address/VLAN ID    User Name              LS:RI
si-2/1/0.1073741842 Tunnel-switched        default:default      
si-2/1/0.1073741843 Tunnel-switched        default:default      

show subscribers aggregation-interface-set-name

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers aggregation-interface-set-name FRA*

Interface              IP Address/VLAN ID              User Name                 LS:RI
ge-1/0/0.3221225472    50                                ancp                      default:isp1-subscriber

show subscribers client-type dhcp detail

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers client-type dhcp detail
Type: DHCP
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: demux0.1073744127
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: dhcp-demux
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:98
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: user :2304
Login Time: 2009-08-25 14:43:52 PDT

Type: DHCP
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: demux0.1073744383
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: dhcp-demux-prof
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:f3
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 1234 :2560
Login Time: 2009-08-25 14:43:56 PDT

show subscribers client-type dhcp detail (DHCPv6)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers client-type dhcp detail
Type: DHCP
IPv6 Address: 2001:db8::2
IPv6 Prefix: 2001:db8:1::/64
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: demux0.3221225602
Interface type: Static
Underlying Interface: demux0.3221225602
Dynamic Profile Name: client-profile
MAC Address: 00:00:5E:00:53:01
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 142
Session ID: 142
PFE Flow ID: 148
Stacked VLAN Id: 1
VLAN Id: 1
Login Time: 2018-03-29 12:27:38 EDT
DHCP Options: len 56
00 08 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 0e 00 01 00 01 22 4f d0 33 00 11
01 00 00 01 00 03 00 0c 00 00 00 0a 00 04 9d 40 00 07 62 00
00 19 00 0c 00 00 00 0b 00 04 9d 40 00 07 62 00
Server DHCPV6 Options: len 94
00 0a 00 06 11 22 33 44 55 66 00 11 00 09 00 00 0c 4c 00 02
00 01 aa 00 11 00 20 00 00 0a 4c 00 02 00 02 32 33 00 03 00
03 34 35 36 00 05 00 06 31 32 33 34 35 36 00 06 00 01 31 00
11 00 09 00 00 0b 4c 00 02 00 01 bb 00 11 00 12 00 00 0d e9
00 01 00 03 aa bb cc 00 02 00 03 dd ee cc
DHCPV6 Header: len 4
01 fc e4 96

show subscribers client-type dhcp extensive

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers client-type dhcp extensive
Type: DHCP
User Name: user
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
IPv6 Address: 2001:db8:3::103
IPv6 Prefix: 2001:db8::/68
Domain name server inet6: 2001:db8:1 abcd::2 
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: ge-0/0/0.0
Interface type: Static
Underlying Interface: ge-0/0/0.0
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:01
State: Configured
Radius Accounting ID: 10
Session ID: 10
PFE Flow ID: 2
VLAN Id: 100
Agent Circuit ID: ge-0/0/0:100
Agent Remote ID: ge-0/0/0:100
Login Time: 2017-05-23 12:52:22 IST
DHCPV6 Options: len 69
00 01 00 0e 00 01 00 01 59 23 e3 31 00 10 94 00 00 01 00 08
00 02 00 00 00 19 00 29 00 00 00 00 00 04 9d 40 00 07 62 00
00 1a 00 19 00 09 3a 80 00 27 8d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Server DHCP Options: len 13
3a 04 00 00 00 ff 00 3b 04 00 00 0f 00
Server DHCPV6 Options: len 8
00 0a 00 04 ab cd ef ab
DHCPV6 Header: len 4
01 00 00 04
IP Address Pool: al_pool30
IPv6 Address Pool: ia_na_pool
IPv6 Delegated Address Pool: prefix_delegate_pool

show subscribers client-type fixed-wireless-access

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers client-type fixed-wireless-access

Interface             IP Address/VLAN ID             User Name                 LS:RI
ps1.3221225472                     505024101215074           default:default
ps1.3221225473                     505024101215075           default:default

show subscribers client-type fixed-wireless-access detail (Detail)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers client-type fixed-wireless-access detail
Type: FWA
User Name: 505024101215074
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Interface: ps1.3221225472
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: fwa-profile
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 1
Session ID: 1
PFE Flow ID: 11
Login Time: 2019-04-10 14:10:12 PDT
Local TEID-U: 1
Local TEID-C: 1
Remote TEID-U: 2000000
Remote TEID-C: 1000000
GTPU Tunnel Remote IP Address:
GTPU Tunnel Local IP Address:
GTPC Remote IP Address:
GTPC Local IP Address:
Access Point Name: user21

show subscribers client-type vlan-oob detail

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers client-type vlan-oob detail
User Name: L2WS.line-aci-1.line-ari-1
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: ISP1
Interface: demux0.1073744127
Interface type: Dynamic
Underlying Interface: ge-1/0/0
Dynamic Profile Name: Prof_L2WS
Dynamic Profile Version: 1
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 1234
Session ID: 77
VLAN Id: 126
Core-Facing Interface: ge-2/1/1
VLAN Map Id: 6
Inner VLAN Map Id: 2001
Agent Circuit ID: line-aci-1
Agent Remote ID: line-ari-1
Login Time: 2013-10-29 14:43:52 EDT 

show subscribers count

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers count              
Total Subscribers: 188, Active Subscribers: 188

show subscribers address detail (IPv6)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers address detail
Type: PPPoE
User Name: pppoeTerV6User1Svc
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
IPv6 User Prefix: 2001:db8:0:c88::/32
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: pp0.1073745151
Interface type: Dynamic
Underlying Interface: demux0.8201
Dynamic Profile Name: pppoe-client-profile
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:53
Session Timeout (seconds): 31622400
Idle Timeout (seconds): 86400
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: example demux0.8201:6544
Session ID: 6544
Agent Circuit ID: ifl3720
Agent Remote ID: ifl3720
Login Time: 2012-05-21 13:37:27 PDT
Service Sessions: 1

show subscribers detail (IPv4)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers detail 
Type: DHCP
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Primary DNS Address:
Secondary DNS Address:
Primary WINS Address:
Secondary WINS Address:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: demux0.1073744127
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: dhcp-demux-prof
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:98
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: example :2304
Idle Timeout (seconds): 600
Login Time: 2009-08-25 14:43:52 PDT
DHCP Options: len 52
35 01 01 39 02 02 40 3d 07 01 00 10 94 00 00 08 33 04 00 00
00 3c 0c 15 63 6c 69 65 6e 74 5f 50 6f 72 74 20 2f 2f 36 2f
33 2d 37 2d 30 37 05 01 06 0f 21 2c
Service Sessions: 2

show subscribers detail (IPv6)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers detail 
Type: DHCP
User Name: pd-user1
IPv6 Prefix: 2001:db8:ffff:1::/32
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: ge-3/1/3.2
Interface type: Static
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:03
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 1
Session ID: 1
Login Time: 2011-08-25 12:12:26 PDT
DHCP Options: len 42
00 08 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 0a 00 03 00 01 00 51 ff ff 00 03
00 06 00 02 00 19 00 19 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00

show subscribers detail (pseudowire Interface for GRE Tunnel)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers detail 
Interface           IP Address/VLAN ID        User Name           LS:RI
demux0.3221225486    1                                            default:default     
demux0.3221225487    1                                            default:default     
demux0.3221225488                                    default:default     
demux0.3221225489                                    default:default     

show subscribers detail (IPv6 Static Demux Interface)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers detail 
User Name:
IPv6 Prefix: 2001:db8:3:4:5:6:7:aa/32
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: demux0.1
Interface type: Static
Dynamic Profile Name: junos-default-profile
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 185
Login Time: 2010-05-18 14:33:56 EDT

show subscribers detail (L2TP LNS Subscribers on MX Series Routers)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers detail 
Type: L2TP
User Name:
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: si-5/2/0.1073749824
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: dyn-lns-profile2
Dynamic Profile Version: 1
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 8001
Session ID: 8001
Login Time: 2011-04-25 20:27:50 IST

show subscribers detail (L2TP Switched Tunnels)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers detail 
Type: L2TP
User Name:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: si-2/1/0.1073741842
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: dyn-lts-profile
State: Active
L2TP State: Tunnel-switched
Tunnel switch Profile Name: ce-lts-profile
Local IP Address:
Remote IP Address:
Radius Accounting ID: 21
Session ID: 21
Login Time: 2013-01-18 03:01:11 PST

Type: L2TP
User Name:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: si-2/1/0.1073741843
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: dyn-lts-profile
State: Active
L2TP State: Tunnel-switched
Tunnel switch Profile Name: ce-lts-profile
Local IP Address:
Remote IP Address:
Session ID: 22
Login Time: 2013-01-18 03:01:14 PST

show subscribers detail (Tunneled Subscriber)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers detail 
Type: PPPoE
User Name:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: pp0.1
State: Active, Tunneled
Radius Accounting ID: 512

show subscribers detail (IPv4 and IPv6 Dual Stack)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers detail 
Type: VLAN
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: demux0.1073741824
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: svlanProfile
State: Active
Session ID: 1
Stacked VLAN Id: 0x8100.1001
VLAN Id: 0x8100.1
Login Time: 2011-11-30 00:18:04 PST

Type: PPPoE
User Name:
IP Address:
IPv6 Prefix: 2001:db8:1::/32
IPv6 User Prefix: 2001:db8:1:1::/32
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: ASP-1
Interface: pp0.1073741825
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: dualStack-Profile1
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:02
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 2
Session ID: 2
Login Time: 2011-11-30 00:18:05 PST

Type: DHCP
IPv6 Prefix: 2001:db8:1::/32
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: ASP-1
Interface: pp0.1073741825
Interface type: Static
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:02
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: test :3
Session ID: 3
Underlying Session ID: 2
Login Time: 2011-11-30 00:18:35 PST
DHCP Options: len 42
00 08 00 02 0b b8 00 01 00 0a 00 03 00 01 00 00 64 03 01 02
00 06 00 02 00 19 00 19 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00

show subscribers detail (ACI Interface Set Session)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers detail
Type: VLAN
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: ge-1/0/0
Interface Set: aci-1001-ge-1/0/0.2800
Interface Set Session ID: 0
Underlying Interface: ge-1/0/0.2800
Dynamic Profile Name: aci-vlan-set-profile-2
Dynamic Profile Version: 1
State: Active
Session ID: 1
Agent Circuit ID: aci-ppp-dhcp-20
Login Time: 2012-05-26 01:54:08 PDT

show subscribers detail (PPPoE Subscriber Session with ACI Interface Set)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers detail
Type: PPPoE
User Name: ppphint2
IP Address:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: pp0.1073741825
Interface type: Dynamic
Interface Set: aci-1001-demux0.1073741824
Interface Set Type: Dynamic
Interface Set Session ID: 2
Underlying Interface: demux0.1073741824
Dynamic Profile Name: aci-vlan-pppoe-profile
Dynamic Profile Version: 1
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:02
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 3
Session ID: 3
Agent Circuit ID: aci-ppp-dhcp-dvlan-50
Login Time: 2012-03-07 13:46:53 PST

show subscribers detail (Dynamic Profile Version Alias)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers detail

Type: PPPoE
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
IPv6 Address: 2001:db8::17
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: pp0.3221225720
Interface type: Dynamic
Underlying Interface: demux0.3221225719 
Dynamic Profile Name: pppoe-client-profile
Dynamic Profile Version Alias: profile-version1a
MAC Address: 00:00:5E:00:53:38
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 288
Session ID: 288
PFE Flow ID: 344
VLAN Id: 1
Login Time: 2019-09-23 10:40:56 IST

show subscribers extensive

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers extensive
Type: DHCP
User Name: uer@host
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: ge-0/0/0.0
Interface type: Static
Underlying Interface: ge-0/0/0.0
MAC Address: 00:10:94:00:00:01
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 15
Session ID: 15
PFE Flow ID: 2
VLAN Id: 100
Login Time: 2021-05-24 11:30:07 IST
DHCP Options: len 52
35 01 01 39 02 02 40 3d 07 01 00 10 94 00 00 01 33 04 00 00
00 3c 0c 15 63 6c 69 65 6e 74 5f 50 6f 72 74 20 2f 2f 31 2f
31 2d 30 2d 30 37 05 01 06 0f 21 2c
DHCP Header: len 44
01 01 06 00 00 00 00 1d 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 94 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
IP Address Pool: al_pool30
Access Line Attributes:
  Actual upstream data rate: 19998
  Actual downstream data rate: 79999
  Access loop encapsulation: 01 02 00

show subscribers extensive (Aggregation Node Interface Set and DSL Forum Attributes)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers extensive
User Name: ancp
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: isp1-subscriber
Interface: ge-1/0/0.3221225472
Interface type: Dynamic
Interface Set: FRA-DPU-C-100
Underlying Interface: ge-1/0/0
Core IFL Name: ge-1/0/4.0
Dynamic Profile Name: Prof_L2BSA
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 1
Session ID: 1
PFE Flow ID: 13
VLAN Id: 50
VLAN Map Id: 20
Inner VLAN Map Id: 1
Inner VLAN Tag Protocol Id: 0x88a8
Agent Circuit ID: circuit 201
Agent Remote ID: remote-id
Aggregation Interface-set Name: FRA-DPU-C-100
Login Time: 2018-05-29 08:43:42 EDT
Accounting interval: 72000
Dynamic configuration: 
  junos-cos-scheduler-map: 100m
  junos-inner-vlan-tag-protocol-id: 0x88a8
  junos-vlan-map-id: 20

Type: PPPoE
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: pp0.3221225474
Interface type: Dynamic
Interface Set: ge-1/0/0
Underlying Interface: demux0.3221225473
Dynamic Profile Name: pppoe-client-profile-with-cos
MAC Address: 00:10:94:00:00:03
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 3
Session ID: 3
PFE Flow ID: 16
Stacked VLAN Id: 50
VLAN Id: 7
Agent Circuit ID: circuit 201
Agent Remote ID: remote-id
Aggregation Interface-set Name: FRA-DPU-C-100
Login Time: 2018-05-29 08:43:45 EDT     
IP Address Pool: pool-1
Accounting interval: 72000
DSL type:
Frame/cell mode: Frame
Overhead accounting bytes: 10
Actual upstream data rate: 100000 kbps
Actual downstream data rate: 200000 kbps
Calculated downstream data rate: 180000 kbps
Calculated upstream data rate: 90000 kbps
Adjusted downstream data rate: 160000 kbps
DSL Line Attributes
  Agent Circuit ID: circuit 201
  Agent Remote ID: remote-id
  Actual upstream data rate: 100000
  Actual downstream data rate: 200000
  DSL type:
  Access Aggregation Circuit ID: #FRA-DPU-C-100
  Attribute type: 0xAA, Attribute length: 4
    198 51 100 78

show subscribers extensive (Passive Optical Network Circuit Interface Set)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers client-type dhcp extensive
Type: DHCP
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: demux0.1073741842
Interface type: Dynamic
Interface Set: otl01.xyz101-202
Underlying Interface: demux0.1073741841
Dynamic Profile Name: dhcp-profile
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:02
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: user :19
Session ID: 19
VLAN Id: 1100
Agent Remote ID: ABCD01234|100M|AAAA01234|otl01.xyz101-202

Login Time: 2017-03-29 10:30:46 PDT
DHCP Options: len 97
35 01 01 39 02 02 40 3d 07 01 00 10 94 00 00 02 33 04 00 00
17 70 0c 15 63 6c 69 65 6e 74 5f 50 6f 72 74 20 2f 2f 32 2f
32 2d 31 2d 31 37 05 01 06 0f 21 2c 52 2b 02 29 41 42 43 44
30 31 32 33 34 7c 31 30 30 4d 7c 41 41 41 41 30 31 32 33 34
7c 6f 74 6c 30 31 2e 78 79 7a 31 30 31 2d 32 30 32
IP Address Pool: POOL-V4

show subscribers extensive (DNS Addresses from Access Profile or Global Configuration)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers extensive
Type: DHCP
User Name: test-user@example-com
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Domain name server inet:
IPv6 Address: 2001:db8::1:11
Domain name server inet6: 2001:db8:5001::12 2001:db8:3001::12
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: ge-2/0/3.0
Interface type: Static
Underlying Interface: ge-2/0/3.0
MAC Address: 00:00:5E:00:53:00
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 5
Session ID: 5
Login Time: 2017-01-31 11:16:21 IST
DHCP Options: len 53
35 01 01 39 02 02 40 3d 07 01 00 10 94 00 00 03 33 04 00 00
00 3c 0c 16 63 6c 69 65 6e 74 5f 50 6f 72 74 20 2f 2f 35 2f
31 32 2d 30 2d 30 37 05 01 06 0f 21 2c
IP Address Pool: v4-pool

show subscribers extensive (DNS Addresses from RADIUS)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers extensive
Type: DHCP
User Name: test-user@example-com
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Primary DNS Address:
Secondary DNS Address:
IPv6 Address: 2001:db8::1:11
IPv6 Primary DNS Address: 2001:db8:5001::12
IPv6 Secondary DNS Address: 2001:db8:3001::12
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: ge-2/0/3.0
Interface type: Static
Underlying Interface: ge-2/0/3.0
MAC Address: 00:00:5E:00:53:00
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 5
Session ID: 5
Login Time: 2017-01-31 11:16:21 IST
DHCP Options: len 53
35 01 01 39 02 02 40 3d 07 01 00 10 94 00 00 03 33 04 00 00
00 3c 0c 16 63 6c 69 65 6e 74 5f 50 6f 72 74 20 2f 2f 35 2f
31 32 2d 30 2d 30 37 05 01 06 0f 21 2c
IP Address Pool: v4-pool

show subscribers extensive (IPv4 DNS Addresses from RADIUS, IPv6 from Access Profile or Global Configuration)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers extensive
Type: DHCP
User Name: test-user@example-com
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Primary DNS Address:
Secondary DNS Address:
IPv6 Address: 2001:db8::1:11
Domain name server inet6: 2001:db8:5001::12 2001:db8:3001::12
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: ge-2/0/3.0
Interface type: Static
Underlying Interface: ge-2/0/3.0
MAC Address: 00:00:5E:00:53:00
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 5
Session ID: 5
Login Time: 2017-01-31 11:16:21 IST
DHCP Options: len 53
35 01 01 39 02 02 40 3d 07 01 00 10 94 00 00 03 33 04 00 00
00 3c 0c 16 63 6c 69 65 6e 74 5f 50 6f 72 74 20 2f 2f 35 2f
31 32 2d 30 2d 30 37 05 01 06 0f 21 2c
IP Address Pool: v4-pool

show subscribers extensive (RPF Check Fail Filter)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers extensive
Type: VLAN
  Logical System: default
  Routing Instance: default
  Interface: ae0.1073741824
  Interface type: Dynamic
  Dynamic Profile Name: vlan-prof
  State: Active
  Session ID: 9
  VLAN Id: 100
  Login Time: 2011-08-26 08:17:00 PDT
  IPv4 rpf-check Fail Filter Name: rpf-allow-dhcp
  IPv6 rpf-check Fail Filter Name: rpf-allow-dhcpv6

show subscribers extensive (L2TP LNS Subscribers on MX Series Routers)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers extensive
Type: L2TP
User Name:
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: si-5/2/0.1073749824
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: dyn-lns-profile2
Dynamic Profile Version: 1
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 8001
Session ID: 8001
Login Time: 2011-04-25 20:27:50 IST
IPv4 Input Filter Name: classify-si-5/2/0.1073749824-in
IPv4 Output Filter Name: classify-si-5/2/0.1073749824-out

show subscribers extensive (IPv4 and IPv6 Dual Stack)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers extensive
Type: VLAN
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: demux0.1073741824
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: svlanProfile
State: Active
Session ID: 1
Stacked VLAN Id: 0x8100.1001
VLAN Id: 0x8100.1
Login Time: 2011-11-30 00:18:04 PST

Type: PPPoE
User Name:
IP Address:
IPv6 Prefix: 2001:db8:1::/32
IPv6 User Prefix: 2001:db8:1:1::/32
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: ASP-1
Interface: pp0.1073741825
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: dualStack-Profile1
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:02
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 2
Session ID: 2
Login Time: 2011-11-30 00:18:05 PST
IPv6 Delegated Network Prefix Length: 48
IPv6 Interface Address: 2001:db8:2016:1:1::1/64
IPv6 Framed Interface Id: 1:1:2:2
IPv4 Input Filter Name: FILTER-IN-pp0.1073741825-in
IPv4 Output Filter Name: FILTER-OUT-pp0.1073741825-out
IPv6 Input Filter Name: FILTER-IN6-pp0.1073741825-in
IPv6 Output Filter Name: FILTER-OUT6-pp0.1073741825-out

Type: DHCP
IPv6 Prefix: 2001:db8:1::/32
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: ASP-1
Interface: pp0.1073741825
Interface type: Static
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:02
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: test :3
Session ID: 3
Underlying Session ID: 2
Login Time: 2011-11-30 00:18:35 PST
DHCP Options: len 42
00 08 00 02 0b b8 00 01 00 0a 00 03 00 01 00 00 64 03 01 02
00 06 00 02 00 19 00 19 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00
IPv6 Delegated Network Prefix Length: 48

show subscribers extensive (ADF Rules )

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers extensive
   Service Session ID: 12
   Service Session Name: SERVICE-PROFILE
   State: Active
   Family: inet
     ADF IPv4 Input Filter Name: __junos_adf_12-demux0.3221225474-inet-in
                       Rule 0: 010101000b0101020b020200201811
                               from {
                                   protocol 17;
                               then {

show subscribers extensive (Effective Shaping-Rate)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers extensive
Type: VLAN
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: demux0.1073741837
Interface type: Dynamic
Interface Set: ifset-1
Underlying Interface: ae1
Dynamic Profile Name: svlan-dhcp-test
State: Active
Session ID: 1
Stacked VLAN Id: 0x8100.201
VLAN Id: 0x8100.201
Login Time: 2011-11-30 00:18:04 PST
Effective shaping-rate: 31000000k

show subscribers extensive (PPPoE Subscriber Access Line Rates)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers extensive
Type: PPPoE
 IP Address:
 IP Netmask:
 Logical System: default
 Routing Instance: default
 Interface: pp0.3221225475               
 Interface type: Dynamic
 Underlying Interface: demux0.3221225474
 Dynamic Profile Name: pppoe-client-profile-with-cos
 MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:02
 State: Active
 Radius Accounting ID: 4
 Session ID: 4
 PFE Flow ID: 14
 Stacked VLAN Id: 40
 VLAN Id: 1
 Agent Circuit ID: circuit0
 Agent Remote ID: remote0
 Login Time: 2017-04-06 15:52:32 PDT

 Logical System: default
 Routing Instance: isp-1-subscriber
 Interface: ge-1/2/4.3221225472
 Interface type: Dynamic
 Interface Set: ge-1/2/4
 Underlying Interface: ge-1/2/4
 Core IFL Name: ge-1/3/4.0
 Dynamic Profile Name: L2BSA-88a8-400LL1300VO
 State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 1
 Session ID: 1
 PFE Flow ID: 14
 VLAN Id: 13
 VLAN Map Id: 102
 Inner VLAN Map Id: 1
 Agent Circuit ID: circuit-aci-3
 Agent Remote ID: remote49-3
 Login Time: 2017-04-05 16:59:29 EDT
 Service Sessions: 4
 IFL Input Filter Name: L2BSA-CP-400LL1300VO-ge-1/2/4.3221225472-in
 IFL Output Filter Name: L2BSA-CP-400LL1300VO-ge-1/2/4.3221225472-out
 Accounting interval: 900
 DSL type: VDSL
 Frame/Cell Mode: Frame
 Overhead accounting bytes: -10
 Actual upstream data rate: 1024 kbps
 Actual downstream data rate: 4096 kbps
 Adjusted downstream data rate: 3686 kbps
  Dynamic configuration: 
   junos-vlan-map-id: 102
   Service Session ID: 5
   Service Session Name: SRL-L1
   State: Active
   Family: inet, inet6
   IFL Input Filter Name: L2BSA-FWF-in-10048-ge-1/2/4.3221225472-in
   IFL Output Filter Name: L2BSA-FWF-out-25088-ge-1/2/4.3221225472-out
   Service Activation time: 2017-04-05 16:59:30 EDT
   Dynamic configuration: 
     l2bsa-fwf-in: L2BSA-FWF-in-10048
     l2bsa-fwf-out: L2BSA-FWF-out-25088
     rldown: 25088
     rlup: 10048

show subscribers extensive (Subscriber Session Using PCEF Profile)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers extensive
Type: VLAN
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: demux0.3221225517
Interface type: Dynamic
Underlying Interface: ge-1/0/3
Dynamic Profile Name: svlan-dhcp
State: Active
Session ID: 59
PFE Flow ID: 71
Stacked VLAN Id: 0x8100.1
VLAN Id: 0x8100.2
Login Time: 2017-03-28 08:23:08 PDT

Type: DHCP
User Name: pcefuser
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: demux0.3221225518
Interface type: Dynamic
Underlying Interface: demux0.3221225517
Dynamic Profile Name: dhcp-client-prof
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:01
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 60
Session ID: 60
PFE Flow ID: 73
Stacked VLAN Id: 1
VLAN Id: 2
Login Time: 2017-03-28 08:23:08 PDT
Service Sessions: 1
DHCP Options: len 9
35 01 01 37 04 01 03 3a 3b
IP Address Pool: pool-ipv4
IPv4 Input Service Set: tdf-service-set
IPv4 Output Service Set: tdf-service-set
PCEF Profile: pcef-prof-1
PCEF Rule/Rulebase: default
Dynamic configuration:
  junos-input-service-filter: svc-filt-1
  junos-input-service-set: tdf-service-set
  junos-output-service-filter: svc-filt-1
  junos-output-service-set: tdf-service-set
  junos-pcef-profile: pcef-prof-1
  junos-pcef-rule: default

   Service Session ID: 61
   Service Session Name: pcef-serv-prof
   State: Active
   Family: inet
   IPv4 Input Service Set: tdf-service-set
   IPv4 Output Service Set: tdf-service-set
   PCEF Profile: pcef-prof-1
   PCEF Rule/Rulebase: limit-fb
   Service Activation time: 2017-03-28 08:31:19 PDT
   Dynamic configuration:
     pcef-prof: pcef-prof-1
     pcef-rule1: limit-fb
     svc-filt: svc-filt-1
     svc-set: tdf-service-set

show subscribers aci-interface-set-name detail (Subscriber Sessions Using Specified ACI Interface Set)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers aci-interface-set-name aci-1003-ge-1/0/0.4001 detail
Type: VLAN
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: ge-1/0/0.
Underlying Interface: ge-1/0/0.4001
Dynamic Profile Name: aci-vlan-set-profile
Dynamic Profile Version: 1
State: Active
Session ID: 13
Agent Circuit ID: aci-ppp-vlan-10
Login Time: 2012-03-12 10:41:56 PDT

Type: PPPoE
User Name: ppphint2
IP Address:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: pp0.1073741834
Interface type: Dynamic
Interface Set: aci-1003-ge-1/0/0.4001
Interface Set Type: Dynamic
Interface Set Session ID: 13
Underlying Interface: ge-1/0/0.4001
Dynamic Profile Name: aci-vlan-pppoe-profile
Dynamic Profile Version: 1
MAC Address: 
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 14
Session ID: 14
Agent Circuit ID: aci-ppp-vlan-10
Login Time: 2012-03-12 10:41:57 PDT

show subscribers agent-circuit-identifier detail (Subscriber Sessions Using Specified ACI Substring)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers agent-circuit-identifier aci-ppp-vlan detail
Type: VLAN	
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: ge-1/0/0.
Underlying Interface: ge-1/0/0.4001
Dynamic Profile Name: aci-vlan-set-profile
Dynamic Profile Version: 1
State: Active
Session ID: 13
Agent Circuit ID: aci-ppp-vlan-10
Login Time: 2012-03-12 10:41:56 PDT

Type: PPPoE
User Name: ppphint2
IP Address:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: pp0.1073741834
Interface type: Dynamic
Interface Set: aci-1003-ge-1/0/0.4001
Interface Set Type: Dynamic
Interface Set Session ID: 13
Underlying Interface: ge-1/0/0.4001
Dynamic Profile Name: aci-vlan-pppoe-profile
Dynamic Profile Version: 1
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:52
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 14
Session ID: 14
Agent Circuit ID: aci-ppp-vlan-10
Login Time: 2012-03-12 10:41:57 PDT

show subscribers id accounting-statistics

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers id 601 accounting-statistics
Session ID: 601
Accounting Statistics:
Input bytes : 199994
Output bytes : 121034
Input packets: 5263
Output packets: 5263
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0 

show subscribers interface accounting-statistics

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers interface pp0.3221226949 accounting-statistics
Session ID: 501
Accounting Statistics:
Input bytes : 199994
Output bytes : 121034
Input packets: 5263
Output packets: 5263
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0

Session ID: 502
Accounting Statistics:
Input bytes : 87654
Output bytes : 72108
Input packets: 3322
Output packets: 3322
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0

Session ID: 503
Accounting Statistics:
Input bytes : 156528
Output bytes : 123865
Input packets: 7448
Output packets: 7448
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0 

show subscribers interface extensive

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers interface demux0.1073741826 extensive
Type: VLAN
User Name:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: testnet
Interface: demux0.1073741826
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: profile-vdemux-relay-23qos
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:04
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 12
Session ID: 12
Stacked VLAN Id: 0x8100.1500
VLAN Id: 0x8100.2902
Login Time: 2011-10-20 16:21:59 EST

Type: DHCP
User Name:
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: testnet
Interface: demux0.1073741826
Interface type: Static
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:04
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 21
Session ID: 21
Login Time: 2011-10-20 16:24:33 EST
Service Sessions: 2

Service Session ID: 25
Service Session Name: SUB-QOS
State: Active

Service Session ID: 26
Service Session Name: service-cb-content
State: Active
IPv4 Input Filter Name: content-cb-in-demux0.1073741826-in
IPv4 Output Filter Name: content-cb-out-demux0.1073741826-out

show subscribers logical-system terse

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers logical-system test1 terse 
Interface       				IP Address/VLAN ID   User Name         LS:RI
demux0.1073741825         RETAILER1-CLIENT  test1:retailer1
demux0.1073741826         RETAILER2-CLIENT  test1:retailer2

show subscribers physical-interface count

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers physical-interface ge-1/0/0 count             
Total subscribers: 3998, Active Subscribers: 3998

show subscribers routing-instance inst1 count

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers routing-instance inst1 count              
Total Subscribers: 188, Active Subscribers: 183

show subscribers stacked-vlan-id detail

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers stacked-vlan-id 101 detail
Type: VLAN
Interface: ge-1/2/0.1073741824
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: svlan-prof
State: Active
Stacked VLAN Id: 0x8100.101
VLAN Id: 0x8100.100
Login Time: 2009-03-27 11:57:19 PDT

show subscribers stacked-vlan-id vlan-id detail (Combined Output)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers stacked-vlan-id 101 vlan-id 100 detail
Type: VLAN
Interface: ge-1/2/0.1073741824
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: svlan-prof
State: Active
Stacked VLAN Id: 0x8100.101
VLAN Id: 0x8100.100
Login Time: 2009-03-27 11:57:19 PDT

show subscribers stacked-vlan-id vlan-id interface detail (Combined Output for a Specific Interface)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers stacked-vlan-id 101 vlan-id 100 interface ge-1/2/0.* detail
Type: VLAN
Interface: ge-1/2/0.1073741824
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: svlan-prof
State: Active
Stacked VLAN Id: 0x8100.101
VLAN Id: 0x8100.100
Login Time: 2009-03-27 11:57:19 PDT

show subscribers user-name detail

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers user-name larry1 detail             
Type: DHCP
User Name: larry1
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: ge-1/0/0.1
Interface type: Static
Dynamic Profile Name: foo
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:01
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 1
Session ID: 1
Login Time: 2011-11-07 08:25:59 PST
DHCP Options: len 52
35 01 01 39 02 02 40 3d 07 01 00 10 94 00 00 01 33 04 00 00
00 3c 0c 15 63 6c 69 65 6e 74 5f 50 6f 72 74 20 2f 2f 32 2f
37 2d 30 2d 30 37 05 01 06 0f 21 2c

show subscribers vlan-id

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers vlan-id 100
Interface           IP Address                              User Name

show subscribers vlan-id detail

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers vlan-id 100 detail
Type: VLAN
Interface: ge-1/0/0.1073741824
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: vlan-prof-tpid
State: Active
VLAN Id: 100
Login Time: 2009-03-11 06:48:54 PDT

Type: VLAN
Interface: ge-1/2/0.1073741825
Interface type: Dynamic
Dynamic Profile Name: vlan-prof-tpid
State: Active
VLAN Id: 100
Login Time: 2009-03-11 06:48:54 PDT

show subscribers vpi vci extensive (PPPoE-over-ATM Subscriber Session)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers vpi 40 vci 50 extensive
Type: PPPoE
User Name: testuser
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: pp0.0
Interface type: Static
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:02
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 2
Session ID: 2
Login Time: 2012-12-03 07:49:26 PST
IP Address Pool: pool_1
IPv6 Framed Interface Id: 200:65ff:fe23:102

show subscribers address detail (Enhanced Subscriber Management)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers address detail
Type: DHCP
User Name: simple_filters_service
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: demux0.3221225482    
Interface type: Dynamic
Underlying Interface: demux0.3221225472
Dynamic Profile Name: dhcp-demux-prof
MAC Address: 00:00:5e:00:53:0f
State: Active
Radius Accounting ID: 11
Session ID: 11
PFE Flow ID: 15
Stacked VLAN Id: 210
VLAN Id: 209
Login Time: 2014-03-24 12:53:48 PDT
Service Sessions: 1
DHCP Options: len 3
35 01 01

show subscribers extensive (Tenant Systems)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host:TSYS1> show subscribers extensive
User Name: userX
+	Tenant: TSYS1
	Routing Instance: TSYS1-ri
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
Primary DNS Address:
Secondary DNS Address:
Dynamic Profile Name: radius
State: Active
Session ID: 1
Login Time: 2018-09-18 13:49:00 PDT

Sample Output for AGF

The following sample output shows subscribers connected to the AGF:

show subscribers extensive (DHCP on an FN-RG)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show subscribers extensive
Type: DHCP
User Name: USER2
IP Address:
Logical System: default
Routing Instance: default
Interface: demux0.3221230587
Interface type: Dynamic
Underlying Interface: demux0.3221230586
Dynamic Profile Name: dhcp-profile
MAC Address: 00:44:46:44:44:44
State: Active
DHCP Relay IP Address:
Radius Accounting ID: 5128
Session ID: 5128
PFE Flow ID: 5185
Stacked VLAN Id: 1
VLAN Id: 1
Agent Circuit ID: aci1
Agent Remote ID: ari1
Login Time: 2022-04-26 09:24:56 PDT
Service Sessions: 1
DHCP Options: len 9
35 01 01 37 04 01 03 3a 3b
DHCP Header: len 44
01 01 06 00 10 bd b4 93 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 44 46 44 44 44 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
AGF Mode: Adaptive
Local TEID-U: 10183810
Remote TEID-U: 6354992
GTPU Tunnel Remote IP Address:
GTPU Tunnel Local IP Address:
5G-QFI: 1
IPv6 Framed Interface Id: 0:7fff:ffff:eaa0
IPv4 Input Filter Name: RG-LWAC-V4-INPUT-FILTER-01-demux0.3221230587-in
IPv4 Output Filter Name: RG-LWAC-V4-OUTPUT-FILTER-01-demux0.3221230587-out
Access Line Attributes:
  Agent Circuit ID: aci1
  Agent Remote ID: ari1
Dynamic configuration: 
  junos-cos-guaranteed-rate: 1000000
  junos-cos-guaranteed-rate-burst: 250000
      junos-cos-scheduler: GOLD
          junos-cos-scheduler-shaping-rate: 200000000
          junos-cos-scheduler-tx: 200000000
  junos-cos-scheduler-map: DATA_VOICE_VIDEO_SMAP_UID1468
  junos-cos-shaping-rate: 200000000
  junos-cos-shaping-rate-burst: 50000
  junos-cos-traffic-control-profile: TRAFFIC_CONTROL_PROFILE
  junos-input-filter: RG-LWAC-V4-INPUT-FILTER-01
  junos-input-ipv6-filter: RG-LWAC-V6-INPUT-FILTER-01
  junos-output-filter: RG-LWAC-V4-OUTPUT-FILTER-01
  junos-output-ipv6-filter: RG-LWAC-V6-OUTPUT-FILTER-01
   Service Session ID: 5129
   State: Active
   Family: inet
   Service session type: Service-Profile
   IPv4 Input Filter Name: CAP-POLICER-demux0.3221230587-in
   IPv4 Output Filter Name: CAP-POLICER-demux0.3221230587-out
   Service Activation time: 2022-04-26 09:24:57 PDT
   Dynamic configuration: 
     bandwidth-limit: 200k
     burst-size-limit: 75k

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.3.

client-type, mac-address, subscriber-state, and extensive options introduced in Junos OS Release 10.2.

count option usage with other options introduced in Junos OS Release 10.2.

Options aci-interface-set-name and agent-circuit-identifier introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2.

The physical-interface and user-name options introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3.

Options vci and vpi introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3R3 and supported in later 12.3Rx releases.

Options vci and vpi supported in Junos OS Release 13.2 and later releases. (Not supported in Junos OS Release 13.1.)

Enhanced subscriber management supported in Junos OS Release 15.1R3 on MX Series routers.

accounting-statistics option added in Junos OS Release 15.1R3 and 17.4R1 on MX Series routers.

aggregation-interface-set-name option added in Junos OS Release 18.4R1 on MX Series routers.

sub-system added in Junos OS Release 22.3R1.
