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Junos CLI Reference
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show interfaces (Abstracted Fabric)

date_range 09-Dec-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show interfaces af-interface-name
<brief | detail | extensive | terse> 
<snmp-index snmp-index> 


Display status information for the specified abstracted fabric (af) interface.

  • Starting in Junos OS Release 18.3R1, the show interfaces af-interface-name output provides transmit statistics of each Packet Forwarding Engine peer list on a given af interface, in addition to the physical interface statistics.

  • Starting from Junos OS Release 21.4R1, the show interface af-name command does not display the information about the load balancing of transmit traffic on each peer GNF Forwarding Element (FE). For this information, use the show interfaces lb-stats af-name command.


brief | detail | extensive | terse

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.


(Optional) Display interface description strings.


(Optional) Display media-specific information about network interfaces.

snmp-index snmp-index

(Optional) Display information for the specified SNMP index of the interface.


(Optional) Display static interface statistics.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1describes the output fields for the show interfaces command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show interfaces Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

Physical Interface  

Physical interface

Name and status of the physical interface.

All levels

Interface index

Index number of the physical interface, which reflects its initialization sequence.

detail extensive none

SNMP ifIndex

SNMP index number for the physical interface.

detail extensive none


Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only.

detail extensive


Interface type.

Link-level type

Encapsulation being used on the physical interface.

All levels


Maximum transmission unit size on the physical interface.

All levels


Speed at which the interface is running.

All levels

Device flags

Information about the physical device. Possible values are described in the “Device Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.

All levels

Interface flags

Information about the interface. Possible values are described in the “Interface Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.

All levels

Link type

Link type. For example, Full-Duplex.

All levels


Damping information.

detail extensive

Alternate link address

Address of the alternative link.

detail extensive


Current interface hold-time up and hold-time down, in milliseconds (ms).

detail extensive

Current address

Configured MAC address.

detail extensive none

Hardware address

Hardware MAC address.

detail extensive none

Last flapped

Date, time, and how long ago the interface went from down to up. The format is Last flapped: year-month-day hour:minute:second:timezone (hour:minute:second ago). For example, Last flapped: 2002-04-26 10:52:40 PDT (04:33:20 ago).

detail extensive none

Statistics last cleared

Time when the statistics for the interface were last set to zero.

detail extensive

Traffic statistics

Number and rate of bytes and packets received and transmitted on the physical interface.

  • Input bytes—Number of bytes received on the interface.

  • Output bytes—Number of bytes transmitted on the interface.

  • Input packets—Number of packets received on the interface.

  • Output packets—Number of packets transmitted on the interface.

detail extensive

IPv6 transit statistics

Number of IPv6 transit bytes and packets received and transmitted on the interface if IPv6 statistics tracking is enabled.


Input errors

Input errors on the interface. The following paragraphs explain the counters whose meaning might not be obvious:

  • Errors—Sum of the incoming frame terminates and FCS errors.

  • Drops—Number of packets dropped by the input queue.

  • Framing errors—Number of packets received with an invalid frame checksum (FCS).

  • Runts—Number of frames received that are smaller than the runt threshold.

  • Policed discards—Number of frames that the incoming packet match code discarded because they were not recognized or not of interest. Usually, this field reports protocols that Junos OS does not handle.

  • Resource errors—Sum of transmit drops.


Output errors

Output errors on the interface. The following paragraphs explain the counters whose meaning might not be obvious:

  • Carrier transitions—Number of times the interface has gone from down to up.

  • Errors—Sum of the outgoing frame terminates and FCS errors.

  • Drops—Number of packets dropped by the output queue.

  • MTU errors—Number of packets whose size exceeded the MTU of the interface.

  • Resource errors—Sum of transmit drops.



Shows the interface bandwidth.

detail extensive none

Peer GNF id

The GNF peer connected using the abstracted fabric interface.

detail extensive none

Peer GNF Forwarding element(FE) view Shows forwarding element (FE) number and the FPC slot, FE bandwidth, and FE status (up/down).

detail extensive none

Collapsed Forwarding Optimized Statistics

This section has the following subsections to display fabric optimization information.

  • Optimal Packets—shows the packets that are already forwarded to optimal Packet Forwarding Engine based on the abstracted fabric interface load balancing.

  • Non-optimal Packets—By default, these packets are forwarded to the non-optimal Packet Forwarding Engine by abstracted fabric interface. If you have configured the optimize mode using the command set chassis network-slices guest-network-functions gnf id collapsed-forward optimize, this section shows the packets that are optimized because of this configuration. If you have configured the monitor mode using the command set chassis network-slices guest-network-functions gnf id collapsed-forward monitor, this section shows non-optimal packets.

All levels

Logical Interface  

Logical interface

Name of the logical interface.

All levels


Index number of the logical interface, which reflects its initialization sequence.

detail extensive none

SNMP ifIndex

SNMP interface index number for the logical interface.

detail extensive none


Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only.

detail extensive


Information about the logical interface. Possible values are described in the “Logical Interface Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.

All levels


Encapsulation on the logical interface.

All levels


Protocol family. Possible values are described in the “Protocol Field” section under Common Output Fields Description.

detail extensive none


Maximum transmission unit size on the logical interface.

detail extensive none

Traffic statistics

Number and rate of bytes and packets received and transmitted on the specified interface set.

  • Input bytes, Output bytes—Number of bytes received and transmitted on the interface set.

  • Input packets, Output packets—Number of packets received and transmitted on the interface set.

detail extensive

Transit statistics

Number of IPv6 transit bytes and packets received and transmitted on the logical interface if IPv6 statistics tracking is enabled.


Local statistics

Number and rate of bytes and packets destined to the router.



Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only.

detail extensive

Route Table

Route table in which the logical interface address is located. For example, 0 refers to the routing table inet.0.

detail extensive none


Information about protocol family flags. Possible values are described in the “Family Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.

detail extensive

Addresses, Flags

Information about the address flags. Possible values are described in the “Addresses Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.

detail extensive none


Protocol family configured on the logical interface. If the protocol is inet, the IP address of the interface is also displayed.



Information about the address flag. Possible values are described in the “Addresses Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.

detail extensive none


IP address of the remote side of the connection.

detail extensive none


IP address of the logical interface.

detail extensive none


Broadcast address of the logical interface.

detail extensive none


Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only.

detail extensive

Sample Output

show interfaces af-interface-name brief

This output is applicable to Junos OS Releases 21.4R1 and later, and versions prior to 18.3R1.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@router> show interfaces af3 brief
Physical interface: af3, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Type: Ethernet, Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 9212, Clocking: Unspecified, Speed: 1040000mbps
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Internal: 0x4000

  Logical interface af3.0
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.100 0x8100.200 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2

  Logical interface af3.1
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.300 0x8100.400 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    inet6 34::1/64

  Logical interface af3.32767
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4004000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x0000.0 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2

show interfaces af-interface-name

This output is applicable to Junos OS Releases 21.4R1 and later, and versions prior to 18.3R1.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@router> show interfaces af3
Physical interface: af3, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 145, SNMP ifIndex: 931
  Type: Ethernet, Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 9212, Speed: 1040000mbps
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Internal: 0x4000
  Link type      : Full-Duplex
  Current address: 00:90:69:2c:c0:63, Hardware address: 00:90:69:2c:c0:63
  Last flapped   : 2021-10-17 17:24:10 PDT (1w2d 08:14 ago)
  Input rate     : 616 bps (1 pps)
  Output rate    : 1088 bps (0 pps)
  Bandwidth      : 1040 Gbps
  Peer GNF id    : 3
  Collapsed Forwarding : Disabled
  Peer GNF Forwarding element(FE) view :
  FPC slot:FE num  FE Bandwidth(Gbps) Status
       7:0                   130         Up
       7:1                   130         Up
       7:2                   130         Up
       7:3                   130         Up
      17:0                   130         Up
      17:1                   130         Up
      17:2                   130         Up
      17:3                   130         Up
  Collapsed Forwarding Statistics :
            Optimal Packets             Non-optimal Packets
                          0                               0
            Optimal Bytes               Non-optimal Bytes
                        0                               0

  Logical interface af3.0 (Index 375) (SNMP ifIndex 1123)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.100 0x8100.200 ]
    Encapsulation: ENET2
    Input packets : 8371
    Output packets: 1683613372
    Protocol inet, MTU: 9190
    Max nh cache: 75000, New hold nh limit: 75000, Curr nh cnt: 1,
    Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
      Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:, Broadcast:
    Protocol mpls, MTU: 9178, Maximum labels: 3
      Flags: Is-Primary
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited
      Flags: Is-Primary

  Logical interface af3.1 (Index 376) (SNMP ifIndex 1125)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.300 0x8100.400 ]
    Encapsulation: ENET2
    Input packets : 1528
    Output packets: 1524
    Protocol inet6, MTU: 9190
    Max nh cache: 75000, New hold nh limit: 75000, Curr nh cnt: 1,
    Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
      Flags: Is-Primary
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination: 34::/64, Local: 34::1
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred
        Destination: fe80::/64, Local: fe80::290:6901:2c2c:df00
    Protocol mpls, MTU: 9178, Maximum labels: 3
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited

  Logical interface af3.32767 (Index 377) (SNMP ifIndex 1124)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4004000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x0000.0 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Input packets : 0
    Output packets: 0
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited
      Flags: None

show interfaces af-interface-name detail

This output is applicable to Junos OS Releases 21.4R1 and later, and versions prior to 18.3R1.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@router> show interfaces af3 detail
Physical interface: af3, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 145, SNMP ifIndex: 931, Generation: 148
  Type: Ethernet, Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 9212, Clocking: Unspecified, Speed: 1040000mbps
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Internal: 0x4000
  Link type      : Full-Duplex
  Physical info  : Unspecified
  Hold-times     : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms
  Damping        : half-life: 0 sec, max-suppress: 0 sec, reuse: 0, suppress: 0, state: unsuppressed
  Current address: 00:90:69:2c:c0:63, Hardware address: 00:90:69:2c:c0:63
  Alternate link address: Unspecified
  Last flapped   : 2021-10-17 17:24:10 PDT (1w2d 08:40 ago)
  Statistics last cleared: Never
  Traffic statistics:
   Input  bytes  :     1713156145106484                  280 bps
   Output bytes  :     1704691343752013                 1008 bps
   Input  packets:        3467927904602                    0 pps
   Output packets:        3466096797054                    0 pps
   IPv6 transit statistics:
   Input  bytes  :                 1792
   Output bytes  :                    0
   Input  packets:                   30
   Output packets:                    0
  Bandwidth      : 1040 Gbps
  Peer GNF id    : 3
  Collapsed Forwarding : Disabled
  Peer GNF Forwarding element(FE) view :
  FPC slot:FE num  FE Bandwidth(Gbps) Status
       7:0                   130         Up
       7:1                   130         Up
       7:2                   130         Up
       7:3                   130         Up
      17:0                   130         Up
      17:1                   130         Up
      17:2                   130         Up
      17:3                   130         Up
  Collapsed Forwarding Statistics :
            Optimal Packets             Non-optimal Packets
                          0                               0
            Optimal Bytes               Non-optimal Bytes
                        0                               0

  Logical interface af3.0 (Index 375) (SNMP ifIndex 1123) (Generation 448)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.100 0x8100.200 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :               673655
     Output bytes  :         824966843167
     Input  packets:                 9811
     Output packets:           1683614943
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :               443858
     Output bytes  :               616248
     Input  packets:                 6217
     Output packets:                 7233
    Transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :               229797                    8 bps
     Output bytes  :         824966226919                  280 bps
     Input  packets:                 3594                    0 pps
     Output packets:           1683607710                    0 pps
    Protocol inet, MTU: 9190
    Max nh cache: 75000, New hold nh limit: 75000, Curr nh cnt: 1, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
    Generation: 416, Route table: 0
      Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:, Broadcast:, Generation: 302
    Protocol mpls, MTU: 9178, Maximum labels: 3, Generation: 417, Route table: 0
      Flags: Is-Primary
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited, Generation: 418, Route table: 0
      Flags: Is-Primary
      Policer: Input: __default_arp_policer__

  Logical interface af3.1 (Index 376) (SNMP ifIndex 1125) (Generation 449)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.300 0x8100.400 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :               149864
     Output bytes  :               181586
     Input  packets:                 1780
     Output packets:                 1773
     IPv6 transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :               149864
     Output bytes  :               181586
     Input  packets:                 1780
     Output packets:                 1773
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :               149672
     Output bytes  :               181586
     Input  packets:                 1777
     Output packets:                 1773
    Transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                  192                    0 bps
     Output bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Input  packets:                    3                    0 pps
     Output packets:                    0                    0 pps
     IPv6 transit statistics:
      Input  bytes  :                 192                    0 bps
      Output bytes  :                   0                    0 bps
      Input  packets:                   3                    0 pps
      Output packets:                   0                    0 pps
    Protocol inet6, MTU: 9190
    Max nh cache: 75000, New hold nh limit: 75000, Curr nh cnt: 1, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
    Generation: 419, Route table: 0
      Flags: Is-Primary
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination: 34::/64, Local: 34::1
    Generation: 304
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred
        Destination: fe80::/64, Local: fe80::290:6901:2c2c:df00
    Protocol mpls, MTU: 9178, Maximum labels: 3, Generation: 306
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited, Generation: 420, Route table: 0
    Generation: 421, Route table: 0
      Policer: Input: __default_arp_policer__

  Logical interface af3.32767 (Index 377) (SNMP ifIndex 1124) (Generation 450)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4004000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x0000.0 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Output bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Input  packets:                    0                    0 pps
     Output packets:                    0                    0 pps
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited, Generation: 422, Route table: 0
      Flags: None
      Policer: Input: __default_arp_policer__

show interfaces af-interface-name extensive

This output is applicable to Junos OS Releases 21.4R1 and later, and versions prior to 18.3R1.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@router> show interfaces af3 extensive
Physical interface: af3, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 145, SNMP ifIndex: 931, Generation: 148
  Type: Ethernet, Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 9212, Clocking: Unspecified, Speed: 1040000mbps
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Internal: 0x4000
  Link type      : Full-Duplex
  Physical info  : Unspecified
  Hold-times     : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms
  Damping        : half-life: 0 sec, max-suppress: 0 sec, reuse: 0, suppress: 0, state: unsuppressed
  Current address: 00:90:69:2c:c0:63, Hardware address: 00:90:69:2c:c0:63
  Alternate link address: Unspecified
  Last flapped   : 2021-10-17 17:24:10 PDT (1w2d 08:42 ago)
  Statistics last cleared: Never
  Traffic statistics:
   Input  bytes  :     1713156145118374                  768 bps
   Output bytes  :     1704691343766497                    0 bps
   Input  packets:        3467927904777                    1 pps
   Output packets:        3466096797232                    0 pps
   IPv6 transit statistics:
   Input  bytes  :                 1792
   Output bytes  :                    0
   Input  packets:                   30
   Output packets:                    0
  Input errors:
    Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Giants: 0, Policed discards: 0, Resource errors: 0
  Output errors:
    Carrier transitions: 0, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, MTU errors: 0, Resource errors: 0
  Bandwidth      : 1040 Gbps
  Peer GNF id    : 3
  Collapsed Forwarding : Disabled
  Peer GNF Forwarding element(FE) view :
  FPC slot:FE num  FE Bandwidth(Gbps) Status
       7:0                   130         Up
       7:1                   130         Up
       7:2                   130         Up
       7:3                   130         Up
      17:0                   130         Up
      17:1                   130         Up
      17:2                   130         Up
      17:3                   130         Up
  Collapsed Forwarding Statistics :
            Optimal Packets             Non-optimal Packets
                          0                               0
            Optimal Bytes               Non-optimal Bytes
                        0                               0

  Logical interface af3.0 (Index 375) (SNMP ifIndex 1123) (Generation 448)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.100 0x8100.200 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :               683507
     Output bytes  :         824966855195
     Input  packets:                 9962
     Output packets:           1683615097
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :               450058
     Output bytes  :               624868
     Input  packets:                 6310
     Output packets:                 7333
    Transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :               233449                  768 bps
     Output bytes  :         824966230327                    0 bps
     Input  packets:                 3652                    1 pps
     Output packets:           1683607764                    0 pps
    Protocol inet, MTU: 9190
    Max nh cache: 75000, New hold nh limit: 75000, Curr nh cnt: 1, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
    Generation: 416, Route table: 0
      Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:, Broadcast:, Generation: 302
    Protocol mpls, MTU: 9178, Maximum labels: 3, Generation: 417, Route table: 0
      Flags: Is-Primary
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited, Generation: 418, Route table: 0
      Flags: Is-Primary
      Policer: Input: __default_arp_policer__

  Logical interface af3.1 (Index 376) (SNMP ifIndex 1125) (Generation 449)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.300 0x8100.400 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :               152024
     Output bytes  :               184042
     Input  packets:                 1806
     Output packets:                 1797
     IPv6 transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :               152024
     Output bytes  :               184042
     Input  packets:                 1806
     Output packets:                 1797
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :               151832
     Output bytes  :               184042
     Input  packets:                 1803
     Output packets:                 1797
    Transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                  192                    0 bps
     Output bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Input  packets:                    3                    0 pps
     Output packets:                    0                    0 pps
     IPv6 transit statistics:
      Input  bytes  :                 192                    0 bps
      Output bytes  :                   0                    0 bps
      Input  packets:                   3                    0 pps
      Output packets:                   0                    0 pps
    Protocol inet6, MTU: 9190
    Max nh cache: 75000, New hold nh limit: 75000, Curr nh cnt: 1, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
    Generation: 419, Route table: 0
      Flags: Is-Primary
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination: 34::/64, Local: 34::1
    Generation: 304
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred
        Destination: fe80::/64, Local: fe80::290:6901:2c2c:df00
    Protocol mpls, MTU: 9178, Maximum labels: 3, Generation: 306
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited, Generation: 420, Route table: 0
    Generation: 421, Route table: 0
      Policer: Input: __default_arp_policer__

  Logical interface af3.32767 (Index 377) (SNMP ifIndex 1124) (Generation 450)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4004000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x0000.0 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Output bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Input  packets:                    0                    0 pps
     Output packets:                    0                    0 pps
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited, Generation: 422, Route table: 0
      Flags: None
      Policer: Input: __default_arp_policer__

show interfaces af-interface-name

This output is applicable to Junos OS Releases starting from 18.3R1 to 21.3R1.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@router> show interfaces af9
Physical interface: af9, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 209, SNMP ifIndex: 527
  Type: Ethernet, Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Speed: 370000mbps
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Internal: 0x4000
  Link type      : Full-Duplex
  Link flags     : None
  Current address: 00:90:69:2b:00:4c, Hardware address: 00:90:69:2b:00:4c
  Last flapped   : 2018-09-12 01:44:01 PDT (00:01:02 ago)
  Input rate     : 0 bps (0 pps)
  Output rate    : 0 bps (0 pps)
  Bandwidth      : 370 Gbps
  Peer GNF id    : 9
  Peer GNF Forwarding element(FE) view :
  FPC slot:FE num  FE Bandwidth(Gbps) Status      Transmit Packets         Transmit Bytes
       6:0                   130         Up                      0                      0
      12:0                   120         Up                      0                      0
      12:1                   120         Up                      0                      0

  Residual Transmit Statistics :
  Packets :                    0 Bytes :                    0

  Fabric Queue Statistics :
  FPC slot:FE num    High priority(pkts)        Low priority(pkts)
       6:0                            0                         0
      12:0                            0                         0
      12:1                            0                         0
  FPC slot:FE num    High priority(bytes)      Low priority(bytes)
       6:0                              0                        0
      12:0                              0                        0
      12:1                              0                        0
  Residual Queue Statistics :
      High priority(pkts)       Low priority(pkts)
                       0                        0
      High priority(bytes)      Low priority(bytes)
                        0                        0

  Logical interface af9.0 (Index 332) (SNMP ifIndex 528)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4004000 Encapsulation: ENET2
    Input packets : 0
    Output packets: 13
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500

show interfaces af-interface-name detail

This output is applicable to Junos OS Releases starting from 18.3R1 to 21.3R1.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@router> show interfaces af2 detail

Physical interface: af2, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 167, SNMP ifIndex: 674, Generation: 349
  Type: Ethernet, Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1518, Clocking: Unspecified, Speed: 130000mbps
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Internal: 0x4000
  Link type      : Full-Duplex
  Physical info  : Unspecified
  Hold-times     : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms
  Damping        : half-life: 0 sec, max-suppress: 0 sec, reuse: 0, suppress: 0, state: unsuppressed
  Current address: 00:90:69:fd:85:a4, Hardware address: 00:90:69:fd:85:a4
  Alternate link address: Unspecified
  Last flapped   : 2018-11-01 20:44:26 PDT (6d 02:57 ago)
  Statistics last cleared: Never
  Traffic statistics:
   Input  bytes  :             23381827                  280 bps
   Output bytes  :            652664393                  416 bps
   Input  packets:               341618                    0 pps
   Output packets:              5986312                    0 pps
   IPv6 transit statistics:
   Input  bytes  :                    0
   Output bytes  :                    0
   Input  packets:                    0
   Output packets:                    0
  Bandwidth      : 130 Gbps
  Peer GNF id    : 2
  Peer GNF Forwarding element(FE) view :
  FPC slot:FE num  FE Bandwidth(Gbps) Status      Transmit Packets         Transmit Bytes
       2:0                   130         Up                5656951              622264610

  Residual Transmit Statistics :
  Packets :                    0 Bytes :                    0

  Fabric Queue Statistics :
  FPC slot:FE num    High priority(pkts)        Low priority(pkts)
       2:0                      5656951                         0
  FPC slot:FE num    High priority(bytes)      Low priority(bytes)
       2:0                      622264610                        0
  Residual Queue Statistics :
      High priority(pkts)       Low priority(pkts)
                       0                        0
      High priority(bytes)      Low priority(bytes)
                        0                        0

  Logical interface af2.0 (Index 334) (SNMP ifIndex 647) (Generation 234)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.1 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :             23382038
     Output bytes  :            650688227
     Input  packets:               341621
     Output packets:              5986312
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :             23381827
     Output bytes  :             28423617
     Input  packets:               341618
     Output packets:               329361
    Transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                  211                    0 bps
     Output bytes  :            622264610                    0 bps
     Input  packets:                    3                    0 pps
     Output packets:              5656951                    0 pps
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
    Max nh cache: 75000, New hold nh limit: 75000, Curr nh cnt: 1, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
    Generation: 314, Route table: 0
      Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:, Broadcast:, Generation: 224
    Protocol mpls, MTU: 1488, Maximum labels: 3, Generation: 315, Route table: 0
      Flags: Is-Primary
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited, Generation: 316, Route table: 0
      Flags: Is-Primary
      Policer: Input: __default_arp_policer__

  Logical interface af2.1 (Index 336) (SNMP ifIndex 649) (Generation 235)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.2 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Output bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Input  packets:                    0                    0 pps
     Output packets:                    0                    0 pps
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
    Max nh cache: 75000, New hold nh limit: 75000, Curr nh cnt: 0, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
    Generation: 317, Route table: 0
      Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
    Protocol mpls, MTU: 1488, Maximum labels: 3, Generation: 318, Route table: 0
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited, Generation: 319, Route table: 0
      Policer: Input: __default_arp_policer__

  Logical interface af2.32767 (Index 337) (SNMP ifIndex 675) (Generation 236)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4004000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x0000.0 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Output bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Input  packets:                    0                    0 pps
     Output packets:                    0                    0 pps
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited, Generation: 320, Route table: 0
      Flags: None
      Policer: Input: __default_arp_policer__

show interfaces af-interface-name extensive

This output is applicable to Junos OS Releases starting from 18.3R1 to 21.3R1.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@router> show interfaces af2 extensive

Physical interface: af2, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 167, SNMP ifIndex: 674, Generation: 349
  Type: Ethernet, Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1518, Clocking: Unspecified, Speed: 130000mbps
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Internal: 0x4000
  Link type      : Full-Duplex
  Physical info  : Unspecified
  Hold-times     : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms
  Damping        : half-life: 0 sec, max-suppress: 0 sec, reuse: 0, suppress: 0, state: unsuppressed
  Current address: 00:90:69:fd:85:a4, Hardware address: 00:90:69:fd:85:a4
  Alternate link address: Unspecified
  Last flapped   : 2018-11-01 20:44:26 PDT (6d 02:57 ago)
  Statistics last cleared: Never
  Traffic statistics:
   Input  bytes  :             23382976                    0 bps
   Output bytes  :            652665950                    0 bps
   Input  packets:               341635                    0 pps
   Output packets:              5986329                    0 pps
   IPv6 transit statistics:
   Input  bytes  :                    0
   Output bytes  :                    0
   Input  packets:                    0
   Output packets:                    0
  Input errors:
    Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Giants: 0, Policed discards: 0, Resource errors: 0
  Output errors:
    Carrier transitions: 0, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, MTU errors: 0, Resource errors: 0
  Bandwidth      : 130 Gbps
  Peer GNF id    : 2
  Peer GNF Forwarding element(FE) view :
  FPC slot:FE num  FE Bandwidth(Gbps) Status      Transmit Packets         Transmit Bytes
       2:0                   130         Up                5656951              622264610

  Residual Transmit Statistics :
  Packets :                    0 Bytes :                    0

  Fabric Queue Statistics :
  FPC slot:FE num    High priority(pkts)        Low priority(pkts)
       2:0                      5656951                         0
  FPC slot:FE num    High priority(bytes)      Low priority(bytes)
       2:0                      622264610                        0
  Residual Queue Statistics :
      High priority(pkts)       Low priority(pkts)
                       0                        0
      High priority(bytes)      Low priority(bytes)
                        0                        0

  Logical interface af2.0 (Index 334) (SNMP ifIndex 647) (Generation 234)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.1 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :             23383187
     Output bytes  :            650689682
     Input  packets:               341638
     Output packets:              5986329
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :             23382976
     Output bytes  :             28425072
     Input  packets:               341635
     Output packets:               329378
    Transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                  211                    0 bps
     Output bytes  :            622264610                    0 bps
     Input  packets:                    3                    0 pps
     Output packets:              5656951                    0 pps
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
    Max nh cache: 75000, New hold nh limit: 75000, Curr nh cnt: 1, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
    Generation: 314, Route table: 0
      Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:, Broadcast:, Generation: 224
    Protocol mpls, MTU: 1488, Maximum labels: 3, Generation: 315, Route table: 0
      Flags: Is-Primary
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited, Generation: 316, Route table: 0
      Flags: Is-Primary
      Policer: Input: __default_arp_policer__

  Logical interface af2.1 (Index 336) (SNMP ifIndex 649) (Generation 235)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.2 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Output bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Input  packets:                    0                    0 pps
     Output packets:                    0                    0 pps
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
    Max nh cache: 75000, New hold nh limit: 75000, Curr nh cnt: 0, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
    Generation: 317, Route table: 0
      Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
    Protocol mpls, MTU: 1488, Maximum labels: 3, Generation: 318, Route table: 0
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited, Generation: 319, Route table: 0
      Policer: Input: __default_arp_policer__

  Logical interface af2.32767 (Index 337) (SNMP ifIndex 675) (Generation 236)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4004000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x0000.0 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Output bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Input  packets:                    0                    0 pps
     Output packets:                    0                    0 pps
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited, Generation: 320, Route table: 0
      Flags: None
      Policer: Input: __default_arp_policer__

show interfaces af-interface-name statistics

This output is applicable to Junos OS Releases starting from 18.3R1 to 21.3R1.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@router> show interfaces af4 statistics

Physical interface: af4, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 165, SNMP ifIndex: 958
  Type: Ethernet, Link-level type: Flexible-Ethernet, MTU: 1522, Speed: 240000mbps
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Internal: 0x4000
  Link type      : Full-Duplex
  Current address: 00:90:69:c7:31:62, Hardware address: 00:90:69:c7:31:62
  Last flapped   : 2018-08-07 21:47:10 PDT (00:58:48 ago)
  Statistics last cleared: Never
  Input rate     : 1523826080 bps (2976222 pps)
  Output rate    : 112168 bps (232 pps)
  Input errors: 0, Output errors: 0
  Bandwidth      : 240 Gbps 
  Peer GNF id    : 4
  Peer GNF Forwarding element(FE) view : 
  FPC slot:FE num  FE Bandwidth(Gbps) Status      Transmit Packets         Transmit Bytes
      12:0                   120         Up                   2802                 168120
      12:1                   120         Up                   2848                 170880

  Residual Transmit Statistics : 
  Packets :                    0 Bytes :                    0

  Fabric Queue Statistics :    
  FPC slot:FE num    High priority(pkts)        Low priority(pkts) 
      12:0                         2802                         0
      12:1                         2848                         0
  FPC slot:FE num    High priority(bytes)      Low priority(bytes) 
      12:0                         168120                        0
      12:1                         170880                        0
  Residual Queue Statistics : 
      High priority(pkts)       Low priority(pkts) 
                       0                        0
      High priority(bytes)      Low priority(bytes) 
                        0                        0

  Logical interface af4.1 (Index 335) (SNMP ifIndex 7354)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.100 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Input packets : 71572652
    Output packets: 5740
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
    Max nh cache: 75000, New hold nh limit: 75000, Curr nh cnt: 1, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
      Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:, Broadcast:
    Protocol mpls, MTU: 1488, Maximum labels: 3
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited

  Logical interface af4.32767 (Index 336) (SNMP ifIndex 7355)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4004000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x0000.0 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Input packets : 0
    Output packets: 0
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited
      Flags: None

show interfaces af2 (with collapsed forwarding configured)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@router> show interfaces af2

Physical interface: af2, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 152, SNMP ifIndex: 626
  Type: Ethernet, Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1518, Speed: 1600000mbps
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Internal: 0x4000
  Link type      : Full-Duplex
  Current address: 00:90:69:00:c0:4a, Hardware address: 00:90:69:00:c0:4a
  Last flapped   : 2019-10-01 06:19:50 PDT (2d 00:54 ago)
  Input rate     : 312 bps (0 pps)
  Output rate    : 144327758752 bps (18371659 pps)
  Bandwidth      : 1600 Gbps
  Peer GNF id    : 7
  Collapsed Forwarding : Optimized
  Peer GNF Forwarding element(FE) view :
  FPC slot:FE num  FE Bandwidth(Gbps) Status      Transmit Packets         Transmit Bytes
       1:0                   400         Up           111437126843        110991378335628
       1:1                   400         Up                      0                      0
       1:2                   400         Up                      0                      0
       1:3                   400         Up                      0                      0

  Residual Transmit Statistics :
  Packets :                    0 Bytes :                    0

  Fabric Queue Statistics :
  FPC slot:FE num    High priority(pkts)        Low priority(pkts)
       1:0                            0              111437126843
       1:1                            0                         0
       1:2                            0                         0
       1:3                            0                         0
  FPC slot:FE num    High priority(bytes)      Low priority(bytes)
       1:0                              0          110991378335628
       1:1                              0                        0
       1:2                              0                        0
       1:3                              0                        0
  Residual Queue Statistics :
      High priority(pkts)       Low priority(pkts)
                       0                        0
      High priority(bytes)      Low priority(bytes)
                        0                        0
  Collapsed Forwarding Optimized Statistics :
            Optimal Packets             Non-optimal Packets
                          0                    111437126843
            Optimal Bytes               Non-optimal Bytes
                        0                 110991378335628

  Logical interface af2.0 (Index 342) (SNMP ifIndex 689)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.1 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Input packets : 532
    Output packets: 41761133660
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
    Max nh cache: 75000, New hold nh limit: 75000, Curr nh cnt: 1, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
      Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:, Broadcast:
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited

  Logical interface af2.1 (Index 341) (SNMP ifIndex 690)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.2 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Input packets : 536
    Output packets: 41764698890
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
    Max nh cache: 75000, New hold nh limit: 75000, Curr nh cnt: 1, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
      Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:, Broadcast:
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited

  Logical interface af2.32767 (Index 343) (SNMP ifIndex 692)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4004000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x0000.0 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Input packets : 0
    Output packets: 0
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited
      Flags: None

show interfaces af2 (with sub line cards or SLCs configured on MX2K-MPC11E)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@router> show interfaces af2

Physical interface: af2, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 145, SNMP ifIndex: 501
  Type: Ethernet, Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1518, Speed: 3600000mbps
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Internal: 0x4000
  Link type      : Full-Duplex
  Current address: 00:90:69:1d:20:47, Hardware address: 00:90:69:1d:20:47
  Last flapped   : 2021-03-02 22:40:47 PST (4d 21:31 ago)
  Input rate     : 4128 bps (9 pps)
  Output rate    : 5248 bps (12 pps)
  Bandwidth      : 3600 Gbps
  Peer GNF id    : 2
  Collapsed Forwarding : Optimized
  Peer GNF Forwarding element(FE) view :
  FPC slot:FE num  FE Bandwidth(Gbps) Status      Transmit Packets         Transmit Bytes
       0:0                   400         Up                3927296              204218108
       0:1                   400         Up                 911595               47346520
       0:2                   400         Up                    176                   8416
       0:3                   400         Up                  48627                4771730
       2:4                   500         Up                      0                      0
       2:5                   500         Up                      0                      0
       2:6                   500         Up                      0                      0
       2:7                   500         Up                      0                      0

  Residual Transmit Statistics :
  Packets :              4894889 Bytes :            256741776

  Fabric Queue Statistics :
  FPC slot:FE num    High priority(pkts)        Low priority(pkts)
       0:0                            0                   3927296
       0:1                            0                    911595
       0:2                            0                       176
       0:3                            0                     48627
       2:4                            0                         0
       2:5                            0                         0
       2:6                            0                         0
       2:7                            0                         0
  FPC slot:FE num    High priority(bytes)      Low priority(bytes)
       0:0                              0                204218108
       0:1                              0                 47346520
       0:2                              0                     8416
       0:3                              0                  4771730
       2:4                              0                        0
       2:5                              0                        0
       2:6                              0                        0
       2:7                              0                        0
  Residual Queue Statistics :
      High priority(pkts)       Low priority(pkts)
                       0                  4894889
      High priority(bytes)      Low priority(bytes)
                        0                256741776
  Collapsed Forwarding Optimized Statistics :
            Optimal Packets             Non-optimal Packets
                     960612                         3927082
            Optimal Bytes               Non-optimal Bytes
                 52136510                       204208264

  Logical interface af2.0 (Index 361) (SNMP ifIndex 1032)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.1 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Input packets : 8659876
    Output packets: 9897785
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
    Max nh cache: 75000, New hold nh limit: 75000, Curr nh cnt: 1, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
      Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:, Broadcast:
    Protocol iso, MTU: 1497
      Flags: Is-Primary
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Primary
        Local: 49.0002.0192.0168.0001
    Protocol mpls, MTU: 1488, Maximum labels: 3
      Flags: Is-Primary
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited
      Flags: Is-Primary

  Logical interface af2.32767 (Index 364) (SNMP ifIndex 1033)
    Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4004000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x0000.0 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Input packets : 0
    Output packets: 0
    Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited
      Flags: None

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 17.4R1.
