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show system subscriber-management resiliency

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show system subscriber-management resiliency


Display information that indicates the health and relationship of session database replication between the primary and standby Routing Engines.



(Optional) Displays brief information about the shared memory state for the primary and standby Routing Engines.


(Optional) Displays very detailed statistics for the SDB components in shared memory for the primary and standby Routing Engines, enabling you to evaluate the state of replication between the two.


(Optional) Displays only an indication of whether the system is okay (replication is normal) or has some unexpected condition.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show system subscriber-management resiliency command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show system subscriber-management resiliency Output

Field Name

Field Description


Overall Status

Indicates the condition of the system:

  • Ok—The system is functioning normally.

  • Not-Ok—An unexpected condition has been discovered. This status may require investigation by the Juniper Networks Technical Assistance Center (JTAC) to confirm whether anything is wrong and the root cause of the status.


shared memory type

One of the following types of shared memory objects:

  • mmap—Memory-mapped file that stores the hash or entry data for an MMDB.

  • mmap Database (MMDB)–Memory-mapped database that uses memory-mapped files to store the MMDB hash and entry data. Each MMDB typically stores a type of statistic, such as statistics related logical interfaces, logical interface sets, or subscribers.

  • Shared Memory Segment—An operating system object that is a chunk of contiguous shared memory.

Total—Number of memory objects of all types.



Number of shared memory instances of a type.


mapped bytes

Number of bytes mapped into process space.



Memory-mapped file information.



File path including the filename of the shared memory object.

For MMFs, the filename is the name of its associated MMDB and a suffix to indicate whether it stores hash or data.

For MMDBs, the filename indicates the type of statistics stored in the database.


Current Bytes

Current total size of the shared memory object.


Maximum Bytes

Maximum size of the shared memory object.


Mapped Bytes

Number of bytes mapped into process space.


Lock Count

Number of times the shared memory object has been locked by a global, inter-process lock.


Contention Count

Number of times that a process or thread object waited to lock a shared memory object because a different process or thread already has the lock. This is a global, inter-process lock.


Lock Wait Secs

How long a process or thread taking a global, inter-process lock waited because a different process or thread already had the lock.


mmap Count

Number of times that parts of the overall memory mapped data have been mapped.


Shared Memory Segments

Information about the shared memory segments; each segment is a chunk of contiguous shared memory.


Size in Bytes

Number of bytes in the shared memory segment.



Information about the memory-mapped file databases that use memory-mapped files to store data (typically statistics associated with interfaces and subscribers).


Hash Entries

Number of different hash entries a key could be hashed to in this table.


PLock Count

Number of times the MMDB shared memory object has been locked by a process-level, intra-process lock.


PLock Contention Count

Number of times that a process or thread object waited to lock a shared memory object because a different process or thread already has the lock. This is a process-level, intra-process lock.


PLock Wait Secs

How long a process or thread taking a process-level, intra-process lock waited because a different process or thread already had the lock.


Sample Output

show system subscriber-management resiliency (Summary)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show system subscriber-management resiliency summary
Overall Status: Ok

show system subscriber-management resiliency (Detail)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show system subscriber-management resiliency detail
shared memory type             count mapped bytes
mmap                              43    195027200
mmap Database (MMDB)               9    (in mmap)
Shared Memory Segment              6     39163504
Total                             58    234190704
shared memory type             count mapped bytes
mmap                              41    192930048
mmap Database (MMDB)               9    (in mmap)
Shared Memory Segment              6     39163504
Total                             56    232093552

show system subscriber-management resiliency (Extensive)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show system subscriber-management resiliency extensive
      Name                                                         Current Bytes Maximum Bytes Mapped bytes   Lock Count Lock Contention Count   Lock Wait Secs   mmap Count
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-stats-db_hash                             15736832       15736832     15736832           17                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-stats-db_data                           1139015680     9112125440      2097152           17                     0         0.000000           18
      /mfs/var/mmcq/mmdb_rep_mmcq                                        1048576      104857600      1048576           25                     1         0.011021            0
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-ifl-db_hash                                  28672          28672        28672           17                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-ifl-db_data                               33554432      536870912      4194304           17                     0         0.000000           18
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-iflset-db_hash                               28672          28672        28672           17                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-iflset-db_data                            33554432      536870912      4194304           17                     0         0.000000           18
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/sdb.head                                        7680256        7680256      7680256       384006                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/                                 1620049920     8589934592     20971520           41                     0         0.000000           60
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/sdb_sts_data                                   51216384       51216384     51216384        20012                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/sdb_intf.db                                      409600         409600       409600            0                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/subscriber_hash                                 2408448        2408448      2408448           21                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/subscriber_data                                33554432      536870912      2097152           22                     0         0.000000           22
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/service_hash                                    2408448        2408448      2408448           21                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/service_data                                   33554432      536870912      2097152           22                     0         0.000000           22
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/interface_hash                                    28672          28672        28672           21                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/interface_data                                 33554432      536870912      4194304          109                     0         0.000000           22
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/interface_set_hash                                28672          28672        28672           21                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/interface_set_data                             33554432      536870912      4194304           22                     0         0.000000           22
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/mobile_subs_location_hash                       1208320        1208320      1208320           21                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/mobile_subs_location_data                      33554432      536870912      2097152           22                     0         0.000000           22
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/mobile_subscriber_hash                          1208320        1208320      1208320           21                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/mobile_subscriber_data                         33554432      536870912      2097152           21                     0         0.000000           22
      /mfs/var/mmq/mmq_queue                                              126976         126976       126976            5                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmq/mmq_heap                                              5120000        5120000      5120000            4                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/sdb_bbe_mmcq                                        25165824      318767104     25165824           21                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/authdRxQueue                                         1048576       20971520      1048576            6                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/pppdRxQueue                                          1048576       20971520      1048576            4                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/bbeStatsdGetCollector                                1048576       20971520      1048576           16                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmdb/mmdb_ack_registry                                       8192           8192         8192          141                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/mmdb_ackq_bbe-statsd                                 1048576       67108864      1048576            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/jdchpdAccountingClientApp                            1048576       20971520      1048576            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/ss/                                         16777216     2147483648      4194304          262                     0         0.000000           18
      /mfs/var/tmp/bbe_throttle_control                                     8192           8192         8192            7                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/statsPluginGCClient                                  1048576       20971520      1048576            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/sdb_reg_info                                       8192           8192         8192            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/sdb_reg_q_bbe-statsd                                16777216       16777216     16777216            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/jl2tpdCliRxQ                                         1048576       20971520      1048576            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/jl2tpdSnmpRxQ                                        1048576       20971520      1048576            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/authd                                                1048576       20971520      1048576            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/jpppdAccountingClientApp                             1048576       20971520      1048576            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/mmdb_mmcq_0                                          1048576      104857600      1048576           42                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/ss/domain.0                                                409600     4294967295       409600      6400000                  3037         0.002642            0
   Shared Memory Segments:
      Name                                                         Size in Bytes
      /mfs/var/shmlog/shmlog                                            39071744
      sdb_rsmon_shared_memory                                              22536
      sdb_rsmon_ae_table                                                    4096
      sdb_rsmon_ps_table                                                   60008
      sdb_rsmon_rlt_table                                                   1024
      sdb_bbe_rep_mailbox                                                   4096
      Name                                                           Hash Entries   Lock Count Lock Contention Count   Lock Wait Secs   PLock Count PLock Contention Count   PLock Wait Secs
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-stats-db                                     655360      7208990                     0         0.000000       1966111                      0          0.000000
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-ifl-db                                         1000        11024                     0         0.000000          3025                      0          0.000000
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-iflset-db                                      1000        11024                     0         0.000000          3025                      0          0.000000
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/subscriber                                        100000      1400010                     2         0.043705        400012                      0          0.000000
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/service                                           100000      1400010                     0         0.000000        400012                      0          0.000000
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/interface                                           1000        14430                     0         0.000000          4427                      0          0.000000
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/interface_set                                       1000        14010                     0         0.000000          4012                      0          0.000000
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/mobile_subs_location                               50000       700018                     0         0.000000        200020                      0          0.000000
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/mobile_subscriber                                  50000       700010                     0         0.000000        200012                      0          0.000000
   Total Mapped Bytes                                              234190704
      Name                                                         Current Bytes Maxiumum Bytes Mapped bytes   Lock Count Lock Contention Count   Lock Wait Secs   mmap Count
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-stats-db_hash                             15736832       15736832     15736832           13                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-stats-db_data                           1139015680     9112125440      2097152           13                     0         0.000000           14
      /mfs/var/mmcq/mmdb_rep_mmcq                                        1048576      104857600      1048576           15                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-ifl-db_hash                                  28672          28672        28672           13                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-ifl-db_data                               33554432      536870912      4194304           13                     0         0.000000           14
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-iflset-db_hash                               28672          28672        28672           13                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-iflset-db_data                            33554432      536870912      4194304           13                     0         0.000000           14
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/sdb.head                                        7680256        7680256      7680256       384005                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/                                 1620049920     8589934592     20971520           11                     0         0.000000           20
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/sdb_sts_data                                   51216384       51216384     51216384        17510                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/sdb_intf.db                                      409600         409600       409600            0                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/subscriber_hash                                 2408448        2408448      2408448            5                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/subscriber_data                                33554432      536870912      2097152            4                     0         0.000000            6
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/service_hash                                    2408448        2408448      2408448            5                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/service_data                                   33554432      536870912      2097152            4                     0         0.000000            6
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/interface_hash                                    28672          28672        28672            5                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/interface_data                                 33554432      536870912      4194304            4                     0         0.000000            6
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/interface_set_hash                                28672          28672        28672            5                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/interface_set_data                             33554432      536870912      4194304            4                     0         0.000000            6
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/mobile_subs_location_hash                       1208320        1208320      1208320            5                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/mobile_subs_location_data                      33554432      536870912      2097152            4                     0         0.000000            6
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/mobile_subscriber_hash                          1208320        1208320      1208320            5                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/mobile_subscriber_data                         33554432      536870912      2097152            4                     0         0.000000            6
      /mfs/var/mmq/mmq_queue                                              126976         126976       126976            4                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmq/mmq_heap                                              5120000        5120000      5120000            3                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/sdb_bbe_mmcq                                        25165824      318767104     25165824           11                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/authdRxQueue                                         1048576       20971520      1048576            6                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/pppdRxQueue                                          1048576       20971520      1048576            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/bbeStatsdGetCollector                                1048576       20971520      1048576           14                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmdb/mmdb_ack_registry                                       8192           8192         8192            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/mmdb_ackq_bbe-statsd                                 1048576       67108864      1048576            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/jdchpdAccountingClientApp                            1048576       20971520      1048576            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/ss/                                         16777216     2147483648      4194304          261                     0         0.000000           16
      /mfs/var/tmp/bbe_throttle_control                                     8192           8192         8192            6                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/statsPluginGCClient                                  1048576       20971520      1048576            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/sdb_reg_info                                       8192           8192         8192            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/sdb_reg_q_bbe-statsd                                16777216       16777216     16777216            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/jl2tpdCliRxQ                                         1048576       20971520      1048576            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/jl2tpdSnmpRxQ                                        1048576       20971520      1048576            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/mmcq/authd                                                1048576       20971520      1048576            2                     0         0.000000            0
      /mfs/var/ss/domain.0                                                409600     4294967295       409600      8000000                  4044         0.002962            0
   Shared Memory Segments:
      Name                                                         Size in Bytes
      /mfs/var/shmlog/shmlog                                            39071744
      sdb_rsmon_shared_memory                                              22536
      sdb_rsmon_ae_table                                                    4096
      sdb_rsmon_ps_table                                                   60008
      sdb_rsmon_rlt_table                                                   1024
      sdb_bbe_rep_mailbox                                                   4096
      Name                                                           Hash Entries   Lock Count Lock Contention Count   Lock Wait Secs   PLock Count PLock Contention Count   PLock Wait Secs
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-stats-db                                     655360      5898264                     0         0.000000       1966105                      0          0.000000
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-ifl-db                                         1000         9020                     0         0.000000          3021                      0          0.000000
      /mfs/var/smm_accounting-iflset-db                                      1000         9020                     0         0.000000          3021                      0          0.000000
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/subscriber                                        100000       300002                     0         0.000000        100003                      0          0.000000
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/service                                           100000       300002                     0         0.000000        100003                      0          0.000000
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/interface                                           1000         3002                     0         0.000000          1003                      0          0.000000
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/interface_set                                       1000         3002                     0         0.000000          1003                      0          0.000000
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/mobile_subs_location                               50000       150002                     0         0.000000         50003                      0          0.000000
      /mfs/var/sdb/shmem/mobile_subscriber                                  50000       150002                     0         0.000000         50003                      0          0.000000
   Total Mapped Bytes                                              232093552

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 19.1R1.
