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show security utm custom-objects url-feed status

date_range 30-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show security utm custom-objects url-feed status feed-name
 <options [invalid-urls | ignored-urls]>


Display the URL feed status. You can check the invalid and ignored URLs status individually.



Define the name of the URL feed object


Provides the invalid URLs that is available in the URL feed file.


Provides the ignored URLs that available in the URL feed file.

If the URL pattern limit exceeds then, the system considers the further URLs in feed file as ignored URLs. The system does not consider whether the additional URL is valid or invalid.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show security utm custom-objects url-feed status feed-name command.

Table 1: show security utm custom-objects url-feed status feed-name Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Auto-update Status of the URL feed automatic update
Current Status Current status of the URL feed
Error Status of the URL feed creation error. See Table 2 for different values for current status, corresponding errors and root cause.
Feed Name of the URL feed
Feed URL URL feed file location
Ignored URLS Count Number of ignored URLs
Interval Auto-update interval
Invalid URLS Count Number of the invalid URLs

Last Update Time

Last URL pattern updated time

Proxy Settings

Status of the proxy settings

Routing Instance

Status of the routing instance

Table 2: URL Feed Status and Corresponding Errors and Root Cause

Current Status


Root cause


No error

Not available

Download Failed

Internal Server Error

Server side internal error

Domain resolution failed

The feed URL contains domain.

The name-servers did not resolve the domain name.

File is not available on server.

File is not located on given feed URL.

Operation timed out

Server did not respond to the request.

No route to feed server

Route is not present to DUT to reach the feed server.


File might not have appropriate permissions.

File size limit exceeded

Size of file to be downloaded is more than 512 KB.

Feed file empty

Feed file size is 0.

Connection refused

Server process is not running


server machine does not have corresponding port opened.


No Error

Not available

Update failed

Commit failed.

Not available

No valid entry found in feed file

No valid entry available in the feed file to commit.

Unable to access configuration database

There could be uncommitted configuration in CLI.


No Error.

Not available

Sample Output

show security utm custom-objects url-feed status feed-name

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show security utm custom-objects url-feed status temp
URL-Feed Status: 
    Feed                          :temp
    Feed URL                      :https//
    Routing Instance              :Not Configured
    Proxy Settings                :Not Configured
    Auto-update                   :enabled
    Interval                      :12
    URL Pattern                   :temp_feed
    Last Update Time              :2023-05-12 03:39
    Current Status                :Updated
    Error                         :No error
    Invalid URLS Count            :1
    Ignored URLS Count            :7

show security utm custom-objects url-feed status feed-name options invalid-urls

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show security utm custom-objects url-feed status feed-name options invalid-urls
URL-Feed InvalidURLs: 

show security utm custom-objects url-feed status feed-name options ignored-urls

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show security utm custom-objects url-feed status feed-name options ignored-urls
URL-Feed Ignored URLs:

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 23.4R1.
