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Junos CLI Reference
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option-number (DHCP Relay Agent Option)

date_range 20-Nov-23


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option-number option-number;

Hierarchy Level

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay relay-option],
[edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay dhcpv6 relay-option],
[edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay group group-name relay-option],
[edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay dhcpv6 group group-name relay-option],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name forwarding-options dhcp-relay ...],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances routing-instance-name forwarding-options dhcp-relay ...],
[edit routing-instances routing-instance-name forwarding-options dhcp-relay ...]


Specify the DHCP option DHCP relay agent uses for selective processing of client traffic. You can configure support globally or for a named group of interfaces. You can also configure support for the extended DHCP relay agent on a per logical system and per routing instance basis.

Use the [edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay dhcpv6] hierarchy level to configure the DHCPv6 relay agent support.


option-number—The DHCP or DHCPv6 option in the incoming traffic.


EX Series switches do not support the User Class Options.

  • 15 (DHCPv6 only)—Use DHCPv6 option 15 (User Class Option) in packets

  • 16 (DHCPv6 only)—(MX Series routers and EX Series switches only) Use DHCPv6 option 16 (Vendor Class Option) in packets

  • 60 (DHCPv4 only)—(MX Series routers and EX Series switches only) Use DHCP option 60 (Vendor Class Identifier) in DHCP packets

  • 77 (DHCPv4 only)—Use DHCP option 77 (User Class Identifier) in packets

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3.
