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Junos CLI Reference
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date_range 19-Nov-23


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source-routing-path name {
    binding-sid binding-sid;
    color color;
    metric value;
    primary name {
        compute {
        weight weight;
    secondary name {
        compute {
        weight weight;
    sr-preference sr-preference;
    te-group-id ID;
    to to;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit logical-systems name protocols source-packet-routing],
[edit protocols source-packet-routing]


Configure a source-routing label switched path (LSP) for steering traffic at an ingress router. Specify a binding segment identifier from the static label range. Configure other parameters such as color, weight, preference, and segment routing preference for traffic engineering.

Starting with Junos OS Release 18.1R1, compute static noncolored segment routing LSPs for protocol SPRING-TE in an MPLS network. Configure parameters such as destination address, binding SIDs, primary segment, secondary segment, metric, and preference. These segment routing LSPs do not have a color associated with them. If an ingress route is not required for a non-colored segment routing LSP then the ingress route installation in inet.3 table can be disabled.



Specify a name to identify a source routing path.


The combined length of tunnel-name and LSP name must not exceed 53 characters for per-path telemetry to work.


(Optional) Specify the binding label to enable transit functionality for this tunnel. For a non-colored static segment routing LSP, the binding SID label of protocol SPRING-TE have a default preference value of 8 and a metric of 1.

  • Range: 16 through 1,048,576


(Colored segment routing LSPs only) Specify a color identifier for the tunnel endpoint. For noncolored segment routing LSPs, you do not have to configure the color parameter.


Enable external path computing capability for the device. See lsp-external-controller for more information.


Specify metric for routes downloaded for the non-colored static segment routing tunnel.

  • Default: 1,000,000 through 1,048,575

  • Range: 1 through 16,777,215 (for BGP)


Disable ingress route that is not required for the non-colored static segment routing tunnel


Specify a primary segment list for the configured source routing path.

The non-colored static segment routing LSP can have a maximum of 8 primary paths. incase of multiple operational primary paths, the PFE distributes the traffic over the paths based on the weight configured on the paths. If none of the paths have weights configured then the weights default to 1 making it an ECMP path. the paths become weighted ECMP if at least one of the paths have a non-zero weight. In both cases , when one or some of the paths fail, the PFE automatically re-balances the traffic over the remaining paths resulting in path protection.

compute compute-profle-name

Enable computation for the specified compute-profile. Note that if you include this option in the configuration, you don't need to explicitly configure the segment list. The segment list is dynamically created based on the specified compute-profile name.

weight weight_value

Specify a percentage of the bandwidth with respect to the sum of weights of all paths for the primary segment list. If forwarding interfaces are also configured with weighted ECMP, then Junos OS applies hierarchical weighted ECMP. If the weight percentage is not configured, then only IGP weights are applied on the forwarding interfaces.


Specify a secondary segment list for the configured non-colored static segment routing LSP.


Configure a preference for segment routing routes for traffic engineering. BGP chooses a higher preference over a lower preference value.

  • Range: 0 through 4,294,967,295

te-group-id Specify the Te group ID (1..128).

Specify the IP address of the tunnel end-point

srv6 Specify the tunnel type SRv6.

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 17.4R1.

The metric, no-ingress, and secondary statements are introduced in Junos OS Release 18.1R1.

lsp-external-controller statement introduced in Junos OS Release 20.1R1.

srv6 option introduced in Junos OS Release 21.3R1.
