redundancy-set redundancy-set { healthcheck-timer-interval healthcheck-timer-interval; hold-time hold-time; keepalive keepalive; redundancy-group redundancy-group; redundancy-policy [redundancy-policy-list] }
Hierarchy Level
[edit services]
Specify the characteristics of a redundancy set.
healthcheck-timer-interval healthcheck-timer-interval |
Frequency of health check probes in seconds.
hold-time |
Maximum wait time for a health check response. When this time expires, the peer is considered down.
keepalive |
Frequency of srd hello messages in seconds.
redundancy-group |
Redundancy group identifier. This must match a redundancy group ID in the ICCP configuration.
redundancy-policy-list |
Names of one or more redundancy policies applied to the redundancy set. |
redundancy-set |
Redundancy set identifier.
Required Privilege Level
maintenance—To view or add this statement in the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 17.1.
Support added in Junos OS Release 19.3R2 for Next Gen Services on MX Series routers MX240, MX480 and MX960 with the MX-SPC3 services card.