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show services inline-monitoring feature-profile-mapping fpc-slot



(EX4100 and EX4100-F switches only) Show what features you configured for flow-based telemetry and how they are ordered in the flow.


fpc-slot slot-number

Specify the slot number to view the feature mapping for that Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC). You must have already configured a feature profile for inline monitoring for this command to contain any information.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show services inline-monitoring feature-profile-mapping command.

Table 1: show services inline-monitoring feature-profile-mapping Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

FPC Slot

Slot configured for flow-based telemetry.

Flow counter Instance Name

Name of the inline-monitoring instance you configured for flow-based telemetry.


Information Element number for a feature you configured for the inline-monitoring feature profile.

Feature/Counter Name

Name of a feature you configured in an inline-monitoring feature profile.

Sample Output

show services inline-monitoring feature-profile-mapping fpc-slot 0

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 22.2R1.