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Junos CLI Reference
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{ "lLangCode": "en", "lName": "English", "lCountryCode": "us", "transcode": "en_US" }


date_range 20-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
lane [lane-number] {
        rx-cdr (off | on); 
        rx-output (off | on);
        rx-output-amplitude (1200mV | 400mV | 600mV | 800mV);
        rx-output-emphasis rx-output-e;
        rx-rate-select rx-rate-select;
        rx-squelch (off | on);
        tx-cdr (off| no); 
        tx-input-equalization-adaptive (off | on);
        tx-input-equalization-manual tx-input-manual;
        tx-laser (off | on);
        tx-rate-select tx-rate-select;
        tx-squelch (off | on);

Hierarchy Level

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit interfaces interface-name optics-options]


Configure the optical module parameters of QSFP (Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable) modules for a specific media lane number. The following QSFP modules are supported:

  • QSFP+ : 4 host lanes, supports 10g per lane, total bandwidth of 40g

  • QSFP28 : 4 host lanes, supports 25g per lane, total bandwidth of 100g

  • QSFP56 : 4 host lanes, supports 50g per lane, total bandwidth of 200g

  • QSFP28-DD : 8 host lanes, supports 25g per lane, total bandwidth of 200g

  • QSFP56-DD : 8 host lanes, supports 50g per lane, total bandwidth of 400g

The following specifications standardize how the host device interacts with the QSFP optical modules:

  • The 4-lane QSFP modules adhere to SFF-8636 management interface specification.

  • The 8-lane QSFP-DD modules adhere to CMIS (Common Management Interface Specification).

You can configure optical module parameters for QSFP28 and QSFP28-DD optical modules for Juniper qualified optics as well as third-party optics from Junos OS. You cannot configure optical module parameters for QSFP copper DAC (direct attach cables) or QSFP load modules.



Specifies the media lane number.

  • Range: 0 through 7

rx-cdr Controls receive clock and data recovery block of the optics.
  • Off—Receive clock and data recovery is disabled.

  • On—Receive clock and data recovery is enabled.

rx-output Controls receive output from the optics towards the host device.
  • Off—Receive output for optics is disabled.

  • On—Receive output for optics is enabled.

rx-output-amplitude Controls the amplitude of receive output for which equalization is to be applied.
  • 1200mV—No equalization for 600mV - 1200mV amplitude.

  • 400mV—No equalization for 100mV - 400mV amplitude.

  • 600mV—No equalization for 300mV - 600mV amplitude.

  • 800mV—No equalization for 400mV - 800mV amplitude.

rx-output-emphasis Equalization value (in dB) for receive output signal of the optics.
  • Range: 0 through 10

rx-rate-select Controls baud rate for receive output signal.
  • Range: 0 through 3

rx-squelch Squelch the receive output signal of optics.
  • Off—Receive output signal for the optics is disabled.

  • On—Receive output signal for the optics is enabled.

tx-cdr Controls transmit clock and data recovery block of the optics.
  • Off—Transmit clock and data recovery is disabled.

  • On—Transmit clock and data recovery is enabled.

tx-input-equalization-adaptive Controls adaptive equalization for optics transmit input.
  • Off—Adaptive equalization is disabled.

  • On—Adaptive equalization is enabled.

tx-input-equalization-manual Equalization value (in dB) for optics transmit input.
  • Range: 0 through 15

tx-laser Controls transmit laser block of the optics.
  • Off—Transmit laser is disabled.

  • On—Transmit laser is enabled.

tx-rate-select Controls baud rate for transmit input signal.
  • Range: 0 through 3

tx-squelch Squelch the transmit input signal of the optics.
  • Off—Transmit input signal for the optics is disabled.

  • On—Transmit input signal for the optics is enabled.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Evolved Release 21.1R1.
