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Junos CLI Reference
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file (App Engine Virtual Machine Management Service)

date_range 20-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
file {filename <files number> | match | no-world-readable | size size | world-readable 

Hierarchy Level

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[edit system processes app-engine-virtual-machine-management-service traceoptions] 


Trace file information for the Virtual Machine Management Daemon ( vmmd), which communicates with the host OS.



Name of the file in which the trace information is stored. By default, the file is created in the /var/log directory.

files number

(Optional) Maximum number of trace files. When a trace file reaches the size specified by the size option, the filename is appended with 0 and compressed. For example, when a trace file named trace-file-log reaches size size, it is compressed and renamed as trace-file-log.0.gz. When trace-file-log reaches size size for the second time, trace-file-log.0.gz is renamed as trace-file-log.1.gz and trace-file-log is compressed and renamed as trace-file-log.0.gz. This renaming sheme ensures that the older logs have a greater index number. When number of trace files reaches number, the oldest file is deleted.

If you specify a maximum number of files, you also must specify a maximum file size with the size option and a filename.

  • Range: 2 through 1000

  • Default: 10


Refine the output to include only those lines that match the given regular expression.


Restrict file access to the user who created the trace files.


Maximum size of each trace file . By default, the number entered is treated as bytes. Alternatively, you can include a suffix to the number to indicate kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB). If you specify a maximum file size, you also must specify a maximum number of trace files with the files option.

  • Range: 10 KB through 1 GB

  • Default: 128 KB


Enable unrestricted file access.

Required Privilege Level


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1F3.


PTX3000 router supports the Routing and Control Board, RCBPTX.
