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Junos CLI Reference
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show vrrp

date_range 09-Dec-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show vrrp
<brief | detail | extensive | summary>


Display information and status about VRRP groups.



(Same as brief) Display brief status information about all VRRP interfaces.

brief | detail | extensive | summary

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Display information and status about the specified VRRP interface.


(Optional) Display information and status about the specified logical system.


(Optional) Display information and status about the primary routing engine.

track track-interfaces

(Optional) Display information and status about VRRP track interfaces.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show vrrp command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show vrrp Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Name of the logical interface.

none, brief, extensive, summary

Interface index

Physical interface index number, which reflects its initialization sequence.



Total number of VRRP groups configured on the interface.



Total number of VRRP groups that are active (that is, whose interface state is either up or down).


Interface VRRP PDU statistics

Nonerrored statistics for the logical interface:

  • Advertisement sent�Number of VRRP advertisement protocol data units (PDUs) that the interface has transmitted.

  • Advertisement received�Number of VRRP advertisement PDUs received by the interface.

  • Packets received�Number of VRRP packets received for VRRP groups on the interface.

  • No group match received�Number of VRRP packets received for VRRP groups that do not exist on the interface.


Interface VRRP PDU error statistics

Errored statistics for the logical interface:

  • Invalid IPAH next type received�Number of packets received that use the IP Authentication Header protocol (IPAH) and that do not encapsulate VRRP packets.

  • Invalid VRRP ttl value received�Number of packets received whose IP time- to-live (TTL) value is not�255.

  • Invalid VRRP version received�Number of packets received whose VRRP version is not 2.

  • Invalid VRRP pdu type received�Number of packets received whose VRRP PDU type is not 1.

  • Invalid VRRP authentication type received�Number of packets received whose VRRP authentication is not none, simple, or md5.

  • Invalid VRRP IP count received�Number of packets received whose VRRP IP count exceeds 8.

  • Invalid VRRP checksum received�Number of packets received whose VRRP checksum does not match the calculated value.


Physical interface

Name of the physical interface.

detail, extensive


Logical unit number.

All levels


Address of the physical interface.

none, brief, detail, extensive


Physical interface index number, which reflects its initialization sequence.

detail, extensive

SNMP ifIndex

SNMP index number for the physical interface.

detail, extensive


Status of VRRP traps: Enabled or Disabled.

detail, extensive

Type and Address

Identifier for the address and the address itself:

  • lcl�Configured local interface address.

  • mas�Address of the primary device. This address is displayed only when the local interface is acting as a backup device.

  • vip�Configured virtual IP addresses.

none, brief, summary

Interface state or Int state

State of the physical interface:

  • down�The device is present and the link is unavailable.

  • not present�The interface is configured, but no physical device is present.

  • unknown�The VRRP process has not had time to query the kernel about the state of the interface.

  • up�The device is present and the link is established.

none, brief, extensive, summary


VRRP group number.

none, brief, extensive, summary


VRRP state:

  • backup�The interface is acting as the backup device interface.

  • bringup�VRRP is just starting, and the physical device is not yet present.

  • idle�VRRP is configured on the interface and is disabled. This can occur when VRRP is first enabled on an interface whose link is established.

  • initializing�VRRP is initializing.

  • master�The interface is acting as the primary device interface.

  • transition�The interface is changing between being the backup and being the primary device.



Configured VRRP priority for the interface.

detail, extensive

Advertisement interval

Configured VRRP advertisement interval.

detail, extensive

Authentication type

Configured VRRP authentication type: none, simple, or md5.

detail, extensive


Whether preemption is allowed on the interface: yes or no.

detail, extensive

Accept-data mode

Whether the interface is configured to accept packets destined for the virtual IP address: yes or no.

detail, extensive

VIP count

Number of virtual IP addresses that have been configured on the interface.

detail, extensive


List of virtual IP addresses configured on the interface.

detail, extensive

Advertisement timer

Time until the advertisement timer expires.

detail, extensive

Master router

IP address of the interface that is acting as the primary. If the VRRP interface is down, the output is N/A.

detail, extensive

Virtual router uptime

Time that the virtual device has been up.

detail, extensive

Master router uptime

Time that the primary device has been up.

detail, extensive

Virtual MAC

MAC address associated with the virtual IP address.

detail, extensive


Whether tracking is enabled or disabled.

detail, extensive

Current priority

Current operational priority for being the VRRP primary.

detail, extensive

Configured priority

Configured base priority for being the VRRP primary.

detail, extensive

Priority hold-time

Minimum time interval, in seconds, between successive changes to the current priority. Disabled indicates no minimum interval.

detail, extensive


(track option only) Displays the time remaining in the priority hold-time interval.


Interface tracking

Whether interface tracking is enabled or disabled. When enabled, the output also displays the number of tracked interfaces.

detail extensive

Interface/Tracked interface

Name of the tracked interface.

detail extensive

Int state/Interface state

Current operational state of the tracked interface: up or down.

detail, extensive

Int speed/Speed

Current operational speed, in bits per second, of the tracked interface.

detail, extensive

Incurred priority cost

Operational priority cost incurred due to the state and speed of this tracked interface. This cost is applied to the configured priority to obtain the current priority.

detail, extensive


Speed below which the corresponding priority cost is incurred. In other words, when the speed of the interface drops below the threshold speed, the corresponding priority cost is incurred.

An entry of down means that the corresponding priority cost is incurred when the interface is down.

detail, extensive

Route tracking

Whether route tracking is enabled or disabled. When enabled, the output also displays the number of tracked routes.

detail, extensive

Route count

The number of routes being tracked.

detail, extensive


The IP address of the route being tracked.

detail, extensive

VRF name

The VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) routing instance that the tracked route is in.

detail, extensive

Route state

The state of the route being tracked: up, down, or unknown.

detail, extensive

Priority cost

Configured priority cost. This value is incurred when the interface speed drops below the corresponding threshold or when the tracked route goes down.

detail, extensive


Whether the threshold is active (*). If the threshold is active, the corresponding priority cost is incurred.

detail, extensive

Group VRRP PDU statistics

Number of VRRP advertisements sent and received by the group.


Group VRRP PDU error statistics

Errored statistics for the VRRP group:

  • Bad authentication type received�Number of VRRP PDUs received with an invalid authentication type. The received authentication can be none, simple, or md5 and must be the same for all devices in the VRRP group.

  • Bad password received�Number of VRRP PDUs received with an invalid key (password). The password for simple authentication must be the same for all devices in the VRRP group

  • Bad MD5 digest received�Number of VRRP PDUs received for which the MD5 digest computed from the VRRP PDU differs from the digest expected by the VRRP instance configured on the device.

  • Bad advertisement timer received�Number of VRRP PDUs received with an advertisement time interval that is inconsistent with the one in use among the devices in the VRRP group.

  • Bad VIP count received�Number of VRRP PDUs whose virtual IP address counts differ from the count that has been configured on the VRRP instance.

  • Bad VIPADDR received�Number of VRRP PDUs whose virtual IP addresses differ from the list of virtual IP addresses configured on the VRRP instance.


Group state transition statistics

State transition statistics for the VRRP group:

  • Idle to master transitions�Number of times that the VRRP instance transitioned from the idle state to the primary state.

  • Idle to backup transitions�Number of times that the VRRP instance transitioned from the idle state to the backup state.

  • Backup to master transitions�Number of times that the VRRP instance transitioned from the backup state to the primary state.

  • Master to backup transitions�Number of times that the VRRP instance transitioned from the primary state to the backup state.



ID of Vlan


VR state

VRRP information:

  • backup�The interface is acting as the backup device interface.

  • bringup�VRRP is just starting, and the physical device is not yet present.

  • idle�VRRP is configured on the interface and is disabled. This can occur when VRRP is first enabled on an interface whose link is established.

  • initializing�VRRP is initializing.

  • master�The interface is acting as the primary device interface.

  • transition�The interface is changing between being the backup and being the primary device.

none, brief


VRRP timer information:

  • A�Time, in seconds, until the advertisement timer expires.

  • D�Time, in seconds, until the Primary is Dead timer expires.

none, brief

Sample Output

show vrrp

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show vrrp  
Interface        	State        Group 	  VR state    Timer			Type 	Address
ge-0/0/0.121     	up               1 	   master      A 1.052		lcl  	ge2001:db8::12:1:1:1
                                                        			vip  	ge2001:db8:0:1:12:1:1:99
                                                        			vip  	ge2001:db8::12:1:1:99
ge-0/0/2.131     up               	1 		master      A 0.364 	lcl  	ge2001:db8::13:1:1:1
                                                        			vip  	ge2001:db8:0:1:13:1:1:99
                                                        			vip  	ge2001:db8::13:1:1:99

show vrrp brief

The output for the show vrrp brief command is identical to that for the show vrrp command. For sample output, see show vrrp.

show vrrp detail (IPv6)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show vrrp detail  
Physical interface: ge-0/0/0, Unit: 121, Vlan-id: 212, Address: ge2001:db8::12:1:1:1/120
  Index: 67, SNMP ifIndex: 45, VRRP-Traps: enabled
  Interface state: up, Group: 1, State: master
  Priority: 200, Advertisement interval: 1, Authentication type: none
  Preempt: yes, Accept-data mode: no, VIP count: 2, VIP: ge2001:db8:0:1:12:1:1:99, ge2001:db8::12:1:1:99
  Advertisement timer: 1.121s, Master router: ge2001:db8:0:1:12:1:1:1
  Virtual router uptime: 00:03:47, Master router uptime: 00:03:41
  Virtual MAC: 00:00:5e:00:02:01
  Tracking: disabled

Physical interface: ge-0/0/2, Unit: 131, Vlan-id: 213, Address: ge2001:db8::13:1:1:1/120
  Index: 69, SNMP ifIndex: 47, VRRP-Traps: enabled
  Interface state: up, Group: 1, State: master
  Priority: 200, Advertisement interval: 1, Authentication type: none
  Preempt: yes, Accept-data mode: no, VIP count: 2, VIP: ge2001:db8:0:1:13:1:1:99, ge2001:db8::13:1:1:99
  Advertisement timer: 0.327s, Master router: ge2001:db8:0:1:13:1:1:1
  Virtual router uptime: 00:03:47, Master router uptime: 00:03:41
  Virtual MAC: 00:00:5e:00:02:01
  Tracking: disabled

show vrrp detail (Route Track)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show vrrp detail  
Physical interface: ge-1/1/0, Unit: 0, Address:
  Index: 67, SNMP ifIndex: 379, VRRP-Traps: enabled
  Interface state: up, Group: 100, State: master
  Priority: 150, Advertisement interval: 1, Authentication type: none
  Preempt: yes, Accept-data mode: no, VIP count: 1, VIP:
  Advertisement timer: 1.218s, Master router:
  Virtual router uptime: 00:04:28, Master router uptime: 00:00:13
  Virtual MAC: 00:00:5e:00:01:64
  Tracking: enabled
    Current priority: 150, Configured priority: 150
    Priority hold-time: disabled
    Interface tracking: disabled
    Route tracking: enabled, Route count: 1
      Route                VRF name       Route state   Priority cost      default        up            30

show vrrp extensive

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show vrrp extensive  	
Interface: ge-0/0/0.121, Interface index: 67, Groups: 1, Active : 1
  Interface VRRP PDU statistics
    Advertisement sent                       :          188
    Advertisement received                   :            0
    Packets received                         :            0
    No group match received                  :            0
  Interface VRRP PDU error statistics
    Invalid IPAH next type received          :            0
    Invalid VRRP TTL value received          :            0
    Invalid VRRP version received            :            0
    Invalid VRRP PDU type received           :            0
    Invalid VRRP authentication type received:            0
    Invalid VRRP IP count received           :            0
    Invalid VRRP checksum received           :            0

Physical interface: ge-0/0/0, Unit: 121, Vlan-id: 212, Address: ge2001:db8::12:1:1:1/120
  Index: 67, SNMP ifIndex: 45, VRRP-Traps: enabled
  Interface state: up, Group: 1, State: master
  Priority: 200, Advertisement interval: 1, Authentication type: none
  Preempt: yes, Accept-data mode: no, VIP count: 2, VIP: ge2001:db8:0:1:12:1:1:99, ge2001:db8::12:1:1:99
  Advertisement timer: 1.034s, Master router: ge2001:db8:0:1:12:1:1:1
  Virtual router uptime: 00:04:04, Master router uptime: 00:03:58
  Virtual MAC: 00:00:5e:00:02:01
  Tracking: disabled
  Group VRRP PDU statistics
    Advertisement sent              :          188
    Advertisement received          :            0
  Group VRRP PDU error statistics
    Bad authentication type received:            0
    Bad password received           :            0
    Bad MD5 digest received         :            0
    Bad advertisement timer received:            0
    Bad VIP count received          :            0
    Bad VIPADDR received            :            0
  Group state transition statistics
    Idle to master transitions      :            0
    Idle to backup transitions      :            1
    Backup to master transitions    :            1
    Master to backup transitions    :            0

Interface: ge-0/0/2.131, Interface index: 69, Groups: 1, Active : 1
  Interface VRRP PDU statistics
    Advertisement sent                       :          186
    Advertisement received                   :            0
    Packets received                         :            0
    No group match received                  :            0
  Interface VRRP PDU error statistics
    Invalid IPAH next type received          :            0
    Invalid VRRP TTL value received          :            0
    Invalid VRRP version received            :            0
    Invalid VRRP PDU type received           :            0
    Invalid VRRP authentication type received:            0
    Invalid VRRP IP count received           :            0
    Invalid VRRP checksum received           :            0

Physical interface: ge-0/0/2, Unit: 131, Vlan-id: 213, Address: ge2001:db8::13:1:1:1/120
  Index: 69, SNMP ifIndex: 47, VRRP-Traps: enabled
  Interface state: up, Group: 1, State: master
  Priority: 200, Advertisement interval: 1, Authentication type: none
  Preempt: yes, Accept-data mode: no, VIP count: 2, VIP: ge2001:db8:0:1:13:1:1:99, ge2001:db8::13:1:1:99
  Advertisement timer: 0.396s, Master router: ge2001:db8:0:1:13:1:1:1
  Virtual router uptime: 00:04:04, Master router uptime: 00:03:58
  Virtual MAC: 00:00:5e:00:02:01
  Tracking: disabled
  Group VRRP PDU statistics
    Advertisement sent              :          186
    Advertisement received          :            0
  Group VRRP PDU error statistics
    Bad authentication type received:            0
    Bad password received           :            0
    Bad MD5 digest received         :            0
    Bad advertisement timer received:            0
    Bad VIP count received          :            0
    Bad VIPADDR received            :            0
  Group state transition statistics
    Idle to master transitions      :            0
    Idle to backup transitions      :            1
    Backup to master transitions    :            1
	 Master to backup transitions    :            0

show vrrp interface

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show vrrp interface 
Interface: ge-0/0/0.121, Interface index: 67, Groups: 1, Active : 1
  Interface VRRP PDU statistics
    Advertisement sent                       :          205
    Advertisement received                   :            0
    Packets received                         :            0
    No group match received                  :            0
  Interface VRRP PDU error statistics
    Invalid IPAH next type received          :            0
    Invalid VRRP TTL value received          :            0
    Invalid VRRP version received            :            0
    Invalid VRRP PDU type received           :            0
    Invalid VRRP authentication type received:            0
    Invalid VRRP IP count received           :            0
    Invalid VRRP checksum received           :            0

Physical interface: ge-0/0/0, Unit: 121, Vlan-id: 212, Address: ge2001:db8::12:1:1:1/120
  Index: 67, SNMP ifIndex: 45, VRRP-Traps: enabled
  Interface state: up, Group: 1, State: master
  Priority: 200, Advertisement interval: 1, Authentication type: none
  Preempt: yes, Accept-data mode: no, VIP count: 2, VIP: ge2001:db8:0:1:12:1:1:99, gec2001:db8::12:1:1:99
  Advertisement timer: 0.789s, Master router: ge2001:db8:0:1:12:1:1:1
  Virtual router uptime: 00:04:26, Master router uptime: 00:04:20
  Virtual MAC: 00:00:5e:00:02:01
  Tracking: disabled
  Group VRRP PDU statistics
    Advertisement sent              :          205
    Advertisement received          :            0
  Group VRRP PDU error statistics
    Bad authentication type received:            0
    Bad password received           :            0
    Bad MD5 digest received         :            0
    Bad advertisement timer received:            0
    Bad VIP count received          :            0
    Bad VIPADDR received            :            0
  Group state transition statistics
    Idle to master transitions      :            0
    Idle to backup transitions      :            1
    Backup to master transitions    :            1
    Master to backup transitions    :            0

show vrrp summary

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show vrrp summary  
Interface     State       Group   VR state      Type   Address
ge-3/2/6.0    up              1   backup        lcl

show vrrp track detail

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show vrrp track detail   
Tracked interface: ae1.211
  State: up, Speed: 400m
  Incurred priority cost: 0
  Threshold   Priority cost   Active
  400m        10
  300m        60
  200m        110
  100m        160
  down        190
  Tracking VRRP interface: ae0.210, Group: 1
    VR State: master
    Current priority: 200, Configured priority: 200
    Priority hold-time: disabled,    Remaining-time: 50.351

show vrrp track summary

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show vrrp track summary   	
Track if      State     Speed       VRRP if   Group   VR State   Current priority
ae1.211       up        400m        ae0.210   	1      master     200

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 18.1R1.
