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show mpls label usage

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show mpls label usage
<label label value>
<label-range range-start range-end>
<logical-system  (all | logical-sytem-name)>


Show the available label space resource in RPD and also the applications that use the label space in RPD. There are four different label spaces currently used in MPLS—namely LSI, dynamic, block, and static. Each label space has a fixed number and cannot grow beyond the fixed value. Using this command, the administrator can monitor the available labels in each label space and the applications that are using the labels. Based on the availability of labels, the administrator can decide to stop any service and free some labels or use other service where the labels are available.

Starting in Junos OS Release 17.2, you can configure the enhanced-ip command, which is supported on platforms using Modular Port Concentrators (MPCs) equipped with Junos Trio chipsets. You can also separate the MPLS labels used for different label spaces which provides more flexibility and scalability.

When you set each member router’s network services to enhanced-ip, only MPC or Modular Interface Cards (MICs) modules and Multiservices Dense Port Concentrator (MS-DPC) modules are powered on in the chassis. Non-service DPCs do not work with enhanced IP network services.



Display the available labels in each label space and the applications using the labels.

label label value

(Optional) Display the information about which label value is used by which protocol, if any.

label-range range-start range-end

(Optional) Display the complete information about the label-range specified. WIth the enhanced-ip command enabled on the supported device, effective ranges and configured ranges along with details of different label spaces such as LSI, dynamic, block, and static types are displayed.

logical-system (all |logical-system-name)

(Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system.

Additional Information

Once the label space crosses the threshold, a new syslog message is added.

<label-space-name> label space usage crossed threshold limit of 90%.

For instance, LSI label space usage crossed threshold limit of 90%.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show mpls label usage command. Output fields are listed in the order in which they appear.

Table 1: show mpls label usage Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Label Space

Indicates the different types of labels currently used in MPLS.


Indicates the total label space available.


Indicates the number of freely available labels and also the percentage of the label space available.


Indicates the applications that use the MPLS label spaces.

Effective Ranges

Indicates actual ranges in use, which can be different from configured ranges, if conflicting with label already allocated.

Configured Ranges

Indicates the currently configured range assigned to different label spaces on the device.

Sample Output

show mpls label usage

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show mpls label usage
Label space Total   Available        Applications
LSI         999984  999971 (100.00%) BGP/LDP VPLS with no-tunnel-services, BGP L3VPN with vrf-table-label
Block       999984  999971 (100.00%) BGP/LDP VPLS with tunnel-services, BGP L2VPN
Dynamic     999984  999971 (100.00%) RSVP, LDP, PW, L3VPN, RSVP-P2MP, LDP-P2MP, MVPN, EVPN, BGP
Static      48576   48576  (100.00%) Static LSP, Static PW

With enhanced-ip enabled on the supported device, you get the following additional output.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show mpls label usage
Label space Total   Available        Applications
LSI         996983  996983 (100.00%) BGP/LDP VPLS with no-tunnel-services, BGP L3VPN with vrf-table-label
Block       996983  996983 (100.00%) BGP/LDP VPLS with tunnel-services, BGP L2VPN
Dynamic     996983  996983 (100.00%) RSVP, LDP, PW, L3VPN, RSVP-P2MP, LDP-P2MP, MVPN, EVPN, BGP
Static      48576   48576  (100.00%) Static LSP, Static PW
Effective Ranges
Range name  Shared with Start   End
Dynamic     16      999
Dynamic     4001    999999
Static      1000000 1048575
SRGB        1000    2999     OSPF
SRGB        3000    4000     GLOBAL
Configured Ranges
Range name  Shared with Start   End
Dynamic     16      999
Dynamic     4001    999999
Static      1000000 1048575
SRGB        1000    2999     OSPF
SRGB        3000    4000     GLOBAL

user@host> show mpls label usage label 101
Label 101 is used by protocol BGP
user@host> show mpls label usage label 102
Label 102 is used by protocol LDP
user@host> show mpls label usage label 103
Label 103 is not allocated to any protocol

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1.

Support for the label statement added in Junos OS Release 17.2.

Support for the label-range statement added in Junos OS Release 17.2.
