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ignore-magic-number-mismatch (Dynamic Profiles)

date_range 09-Dec-23


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[edit dynamic-profiles profile-name interfaces  pp0 unit “$junos-interface-unit” ppp-options],
[edit dynamic-profiles profile-name interfaces  "$junos-interface-ifd-name" unit “$junos-interface-unit” ppp-options]


Prevent the Packet Forwarding Engine from performing a validation check for magic numbers received in LCP keepalive (Echo-Request/Echo-Reply) exchanges for dynamic PPP subscriber connections terminated at the router or for dynamic tunneled PPP subscribers on LNS inline service interfaces.

A mismatch occurs when the PPP magic number received from a remote peer in the keepalive exchange does not match the value agreed upon during LCP negotiation. Disabling the validation check prevents PPP from terminating the session when an unexpected number is received. Configuring this statement has no effect on LCP magic number negotiation or on the exchange of keepalives when the remote peer magic number is the expected negotiated number.

For dynamic PPP subscriber connections terminated at the router, configure the statement at the [edit dynamic-profiles profile-name interfaces pp0 unit “$junos-interface-unit” ppp-options] hierarchy level.

For dynamic tunneled PPP subscribers on LNS inline service interfaces, configure the statement at the [edit dynamic-profiles profile-name interfaces "$junos-interface-ifd-name" unit “$junos-interface-unit” ppp-options] hierarchy level.


Because magic number validation is not performed, the Packet Forwarding Engine does not detect whether the remote peer sends the local peer’s magic number, which would indicate a loopback or other network issue. This is considered to be an unlikely situation, because LCP negotiation completed successfully, meaning no loopback was present at that time.


You can also configure this behavior in an L2TP group profile that applies to tunneled PPP subscribers at the LNS. When PPP options are configured in both a group profile and a dynamic profile, the dynamic profile configuration takes complete precedence over the group profile when the dynamic profile includes one or more of the PPP options that can be configured in the group profile. Complete precedence means that there is no merging of options between the profiles. The group profile is applied to the subscriber only when the dynamic profile does not include any PPP option available in the group profile.

This means that ignore-magic-number-mismatch configured in a group profile is not applied when the dynamic profile includes any PPP option, even when the dynamic profile does not include ignore-magic-number-mismatch.


This statement is not supported on static interfaces.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 18.1R1.
