purge-flow-timer (Protocols OpenFlow)
purge-flow-timer seconds;
For an OpenFlow virtual switch, specify the number of seconds after which an invalid OpenFlow flow entry is deleted from the flow table.
If you do not configure the purge-flow-timer
the device purges invalid flows from hardware, but indefinitely retains
the corresponding flow entries in the flow table. If you configure
the purge-flow-timer
statement, the device purges invalid
flows from hardware, and after the specified number of seconds, the
device deletes the invalid flow entries from the flow table. Configuring
a value of 0 causes the device to immediately delete invalid flow
entries from the flow table.
By default, if you remove an active OpenFlow interface
from an existing OpenFlow configuration, flow entries that match on
this interface as the ingress interface and flow entries that include
this interface in their action list (for OpenFlow v1.0) or flow instructions
(for OpenFlow v1.3.1) are invalid and are automatically purged from
the flow table and from the hardware regardless of whether you configure
the purge-flow-timer
seconds | Number of seconds after which an invalid flow entry is deleted from the flow table.
Required Privilege Level
admin—To view this statement in the configuration.
admin-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.3.