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Junos CLI Reference
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show remote-device-management summary

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show remote-device-management summary;


Display summary information about the remote service devices, such as session state and service state.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show remote-device-management summary command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show remote-device-management summary Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Service Devices by Connection State

Number of services devices where the remote device service management (RDSM) connection to the remote device is in the Up or Down state.

Service Sessions by State

Number of service sessions in each of the following states, which represent the RDSM processing state:

  • Active—Remote service session is up and fully provisioned.

  • Deprovisioning—Remote service session is in the process of being deprovisioned.

  • Init—Transient state that indicates that the state is transitioning to the provisioning state.

  • Provisioning—Remote service session is in the process of being provisioned.

  • Provisioning-Complete—Transient state that indicates service provisioning has completed on the device; transitions to Active or Provisioning-Rollback.

  • Provisioning-Rollback—Rollback of the service provisioning on the device is in progress. Provisioning is rolled back when provisioning fails for one or more other eligible service devices.

Service Activations

Status of service profile instantiation requests from authd to provision remote services. Each service activation results in a service provisioning request to each remote device. The values displayed are the totals for all remote devices.

  • Received—Number of service provisioning requests received by remote devices.

  • Acked—Number of service provisioning requests acknowledged by remote devices.

  • Nacked—Number of service provisioning requests not acknowledged by remote devices.

  • In progress—Number of service provisioning requests currently in progress on remote devices.

Service Deactivations

Status of service profile deinstantiation request from authd to provision remote services. Each service deactivation results in a service deprovisioning request to each remote device. The values displayed are the totals for all remote devices.

  • Received—Number of service deprovisioning requests received by remote devices.

  • Acked—Number of service deprovisioning requests acknowledged by remote devices.

  • Nacked—Number of service deprovisioning requests not acknowledged by remote devices.

  • In progress—Number of service deprovisioning requests currently in progress on remote devices.

Sample Output

show remote-device-management summary

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show remote-device-management summary
Service Devices by Connection State
   Up: 2
   Down: 1

Service Sessions by State
   Active: 2
   Provisioning:  1
   Deprovisioning: 0

Service Activations
   Received: 10
   Acked: 7
   Nacked: 2
   In progress: 1

Service De-activations
   Received: 4
   Acked: 3
   Nacked: 1
   In progress: 0

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 18.3R1.
