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show dhcp relay statistics

date_range 27-Nov-24


content_copy zoom_out_map
show dhcp relay statistics 
<logical-system logical-system-name>
<routing-instance routing-instance-name>


Syntax for EX Series switches:

content_copy zoom_out_map
show dhcp relay statistics 
<routing-instance routing-instance-name>


Display Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) relay statistics.



(Optional) Display information about DHCP relay bulk leasequery statistics.


(Optional) Display information about DHCP relay individual leasequery statistics.

logical-system logical-system-name

(On routers only) (Optional) Perform this operation on the specified logical system. If you do not specify a logical system name, statistics are displayed for the default logical system.

routing-instance routing-instance-name

(Optional) Perform this operation on the specified routing instance. If you do not specify a routing instance name, statistics are displayed for the default routing instance.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show dhcp relay statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show dhcp relay statistics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Packets dropped

Number of packets discarded by the extended DHCP relay agent application due to errors. Only nonzero statistics appear in the Packets dropped output. When all of the Packets dropped statistics are 0 (zero), only the Total field appears.

  • Total—Total number of packets discarded by the extended DHCP relay agent application.

  • Leasequery reply with older timestamp— Number of packets dropped when the binding information on the device has latest information compared to that of received in ALQ.

  • Leasequery reply aborted— Number of packets dropped when events like release or authorize disconnect are received during lease query processing.

  • Bad hardware address—Number of packets discarded because an invalid hardware address was specified.

  • Bad opcode—Number of packets discarded because an invalid operation code was specified.

  • Bad options—Number of packets discarded because invalid options were specified.

  • Invalid server address—Number of packets discarded because an invalid server address was specified.

  • Lease Time Violation—Number of packets discarded because of a lease time violation

  • No available addresses—Number of packets discarded because there were no addresses available for assignment.

  • No interface match—Number of packets discarded because they did not belong to a configured interface.

  • No routing instance match—Number of packets discarded because they did not belong to a configured routing instance.

  • No valid local address—Number of packets discarded because there was no valid local address.

  • Packet too short—Number of packets discarded because they were too short.

  • Read error—Number of packets discarded because of a system read error.

  • Send error— Number of packets that the extended DHCP relay application could not send to the receivers through the FreeBSD sendmsg ( ) function.

  • Option 60—Number of packets discarded containing DHCP option 60 vendor-specific information.

  • Option 82—Number of packets discarded because DHCP option 82 information could not be added.

Messages received

Number of DHCP messages received.

  • BOOTREQUEST—Number of BOOTP protocol data units (PDUs) received

  • DHCPDECLINE—Number of DHCP PDUs of type DECLINE received

  • DHCPDISCOVER—Number of DHCP PDUs of type DISCOVER received

  • DHCPINFORM—Number of DHCP PDUs of type INFORM received

  • DHCPRELEASE—Number of DHCP PDUs of type RELEASE received

  • DHCPREQUEST—Number of DHCP PDUs of type REQUEST received

  • DHCPLEASEACTIVE—Number of active DHCP leases

  • DHCPLEASEUNASSIGNED—Number of DHCP leases that are managed by the server but have not yet been assigned

  • DHCPLEASEUNKNOWN—Number of unknown DHCP leases

  • DHCPLEASEQUERYDONE—The leasequery is complete

Messages sent

Number of DHCP messages sent.

  • BOOTREPLY—Number of BOOTP PDUs transmitted

  • DHCPOFFER—Number of DHCP OFFER PDUs transmitted

  • DHCPACK—Number of DHCP ACK PDUs transmitted

  • DHCPNACK—Number of DHCP NACK PDUs transmitted


  • DHCPLEASEQUERY—Number of DHCP leasequery messages transmitted

  • DHCPLEASEBULKLEASEQUERY—Number of DHCP bulk leasequery messages transmitted

External Server Response

State of the external DHCP server responsiveness.

Packets forwarded

Number of packets forwarded.

  • BOOTREQUEST—Number of BOOTREQUEST protocol data units (PDUs) forwarded

  • BOOTREPLY—Number of BOOTREPLY protocol data units (PDUs) forwarded

External Server Response

State of the external DHCP server responsiveness.

Total Requested Servers

Total number of servers with which the DHCP relay agent has requested a bulk leasequery connection.

Total Attempted Servers

Total number of servers with which the DHCP relay agent has attempted to create a bulk leasequery connection.

Total Connected

Total number of servers that have formed a bulk leasequery connection with the DHCP relay agent.

Total Terminated by Server

Total number of servers that have terminated a bulk leasequery connection with the DHCP relay agent.

Total Max Attempted

Total number of servers where the DHCP relay agent reached the maximum retry limit when it attempted to create a bulk leasequery connection.

Total Closed due to Errors

Total number of bulk leasequery connections that closed due to an internal error on the DHCP relay agent.

In-Flight Connected

Number of current bulk leasequery connections on the DHCP relay agent.

Bulk Leaasequery Reply Packet Retries

Number of bulk leasequery reply packets that the DHCP relay agent has retried.

Sample Output

show dhcp relay statistics

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show dhcp relay statistics
Packets dropped:
    Total                      34
    Leasequery reply with older timestamp      7  
    Leasequery reply aborted                   12    
    Bad hardware address       1
    Bad opcode                 1
    Bad options                3
    Invalid server address     5
    Lease Time Violation       1
    No available addresses     1
    No interface match         2
    No routing instance match  9
    No valid local address     4
    Packet too short           2
    Read error                 1
    Send error                 1
    Option 60                  1
    Option 82                  2

Messages received:
    BOOTREQUEST                116
    DHCPDECLINE                0
    DHCPDISCOVER               11
    DHCPINFORM                 0
    DHCPRELEASE                0
    DHCPREQUEST                105
    DHCPLEASEACTIVE            0
    DHCPLEASEUNKNOWN           0

Messages sent:
    BOOTREPLY                  0
    DHCPOFFER                  2
    DHCPACK                    1
    DHCPNAK                    0
    DHCPFORCERENEW             0
    DHCPLEASEQUERY             0

Packets forwarded:
    Total                      4
    BOOTREQUEST                2
    BOOTREPLY                  2

External Server Response:
    State                      Responding

show dhcp relay statistics routing-instance (ACX Series)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@root> show dhcp relay statistics routing-instance tenant-a
Packets dropped:
    Total                      19
    Leasequery reply with older timestamp      7   
    Leasequery reply aborted                   12          

Messages received:
    BOOTREQUEST                80
    DHCPDECLINE                0
    DHCPDISCOVER               40
    DHCPINFORM                 0
    DHCPRELEASE                3
    DHCPREQUEST                37
    DHCPLEASEACTIVE            17
    DHCPLEASEUNKNOWN           101

Messages sent:
    BOOTREPLY                  179
    DHCPOFFER                  17
    DHCPACK                    22
    DHCPNAK                    7
    DHCPFORCERENEW             0
    DHCPLEASEQUERY             0
    DHCPLEASEACTIVE            32
    DHCPLEASEUNKNOWN           101

show dhcp relay statistics bulk-leasequery-connections

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show dhcp relay statistics bulk-leasequery-connections

Total Requested Servers:    0
Total Attempted Servers:    0
Total Connected:            0
Total Terminated by Server: 0
Total Max Attempted:        0
Total Closed due to Errors: 0
In-Flight Connected:        0
Bulk Leasequery Reply Packet Retries:   0

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 8.3.

bulk-leasequery-connections option introduced in Junos OS Release 16.1.
