version (MLD Snooping)
version version;
Hierarchy Level
[edit bridge-domains bridge-domain-name protocols mld-snooping], [edit routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols mld-snooping], [edit routing-instances routing-instance-name bridge-domains bridge-domain-name protocols mld-snooping], [edit routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols mld-snooping vlan vlan-id], [edit protocols mld-snooping vlan vlan-id], [edit logical-systems logical-system-name protocols mld-snooping], [edit protocols mld-snooping]
Specify the MLD version for the MLD general query that the snooping device sends to hosts when an interface comes up or a new member is added to a VLAN or bridge domain. If the L2 querier is configured for a VLAN/bridge-domain, periodic queries are sent to all members with the specified version of MLD-snooping.
To configure the MLD snooping version for all VLANs in the default instance:
set protocols mld-snooping vlan all version version
To configure the MLD snooping version for all VLANs in a specified routing instance:
set routing-instances routing-instance name protocols mld-snooping vlan all version version
version—MLD version number.
Range: 1 and 2.
If you do not configure the version statement, the default is MLDv2.
Required Privilege Level
routing—To view this statement in the configuration.
routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 23.4R1