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show diameter network-element

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show diameter network-element
<brief | detail | summary>


Display information about all Diameter network elements or only the specified network element.


brief | detail | summary

(Optional) Display the specified level of output. The summary output is displayed by default and includes basic network element information. The brief output displays the summary information in a different format. The detail output adds information to the brief output.


(Optional) Display information for only the specified network element.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show diameter network-element command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show diameter network-element Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Name of the Diameter network element.



Name of the Diameter instance in which the network element is configured.



State of the network element:

  • Connecting—None of the network element peers are in the open state and available for connection.

  • Selecting—One network element peer is connected and the network element is waiting for another peer to reach the open state so that it can be connected.

  • Partially-Connected—One network element peer is in the open state and connected.

  • Post-selection-delay—Three or more peers are in the open state and the network element is waiting to deactivate the peers in excess of two.

  • Fully-connected—Two network element peers are in the open state and connected.

All levels

Primary peer

Primary peer for the network element, based on the configured peer priority.

All levels

Secondary peer

Secondary peer for the network element, based on the configured peer priority.

All levels

NE name

Name of the Diameter network element.

brief detail

Instance name

Name of the Diameter instance in which the network element is configured.

brief detail


Number of configured peers.

brief detail

Activated peers

Number of peers that have been activated.

brief detail

Open peers

Number of peers in the open state, without active network element connections but available for a connection.

brief detail


Number of routes configured for the network element.

brief detail

Invalid routes

Number of routes that are invalid because they lack one or more of the following: application and partition, Diameter instance, or destination realm.

brief detail

Activation delay

Period in milliseconds between peer activations by the network element.

brief detail

First selection delay

Period in milliseconds that the network element waited after connecting to the first peer to allow other peers to reach the open state.

brief detail

Post selection delay

Period in milliseconds that the network element waited after having two peers in the open state before deactivating all lower-priority peers.

brief detail

Sample Output

show diameter network-element

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show diameter network-element

Diameter network-elements:
                                          Primary      Secondary
  Name         Instance     State           Peer         Peer
  ne0          master       Fully-connected p0           p1          

show diameter network-element detail

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show diameter network-element detail

Diameter network-element:
  NE name               : ne0                                                    
  Instance name         : master                                                 
  State                 : Fully-connected    
  Primary peer          : p0                                                     
  Secondary peer        : p1                                                     
  Peers                 :   5
  Activated peers       :   4
  Open peers            :   2
  Routes                :   1
  Invalid routes        :   0
  Activation delay      :     10000 ms
  First selection delay :         0 ms
  Post selection delay  :     30000 ms

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6.
