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show services redundancy-group

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show services redundancy-group
<brief | extensive | terse>


Display redundancy group status information for all redundancy groups or a specified redundancy group.



(Optional) Name of a specific redundancy group.

brief | extensive | terse

(Optional) Display the specified level of output. When no level is specified, display terse level output.

  • Default: terse

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show services redundancy-group command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show services redundancy-group Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

ICCP process connection

Status of the connection between the srd and iccpd.

  • Connected

  • Not connected

all levels

Redundancy Group ID

Identifier of the redundancy group.

all levels

Number of peer RG connections

Total number of peers in the redundancy group.

brief, extensive

Local RG IP

IP address of the local redundancy group.

all levels



Local RS state

State of the local redundancy set.






Peer RS state

State of the peer redundancy set.






Peer RG IP

Peer redundancy group IP address.



Status of redundancy group connection with this peer.

  • Connected

  • Not Connected


Number of peer RG connections

Total number of peers in the redundancy group.


Redundancy Set ID

Identifier of the redundancy set.

brief, extensive

Connection status

Status of the connection between the srd and iccpd.

  • Connected

  • Not Connected

brief, extensive

Redundancy Set state

State of the local redundancy set state.





brief, extensive

Redundancy Set peer state

State of the peer redundancy set state.





brief, extensive

Redundancy Set health status

  • Passed

  • Failed

brief, extensive

Number of Monitored interface down

Number of monitored interfaces that are d

brief, extensive

Failed Interfaces

List of all monitored interfaces that are down.

brief, extensive

Service Set

Service set used for stateful sync.

brief, extensive

Service Interface

Service set used for

brief, extensive


Type of redundancy and stateful sync for the listed service interface.

  • Inter-chassis

  • Intra-chassis

brief, extensive


Role of the listed service interface.

  • active

  • backup

brief, extensive


Status of connection with peer service PIC.

  • Up

  • Down

brief, extensive


Type of synchronization. When all eligible sessions are still synchronizing, it is cold synchronization. When all current existing sessions are synchronized, it is a HOT synchronization, When long lived sessions are eligible, they are synchronized.

  • Hot—All current existing sessions are synced. When long-lived sessions are eligible, they are synchronized.

  • Cold–Eligible sessions are in the processing of synchronizing.

brief, extensive

ICCP process connection open complete count

Number of completed opens of ICCP process connections.


ICCP process connection close complete count

Number of completed closes of ICCP process connections.

ICCP packet sent count

Number of ICCP packets sent.


ICCP packet receive count

Number of ICCP packets received.


ICCP process keepalive receive count

Number of ICCP process keepalive messages received.


ICCP process keepalive sent count

Number of ICCP process keepalive messages sent.


ICCP redundancy group add count

Number of redundancy group add messages received by srd from ICCP.


ICCP redundancy group delete count

Number of redundancy group delete messages received by srd from ICCP.


RG connection up count

Number of redundancy group connection up messages received by srd from ICCP.


RG connection down count

Number of redundancy group connection down messages received by srd from ICCP.


RG join count

Number of redundancy group join messages sent from srd to ICCP.


RG data receive count

Number of packets of messages received by srd from a peer.


RG data sent count

Number of packets of messages sent from srd to a peer.


RG connect message sent count

Number of connect messages sent from srd to ICCP.


RG connect message receive count

Number of connect messages received by srd from ICCP.


RG disconnect message sent count

Number of disconnect messages sent from srd to ICCP.


RG disconnect message receive count

Number of disconnect messages received by srd from ICCP.


RG ack sent count

Number of RG ack messages sent.


RG nack sent count

Number of RG nack messages sent.


RG nack receive count

Number of RG nack messages received.


Transition Events Received

Number of transition events received in each of the following categories:

  • Acquire primary role auto

  • Acquire primary role manual

  • Release primary role auto

  • Release primary role manual


Transition Events Ignored

Number of transition events ignored in each of the following categories:

  • Acquire primary role auto

  • Acquire primary role manual

  • Release primary role auto

  • Release primary role manual

In a high-availability or redundancy pair of SDGs, in which one SDG is the primary and the other is the standby, when perform a double failover of the SDGs, the second failover event is not ignored, which is the expected behavior. The event is not disregarded because it arrives as a critical redundancy-event based on the redundancy-policy. However, because the SDG is already be in Standby state, the finite state machine transitions to the Standby-Warned state until it recovers. Therefore, the event is honored and not ignored. Although there was no primary role transition, it is because of a valid reason that the SDG is already in Standby state. The redundancy-event is associated with to a primary role release policy based on the configuration and the Release primary role field under the Transition Events Ignored column displays a number that corresponds to the redundancy event.

The services redundancy daemon (SRD) finite state machine quickly recovers (transitions from Standby-Warned to Standby) during restart-routing because the rpd restart-handling and recovery are fast and the following critical event is not ignored. However, disabling or deactivating the interface results in the FSM remaining in Standby-Warned until the interface is up. Any critical events during the time when the interface is down are ignored because the state is already Standby-Warned and does not transition to a different state. In summary, the following is the manner in which critical events are analyzed during state transitions:

  • Standby -> Standby Warned = Critical Event Not ignored [valid state transition]

  • Standby Warned -> Standby Warned = Critical Event Ignored [no state transition]


Monitored Events Received

Number of monitored events received in each of the following categories:

  • Link-down

  • Routing restart/terminate

  • Route update error

  • Peer primary-role-acquire

  • Peer primary-role-release


Monitored Events Ignored

Number of monitored events ignored in each of the following categories:

  • Link-down

  • Routing restart/terminate

  • Route update error

  • Peer primary-role-acquire

  • Peer primary-role-release


Sample Output

show services redundancy-group terse

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services redundancy-group terse 
ICCP process connection                : Connected

Redundancy Group ID              : 1
  Number of peer RG connections  : 1
  Local RG IP                    :
  RS ID     Local RS state     Peer RS state     Peer RG IP        Status
  1         MASTER             STANDBY       Connected

show services redundancy-group brief (Health Status Passed)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services redundancy-group brief 
ICCP process connection                  : Connected
Redundancy Group ID                      : 1
  Number of peer RG connections          : 1
  Local RG IP                            :
  Redundancy Set ID                      : 1
    Connection status                    : Connected
    Redundancy Set state                 : MASTER
    Redundancy Set peer state            : STANDBY
    Peer RG IP                           :
    Redundancy Set health status         : Passed
      Service Set : IPv6-SFW
        Service interface     Type              Role       Connection     Synchronization
        ms-1/3/0              Inter-chassis     active     Up             Hot

        ms-1/2/0              Inter-chassis     active     Up             Hot

        ms-1/1/0              Inter-chassis     active     Up             Hot

        ms-1/0/0              Inter-chassis     active     Up             Hot

      Service Set : NAPT44-SS1-SS4
        Service interface     Type              Role       Connection     Synchronization
        ms-1/3/0              Inter-chassis     active     Up             Hot

        ms-1/2/0              Inter-chassis     active     Up             Hot

        ms-1/1/0              Inter-chassis     active     Up             Hot

        ms-1/0/0              Inter-chassis     active     Up             Hot

show services redundancy-group brief (Health Status Failed)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services redundancy-group brief 
ICCP Process Connection                : Connected
Redundancy Group ID   : 1
  Number of Members   : 2
  Redundancy Set ID       : 1
    Remote IP address                             :
    Connection Status                              : Connected
    Redundancy Set State                        : STANDBY (WAIT)
    Redundancy Set Peer State               : MASTER
    Redundancy Set Health Status          : Failed
      Number of  Monitored interface down : 1             <<<<<<< Failure Reasons
      Failed Interfaces                                                          <<<<<<<  Name of the monitored interfaces which have gone  down
      Service Set : ss2
        Service Interface     Type                  Role           Connection     Synchronization
        ms-2/2/0                  Inter-chassis     backup     Up                     Hot
        ms-2/1/0                  Inter-chassis     backup     Down                Off
        ms-2/0/0                  Inter-chassis     backup     Down                Off
      Service Set : ss_new
        Service Interface     Type                  Role          Connection     Synchronization

show services redundancy-group extensive

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services redundancy-group extensive
ICCP process connection                        : Connected
ICCP process connection close count            : 0
ICCP process connection open complete count    : 1
ICCP packet sent count                         : 7303
ICCP packet receive count                      : 7321
ICCP process keepalive receive count           : 7253
ICCP process keepalive sent count              : 7253
ICCP redundancy group add count                : 0
ICCP redundancy group delete count             : 0
Redundancy Group ID                      : 1
  Number of peer RG connections          : 1
  Local RG IP                            :
  RG connection up count                 : 4
  RG connection down count               : 2
  RG join count                          : 4
  RG data receive count                  : 37
  RG data sent count                     : 0
  RG connect message sent count          : 4
  RG connect message receive count       : 4
  RG disconnect message sent count       : 0
  RG disconnect message receive count    : 4
  RG ack sent count                      : 4
  RG nack sent count                     : 0
  RG nack receive count                  : 4
  Redundancy Set ID                      : 1
    Connection status                    : Connected
    Redundancy Set state                 : MASTER
    Redundancy Set peer state            : STANDBY
    Peer RG IP                           :
    Redundancy Set health status         : Passed
      Service Set : IPv6-SFW
        Service interface     Type              Role       Connection     Synchronization
        ms-1/3/0              Inter-chassis     active     Up             Hot

        ms-1/2/0              Inter-chassis     active     Up             Hot

        ms-1/1/0              Inter-chassis     active     Up             Hot

        ms-1/0/0              Inter-chassis     active     Up             Hot

      Service Set : NAPT44-SS1-SS4
        Service interface     Type              Role       Connection     Synchronization
        ms-1/3/0              Inter-chassis     active     Up             Hot

        ms-1/2/0              Inter-chassis     active     Up             Hot

        ms-1/1/0              Inter-chassis     active     Up             Hot

        ms-1/0/0              Inter-chassis     active     Up             Hot

    Transition events              Received         Ignored
      Acquire mastership auto      3                0
      Acquire mastership manual    0                0
      Release mastership auto      3                0
      Release mastership manual    0                0

    Monitored events               Received         Ignored
      Link-down                    145              31
      Routing restart/abort        1                0
      Route update error           0                0
      Peer mastership-acquire      3                0
      Peer mastership-release      3                0

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 16.1.
