chassis { aggregated-devices {...} alarm {...} alarm-port {...} ambient-temperature; auto-image-upgrade; auto-satellite-conversion; cb name {...} config-button (no-clear | no-rescue); container-devices {...} copy-tos-to-outer {...} craft-lockout; dedicated-ukern-cpu (BFD); disable-fm; disable-power-management; disk-partition {...} ecmp-alb {...} effective-shaping-rate; enhanced-policer; epacl-firewall-optimization; error {...} extended-statistics; fabric {...} forwarding-options {...} fpc name {...} fpc-empolicy-profile low-power-mode; fpc-ifl-ae-statistics; fpc-resync; fru-local-storage-disable; fru-poweron-sequence; host-outbound media-interface {...} icmp {...} icmp6 {...} input-firewall-optimized-profile; ioc-npc-connectivity {...} ipvacl-firewall-l2-profile; iracl-firewall-ipv4-profile; ivacl-firewall-no-portrange-profile; jnu-management {...} lcc name {...} lcd-menu {...} limited-ifl-scaling; local-station-mac local-station-mac; loopback-firewall-optimization; loopback-firewallv6-optimization; maximum-ecmp; memory-enhanced {...} mode power-optimized; monitor-pem-inputs; multicast-loadbalance {...} network-services; network-slices {...} no-power-budget; no-psu-redundancy; nssu {...} onbox-av-load-flavor heavy; optics display-3po-pn; oss-map {...} p4rt node-id node-id; pem {...} pem {...} periodic {...} per-logical-interface-firewall; policer-drop-probability-low; policer-limit; power-off-ports-on-no-master-re (disable | enable); ppp-subscriber-services; preserve-fpc-poweron-sequence; provider-instance-devices device-count; pseudowire-service {...} psm {...} psu {...} realtime-ukern-thread (BFD); redundancy {...} redundancy-group {...} resource-watch {...} route-localization {...} routing-engine {...} satellite satellite-name; serdes test-mode test-mode; sfm {...} sib; slow-pfe-alarm; synchronization {...} synchronization {...} synchronization {...} synchronization {...} turbotx-disable; usb {...} vrf-mtu-check; }
Hierarchy Level
Configure router chassis properties.
Use Feature Explorer to confirm platform and release support for specific features.
config-button |
Config button behavior settings.
disable-fm |
Disable Fabric Manager. |
disable-power-management |
Disable Power Management in this chassis. |
fpc-empolicy-profile low-power-mode |
(Only for MX10004 and MX10008 devices with LC9600 line card) Enable fpc-empolicy-profile low-power-mode. |
fpc-ifl-ae-statistics |
Enable fpc ifl ae child statistics. |
fru-local-storage-disable |
Disable and erase local storage on FPC. (FPC reboot required) |
local-station-mac |
Local station mac address configuration. |
mode power-optimized |
Set power mode to power-optimized. |
monitor-pem-inputs |
Enable low current usage monitoring. |
no-psu-redundancy |
Disable N+1 Redundancy for PSUs. |
onbox-av-load-flavor heavy |
(Only for SRX devices) Select onbox anti-virus traffic load flavor. |
optics display-3po-pn |
To display third party optics part number. |
p4rt node-id |
Chassis p4rt identifier.
per-logical-interface-firewall |
Ingress port firewall can be supported per logical interface, restarts PFE. |
policer-limit |
Limit the policer tick unit to 32 bytes. |
power-off-ports-on-no-master-re |
Powering off ports if no master RE present.
provider-instance-devices |
Number of provider instance port devices. |
satellite satellite-name |
Display JNU satellite configuration schema. Connected Security Distributed Services (CSDS) Architecture support this option. |
serdes test-mode |
Serdes test mode for link training. |
turbotx-disable |
Disable turbotx processing. Turbotx host path enables higher packets-per-second (pps) for certain junos applications. Only supported for Linux based line cards. |
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
satellite satellite-name
option is added in Junos OS
Release 24.4R1.
Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.