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show app-engine crash



Displays information regarding crashes on the Junos V App Engine or host OS. The command displays the list of files present in the /var/crash/ directory, as well as some core files located in the /var/tmp/ directory.


  • compute-cluster compute-cluster-name compute-node compute-node-name—Name of the compute cluster and compute node. On QFX switches with a host OS, the default compute cluster and compute node names are default-cluster and default-node, and the command applies to the host OS by default.

Additional Information

In the operational mode of the CLI when you type ? for a name, for example a compute-node name, you would expect to get a list of available compute nodes plus the option to type in a name not listed. This is the auto-complete feature in the CLI. However, in JunosV App Engine, ,if you specify compute cluster and compute node in the operational command, the auto-complete works only if the compute cluster is put before the compute node.

For commands with an optional compute-cluster compute-cluster-name option, if that option is omitted, the command will be executed on all compute nodes of all compute clusters. For commands with an optional compute-node compute-node-name option, if that option is omitted, the command will be executed on all compute nodes of the specified compute cluster.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

For a description of the output fields, see Table 1. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show app-engine crash Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Compute Cluster

Name of compute cluster.

Compute Node

Name of compute node.

Crash Info

List of core files.

Sample Output

show app-engine crash (QFX5100 Switches)

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D15.