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Junos CLI Reference
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port-range port-range-low port-range-high;

Hierarchy Level

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Configure a contiguous block of ports as FC ports. You can configure the FC-capable ports xe-0/0/0 through xe-0/0/5 as fc-0/0/0 through fc-0/0/5, and ports xe-0/0/42 through xe-0/0/47 as fc-0/0/42 through fc-0/0/47 to create blocks of native FC interfaces. You cannot individually configure a single port as a native FC interface. Within these port blocks, you cannot mix FC interfaces with Ethernet interfaces. All of the ports in a block must be either native FC interfaces or Ethernet interfaces.

You can configure:

  • Six native FC interfaces by configuring either ports xe-0/0/0 through xe-0/0/5 as fc-0/0/0 through fc-0/0/5, or ports xe-0/0/42 through xe-0/0/47 as fc-0/0/42 through fc-0/0/47.

  • Twelve native FC interfaces by configuring ports xe-0/0/0 through xe-0/0/5 as fc-0/0/0 through fc-0/0/5 and ports xe-0/0/42 through xe-0/0/47 as fc-0/0/42 through fc-0/0/47.

  • No native FC interfaces by leaving ports xe-0/0/0 through xe-0/0/5 and ports xe-0/0/42 through xe-0/0/47 in their default state as Ethernet interfaces.


port-range-low—Lowest-numbered port in the block of native FC interfaces, either 0 or 42.

port-range-high—Highest-numbered port in the block of native FC interfaces. The value is 5 if the port-range-low value is 0. The value is 47 if the port-range-low value is 42.


Only a complete block of ports, xe-0/0/0 through xe-0/0/5, xe-0/0/42 through xe0/0/47, or both, can be configured as FC ports.

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1.
