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show security nat source persistent-nat-table

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show security nat source persistent-nat-table ( all | interface | internal-ip ip-address <internal-port port> | pool poolname )


Display a summary of persistent Network Address Translation (NAT) information.


  • all—Display all persistent NAT bindings.

  • interface—Display persistent NAT bindings for the interface.

  • internal-ip ip-address—Display persistent NAT bindings for the specified internal IP address.

  • internal-ip ip-address internal-port port—Display persistent NAT bindings for the specified internal IP address and port.

  • pool—Display persistent NAT bindings for the specified source NAT pool.

  • summary—Display persistent NAT bindings summary.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show security nat source persistent–nat–table command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show security nat source persistent–nat–table Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


To support restricted cone NAT scenarios, the enode entries contain remote host and port information.

Internal IP/Port

Internal transport IP address and port number of the outgoing session from internal to external.

Reflexive IP/Port

Translated IP address and port number of the source IP address and port.

Source NAT Pool

The name of the source pool where persistent NAT is used.


Persistent NAT type.


The inactivity timeout period that remains and the configured timeout value.


The number of current sessions associated with the persistent NAT binding.

The persistent NAT timer starts only when all sessions using that binding are closed. Even if one session is using that binding, the entry displays with "-" as Left_Time value in the output.

Source NAT Rule

Name of the source NAT rule to which this persistent NAT binding applies.

Sample Output

show security nat source persistent–nat–table internal-ip internal-port

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user@host> show security nat source persistent–nat–table internal-ip internal-port 60784

Internal                        Reflective        Source     Type         Left_time/  Curr_Sess_Num/ Source
 In_IP  In_Port I_Proto Ref_IP    Ref_Port R_Proto NAT Pool                Conf_time   Max_Sess_Num  NAT Rule  60784   udp  60784     udp   dynamic-customer-source any-remote-host  254/300  0/30 105

Sample Output

show security nat source persistent–nat–table all

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show security nat source persistent–nat–table all
 Internal             Reflective                  Source     Type          Left_time/  Curr_Sess_Num/  Source
 In_IP     In_Port I_Proto Ref_IP       Ref_Port R_Proto NAT Pool                    Conf_time   Max_Sess_Num    NAT Rule    14000   udp   64933     udp    dynamic-customer-source any-remote-host  -/300     1/32

Sample Output

show security nat source persistent-nat-table summary

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show security nat source persistent-nat-table summary             
Persistent NAT Table Statistics on FPC5 PIC0:
binding total : 65536 
binding in use : 0
enode total : 524288
enode in use : 0

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6. Support.
