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show security flow session session-identifier

date_range 19-Nov-23


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         show security flow session session-identifier session-identifier        


Display detailed information for the identified session.


session-identifier—Identifier of the session about which to display information.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show security flow session session-identifier command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show security flow session session-identifier Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Session ID

A unique number that a server assigns a specific user for the duration of that session.


Internal flag depicting the state of the session, used for debugging purposes. It is internal. The three available flags are:

Flags: 0x42/0x0/0x1/0x8103

  • natflag:

  • natflag2:

  • natflag3:

  • flag:

Policy name

Name and ID of the policy that the first packet of the session matched and that permitted the traffic.

Session log entries are tied to policy configuration. Each main session event—create, close, and deny—creates a log entry if the controlling policy has enabled logging.

Source NAT pool

The name of the source pool where NAT is used.

A NAT pool is a user-defined set of IP addresses that are used for translation. Unlike static NAT, where there is a one-to-one mapping that includes destination IP address translation in one direction and source IP address translation in the reverse direction, with source NAT, the original source IP address is translated to an IP address in the address pool.

Source NAT is used to allow hosts with private IP addresses to access a public network.

Dynamic application

Dynamic application: INCONCLUSIVE.

If the dynamic application has yet to be determined, the output indicates Pending. If the dynamic application cannot be determined, the output indicates junos: UNKNOWN.

Traffic with an application ID of junos: UNKNOWN matches a dynamic application of junos: UNKNOWN. If there is no such rule defined, the default rule is applied.

The term junos: UNKNOWN is a reserved keyword.


Type of encryption, if the application traffic is encrypted.

Encryption:  Unknown.

Application traffic control rule-set

Name of the application traffic control rule set.

Application traffic control rule-set: INVALID.

Maximum timeout

Maximum session timeout, in seconds.

Session state

Session state: Valid.

Start time

Time, in seconds, when the session was created, offset from the system start time.


For the input flow:

  • Source and destination addresses, ports, and protocol tuple for the input flow.

  • Interface: Input flow interface.

  • Session token: Internal token derived from the virtual routing instance.

  • Flag: Internal debugging flags.

  • Route: Internal next hop of the route to be used by the flow.

  • Gateway: Next-hop gateway of the flow.

  • Tunnel: Used for internal debugging. If the flow is going into a tunnel, the decimal format of the tunnel ID, plus the tunnel type. Otherwise, 0 (zero). See Table 2 for tunnel type identification.

  • Port Sequence, FIN sequence, FIN state, Cookie: Internal TCP state tracking information.

  • Pkts, Bytes, CP Session ID: Packets and bytes matched on the wing, and the associated CP session ID of the wing.

  • Conn tag: Session connection tag for GRPS tunneling protocol, user plane (GTP-U) flow sessions and Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) flow sessions.


For the reverse flow:

  • Source and destination IP addresses, and application protocol for the reverse flow.

  • Interface: Reverse flow interface.

  • Session token: Internal token derived from the virtual routing instance.

  • Flag: Internal debugging flags.

  • Route: Internal next hop of the route to be used by the flow.

  • Gateway: Next-hop gateway of the flow.

  • Tunnel: Tunnel type identifier. Used for internal debugging.

    If the flow is going into a tunnel, species the decimal format of the tunnel ID, plus the tunnel type. Otherwise, 0 (zero). See Table 2 for tunnel type identification.

  • Port Sequence, FIN sequence, FIN state, Cookie: Internal TCP state tracking information.

  • Pkts, Bytes, CP Session ID: Packets and bytes matched on the wing, and the associated CP session ID of the wing.

  • Conn tag: Session connection tag for GRPS tunneling protocol, user plane (GTP-U) flow sessions and Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) flow sessions.


Session status:

  • Auth (NAT flag with NAT_AUTH)

  • Transparent (NAT flag with NAT_TRANSPARENT)

  • Expired (NAT flag with NAT_INVALID)

  • Normal (no flag)

Virtual system

Virtual system to which the session belongs (it is optional).


Application match for applying the rule.

Application: junos-http/6.


Name of the application traffic control rule.


Current timeout

Remaining time for the session unless traffic exists in the session.


Length of time, in seconds, for which the session is active.


Name of the ALG, if there is resource manager.


Group identification number, if there is resource manager.


Resource identification number, if there is resource manager.

Table 2: Tunnel Type Identification

Binary (first 3 bits)

Hexadecimal (the first 4 bits)

Tunnel Type



no tunnel
















Sample Output

show security flow session session-identifier 20595

content_copy zoom_out_map
root> show security flow session session-identifier 20595
Flow Sessions on FPC10 PIC2:

Session ID: 20595, Status: Normal
Flags: 0x42/0x0/0x1/0x8103
Policy name: pre-id-default-policy-logical-system-00/3
Source NAT pool: Null, Application: junos-http/6
Dynamic application: INCONCLUSIVE, 
Encryption:  Unknown
Application traffic control rule-set: INVALID, Rule: INVALID
Maximum timeout: 1800, Current timeout: 1788
Session State: Valid
Start time: 247736, Duration: 14
   In: -->;tcp, 
    Conn Tag: 0x0, Interface: ge-0/0/2.0, 
    Session token: 0x7, Flag: 0x3621
    Route: 0xe0010, Gateway:, Tunnel: 0
    Port sequence: 0, FIN sequence: 0, 
    FIN state: 0, 
    Pkts: 3, Bytes: 176
    Out: -->;tcp, 
    Conn Tag: 0x0, Interface: ge-0/0/3.0, 
     Session token: 0x8, Flag: 0x3620
    Route: 0xc0010, Gateway:, Tunnel: 0
    Port sequence: 0, FIN sequence: 0, 
    FIN state: 0, 
    Pkts: 2, Bytes: 120
 Total sessions: 1

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. Output changed to support natflag2 and flag in Junos OS Release 12.3X48-D10.
