interface-range name { member-range interface-name-fpc/pic/port to interface-name-fpc/pic/port; member interface-name-fpc/pic/port; member interface-name-fpc/[low-high]/*; member interface-name-fpc/[pic1,pic2,pic3...picN]/port /*Common config is added as part of interface-range definition, as follows*/ mtu 256; hold-time up 10; ether-options { flow-control; speed { 100m; } 802.3ad primary; } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit interfaces (QFX Series, ACX Series)]
Specify a set of identical interfaces as an interface
group, to which you can apply a common configuration to the entire
set of interfaces. This group can consist of both lexical member ranges
of interfaces specified using the member-range interface-type-fpc/pic/port to xx-fpc/pic/port
option (regex not supported), and
of individual or non-sequential members using the member interface-type-fpc/pic/port
option (with regex support to specify
the fpc/pic/port
member-range | Adds interfaces in lexical order. Regex is not supported.
member | To add individual interfaces or multiple interfaces using regex.
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0.