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show chassis scb-ha-port



On SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices, this command displays information about switch control board (SCB) HA control port 0 small form-factor pluggable (SFP) of the local node in chassis cluster. The supported SCB versions are SRX5K SCB3 and SCB4 and SFP types are SFPP-10GE-LR and SFPP-10GE-SR.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show chassis scb-ha-port statistics command.

Table 1: SCB HA Port Statistics

Field Name

Field Description

Control ports optics basic information

  • Port—Specifies control port number.

  • Cable type—Specifies the type of cable.

  • Fiber type—Specifies the fiber type.

  • Xcvr vendor—Specifies the vendor details.

  • Xcvr vendor part number—Specifies the part number.

  • Wave-length—Specifies the wave length.

  • Xcvr Firmware—Specifies the firmware version.

  • JNPR Rev—Specifies the revision number.

  • MSA Version—Specifies the MSA version.

Control ports optics diagnostics information: Control port 0

  • Laser bias current—Specifies the power details.

  • Laser output power—Specifies the power details.

  • Module temperature—Specifies the power details.

  • Module voltage—Specifies the power details.

  • Laser receiver power—Specifies the power details.

  • Alarm/warning flags implemented—Displays alarm On or Off status.

  • Laser bias current high alarm / low alarm / high warning / low warning—Displays alarm On or Off status.

  • Laser output power high alarm / low alarm / high warning / low warning—Displays alarm On or Off status

  • Module temperature high alarm / low alarm / high warning / low warning—Displays alarm On or Off status.

  • Module voltage high alarm / low alarm / high warning / low warning—Displays alarm On or Off status.

  • Laser rx power high alarm / low alarm / high warning / low warning—Displays alarm On or Off status.

  • Laser bias current high alarm threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Laser bias current low alarm threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Laser bias current high warning threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Laser bias current low warning threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Laser output power high alarm threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Laser output power low alarm threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Laser output power high warning threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Laser output power low warning threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Module temperature high alarm threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Module temperature low alarm threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Module temperature high warning threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Module temperature low warning threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Module voltage high alarm threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Module voltage low alarm threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Module voltage high warning threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Module voltage low warning threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Laser rx power high alarm threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Laser rx power low alarm threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Laser rx power high warning threshold—Specifies the power details.

  • Laser rx power low warning threshold—Specifies the power details.

Sample Output

show chassis scb-ha-port statistics

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 23.2R1.