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show rsvp statistics

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show rsvp statistics 
<instance instance-name>
<logical-system (all | logical-system-name)>

Syntax (EX Series Switches)

content_copy zoom_out_map
show rsvp statistics 


Display Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) packet and error statistics. The RSVP input/input module collects statistics for certain events on a per-interface basis. Most of these events were tracked on a routing-instance basis in Junos OS releases earlier than Release 17.2. The "show rsvp interface detail" command displays these event counters under the Events section of the output only when the values of these fields are higher than zero. These statistics are also maintained at the global level (per routing-instance) and are also displayed in the output of the "show rsvp statistics" command.



Display RSVP packet and error statistics.

instance instance-name

(Optional) Display RSVP packet and error statistics for the specified instance. If instance-name is omitted, RSVP statistics are displayed for the master instance.

logical-system (all |logical-system-name)

(Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show rsvp statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show rsvp statistics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Packet Type

Statistics about different RSVP messages.

Total Sent

Total number of packets sent since RSVP was enabled.

Total Received

Total number of packets received since RSVP was enabled.

Last 5 seconds Sent

Total number of packets sent in the last 5 seconds.

Last 5 seconds Received

Number of packets received in the last 5 seconds.


Statistics about Path messages, which are sent from the RSVP sender along the data paths and which store path state information in each node along the path.


Statistics about PathErr messages, which are advisory messages that are sent upstream to the sender.


Statistics about PathTear messages, which remove path states and dependent reservation states in any routing devices along a path.

Resv FF

Statistics about fixed-filter reservation style messages, which consist of distinct reservations among explicit senders.

Resv WF

Statistics about wildcard-filter reservation style messages, which consist of shared reservations among wildcard senders.

Res SE

Statistics about shared-explicit reservation style messages, which consist of shared reservations among explicit senders.


Statistics about ResvErr messages, which are advisory messages that are sent when an attempt to establish a reservation fails.


Statistics about ResvTear messages, which remove reservation states along a path.


Statistics about ResvConfirm messages, which are responses to confirm a reservation request.


Acknowledge message for refresh reductions.


Summary refresh messages.


Number of RSVP hello packets that have been sent to and received from the neighbor.

EndtoEnd RSVP

Statistics for the number of End-to-end RSVP messages.


Statistics about errored RSVP packets.

Rcv pkt bad length

The packet was not processed because its length is inappropriate.

Rcv pkt unknown type

The packet is not one of the well-known RSVP types, as defined in RFC 2205, Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP).

Rcv pkt bad version

The packet is not an RSVP version 1 packet.

Rcv pkt auth fail

The packet failed authentication checks.

Rcv pkt bad checksum

The RSVP checksum check failed.

Rcv pkt bad format

General packet processing failed because the packet was badly formed.

Memory allocation fail

An internal resource failure occurred.

No path information

A reservation was received, but no sender is active.

Resv style conflict

The same session contains inconsistent reservation styles.

Port conflict

There were inconsistent port numbers for the same session.

Resv no interface

An interface for the receive reservation packets cannot be located.

PathErr to client

Number of PathErr packets delivered to the local client.

ResvErr to client

Number of ResvErr packets delivered to the local client.

Path timeout

Number of times the sender timed out because the path was removed.

Resv timeout

Number of times the receiver timed out because the reservation was removed.

Message out-of-order

Records the number of RSVP incoming messages that are considered out of order. This is detected from the message ID object’s sequence number.

Unknown ack msg

A neighboring routing device replies with an ACK object that contains an unknown message ID. This can indicate a message ID handshake problem. For example, a router receives an ACK for message IDs 1, 2, and 3. However, it only has state for message IDs 1 and 3. The router increments the unknown ack counter by 1.

Recv nack

If a neighboring router receives an unknown message ID in an RSVP refresh message, the router sends a Resv nack message back to the sender. This can happen if that neighbor has been rebooted. For this case, the router sends a regular RSVP refresh message to recover the state and start the message-ID handshake process again.

Recv duplicated msg-id

Number of times the same message ID is used by two different RSVP messages. This duplication is usually caused when a neighboring routing device restarts.

No TE-link to recv Hop

Counter of packets discarded because a TE link was not found.

Rcv pkt disabled interface

Number of RSVP packets received on an interface that is not enabled for RSVP.

Transmit buffer full

Number of times the buffer for assembling an outgoing RSVP message was not large enough.

Transmit failure

Number of times the RSVP task failed to send out a packet.

Receive failure

Number of times the RSVP task failed to read an incoming packet.

P2MP RESV discarded by appl

Number of Resv messages discarded because the MPLS label is not valid for the P2MP LSP application.

Rate limit

Number of RSVP packets dropped due to rate limiting.

Err msg loop detected

Number of RSVP error messages that have looped back to their originator. This is detected by checking the error node address in the ERROR_SPEC object.

Sample Output

show rsvp statistics

Starting in Junos OS Release 16.1, this command also shows conditional PathTear statistics and the number of times an LSP state has been retained because of Link Protecting Merge Point (LP-MP) or Node Protecting Merge Point (NP-MP) determination.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show rsvp statistics 
   PacketType              Total                  Last 5 seconds
                    Sent      Received        Sent      Received
   Path               355           408           0             0
   PathErr              2            13           0             0
   PathTear           101           139           0             0
   Resv FF              0             0           0             0
   Resv WF              0             0           0             0
   Resv SE            419           225           0             0
   ResvErr              0             0           0             0
   ResvTear             0            13           0             0
   ResvConf             0             0           0             0
   Bundle             455           378           0             0
   Ack                682          1414           0             0
   SRefresh        395198        236030           5             2
   Hello           578809        578221           4             4
   EndtoEnd RSVP        0             0           0             0
   Node Hello          50            50           0             0
   PathTear(Condl.)     0             3           0             0  

   Errors                          Total            Last 5 seconds
   Rcv pkt bad length                0                         0
   Rcv pkt unknown type              0                         0
   Rcv pkt bad version               0                         0
   Rcv pkt auth fail                 0                         0
   Rcv pkt bad checksum              0                         0
   Rcv pkt bad format                0                         0
   Memory allocation fail            0                         0
   No path information              10                         0
   Resv style conflict               0                         0
   Port conflict                     0                         0
   Resv no interface                 0                         0
   PathErr to client                38                         0
   ResvErr to client                 0                         0
   Path timeout                      8                         0
   Resv timeout                     57                         0
   Message out-of-order              0                         0
   Unknown ack msg                2978                         0
   Recv nack                        86                         0
   Recv duplicated msg-id            5                         0
   No TE-link to recv Hop            0                         0
   Rcv pkt disabled interface        0                         0
   Transmit buffer full              0                         0
   Transmit failure                  0                         0
   Receive failure                   0                         0
   P2MP RESV discarded by appl       0                         0
   Rate limit                      306                         0
   Err msg loop detected             0                         0
   MP Path LP-avail rcved             0                         0
   MP Path NP-avail rcved             0                         0
   PLR bk RSB life ext                0                         0
   MP bk PSB life ext                 0                         0
   LP-MP state retained on failure    0                         0
   NP-MP state retained on failure    0                         0
   Fast refresh skipped               0                         0
   MP bk Srefresh Nack rcved          0                         0
   RSB life extended for nh FRR       0                         0 

show rsvp statistics

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show rsvp statistics
PacketType              Total                  Last 5 seconds
                   Sent      Received        Sent      Received
  Path                21             0           0             0
  PathErr              0             4           0             0
  PathTear             9             0           0             0
  Resv                 0             9           0             0
  ResvErr              0             0           0             0
  ResvTear             0             2           0             0
  ResvConf             0             0           0             0
  Bundle              28             2           0             0
  Hello           172814        172802           5             5
  Ack                 11            12           0             0
  Srefresh           142           143           0             0
  Notify               0             0           0             0
  Unknown              0             0           0             0
  EndtoEnd RSVP        0             0           0             0
  Backup Path          0             0           0             0
  Backup Tear          0             0           0             0
  Cnd PathTear         0             0           0             0
  Rmt PathTear         0             0           0             0
  Rmt Backup           0             0           0             0

  Errors                          Total            Last 5 seconds
  Rcv pkt bad length                 0                         0
  Rcv pkt unknown type               0                         0
  Rcv pkt bad version                0                         0
  Rcv pkt auth fail                  0                         0
  Rcv pkt bad checksum               0                         0
  Rcv pkt bad format                 0                         0
  Message out-of-order               0                         0
  Unknown msg-id ack                 0                         0
  Unknown msg-id nack                0                         0
  Rcv msg-id nack                    0                         0
  Rcv pkt disabled interface         0                         0
  Transmit failure                   3                         0
  Memory allocation fail             0                         0
  ID allocation failed               0                         0
  No path information                0                         0
  Resv style conflict                0                         0
  Port conflict                      0                         0
  Resv no interface                  0                         0
  PathErr to client                  4                         0
  ResvErr to client                  0                         0
  Path timeout                       0                         0
  Resv timeout                       0                         0
  No TE-link to recv Hop             0                         0
  Transmit buffer full               0                         0
  P2MP RESV discarded by app         0                         0
  Rate limit                         0                         0
  Err msg loop detected              0                         0
  MP Path LP-avail rcved             0                         0
  MP Path NP-avail rcved             0                         0
  PLR bk RSB life ext                0                         0
  RSB life ext for nh FRR            0                         0
  MP pri PSB life ext LP             0                         0
  Rcvd state rejected                0                         0
  No matching senders                0                         0
  Del from client                    5                         0

  Enhanced FRR Stats              Total            Last 5 seconds
  LP-MP LSPs retained                0                         0
  NP-MP LSPs retained                0                         0
  Non-MP LSPs deleted                0                         0
  LSPs deleted on Phop down          0                         0
  LSPs deleted on PPhop down         0                         0
  LP avail signaled LSPs             0                         0
  NP avail signaled LSPs             0                         0
  NP flag reset for Phop             0                         0
  LSPs retained on Cnd tear          0                         0
  Upstr long refresh LSPs            0                         0
  Upstr short refresh LSPs           0                         0
  Dnstr long refresh LSPs            6                         0
  Dnstr short refresh LSPs           0                         0
  PathTear ignored on MP             0                         0
  RRO change Remote PathTear         0                         0
  Primary down Rmt PathTear          0                         0

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

instance option added in Junos OS Release 15.1 for the MX Series.
