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show snmp stats-response-statistics

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show snmp stats-response-statistics

Syntax (PTX Series for Junos OS Evolved)

content_copy zoom_out_map
show snmp stats-response-statistics


Display statistics of SNMP statistics responses sent from the Packet Forwarding Engine during the MIB II process (mib2d).


This command has no options.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show snmp stats-response-statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show snmp stats-response-statistics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Average response time statistics

Display the average response time in milliseconds per protocol data unit (PDU) by snmpd. It includes the following information:

  • Stats Type—Type of SNMP statistics.

  • Stats Responses—Number of SNMP statistics responses received from the Packet Forwarding Engine.

  • Average Response Time—Average time taken to receive the statistics response from the Packet Forwarding Engine in milliseconds.

Bucket statistics

Information about SNMP statistics responses:

  • Bucket Type—Category of time intervals in which SNMP statistics responses are received from the Packet Forwarding Engine.

  • Stats Responses—Number of SNMP statistics responses received from the Packet Forwarding Engine.

Bad responses

Information about top 20 bad responses from a subagent:

  • Response—Time taken to receive the SNMP statistics response from the Packet Forwarding Engine in milliseconds.

  • Request Time—Date and time of SNMP request.

  • Key—Display the attribute of SNMP Stats Type. For example, in the case of SNMP statistics responses for interfaces, the Key value is SNMP ifIndex, and for firewalls, the Key value is the filter name.

Sample Output

show snmp stats-response-statistics

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show snmp stats-response-statistics
Average response time statistics:
Stats                Stats                    Average
Type                 Responses                Response
                                              Time (ms)
ifd(non ae)          34182                    175.48
ifd(ae)              0                        0.00
ifl(non ae)          5472                     5.40
ifl(ae)              0                        0.00
firewall             15                       1141.73

Bucket statistics:
Bucket               Stats
Type(ms)             Responses
0 - 10               39078                
11 - 50              588                  
51 - 100             0                    
101 - 200            0                    
201 - 500            1                    
501 - 1000           2                    
1001 - 2000          0                    
2001 - 5000          0                    
More than 5001       0                    

Bad responses:
Response        Request                Stats          Key
                Time                   Type
(ms)            (UTC)
927.80          2014-03-26 05:44:16    firewall       __default_arp_policer__
908.68          2014-03-26 05:44:16    firewall       __default_bpdu_filter__
421.00          2014-03-26 05:46:25    ifd(non ae)    504
49.76           2014-04-13 04:15:18    ifd(non ae)    503
49.62           2014-04-13 04:30:18    ifd(non ae)    504
48.52           2014-04-05 10:06:55    ifd(non ae)    504
47.61           2014-04-11 04:06:27    ifd(non ae)    505
47.38           2014-04-13 03:30:18    ifd(non ae)    501
47.22           2014-03-27 20:08:07    ifd(non ae)    502
46.26           2014-03-31 13:08:58    ifd(non ae)    506
46.00           2014-04-13 04:00:18    ifd(non ae)    503
45.95           2014-04-05 17:15:17    ifd(non ae)    503
45.75           2014-04-15 13:06:10    ifd(non ae)    507
45.60           2014-04-01 03:07:28    ifd(non ae)    517
45.56           2014-04-08 13:09:15    ifd(non ae)    502
45.23           2014-04-13 03:15:18    ifd(non ae)    501
45.15           2014-04-05 16:45:17    ifd(non ae)    501
44.74           2014-04-08 22:08:47    ifd(non ae)    505
44.10           2014-04-05 16:30:17    ifd(non ae)    501
44.00           2014-04-08 09:09:23    ifd(non ae)    524

Sample Output (PTX Series for Junos OS Evolved)

show snmp stats-response-statistics

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show snmp stats-response-statistics
Average response time statistics:
Stats                Stats                    Average
Type                 Responses                Response
                                              Time (ms)
ifd(non ae)          105                      1.31
ifd(ae)              0                        0.00
ifl(non ae)          70                       0.73
ifl(ae)              0                        0.00

Bucket statistics:
Bucket               Stats
Type(ms)             Responses
0 - 10               209                
11 - 50              20                  
51 - 100             0                    
101 - 200            0                    
201 - 500            0                    
501 - 1000           0                    
1001 - 2000          0                    
2001 - 5000          0                    
More than 5001       0                    

Bad responses:
Response        Request                Stats          Key
                Time                   Type
(ms)            (UTC)
34.49           2021-08-06 03:01:17    ifd(non ae)    529
10.62           2021-08-06 03:01:17    ifd(non ae)    530

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 14.2.
