show bridge domain
show bridge domain
<brief | detail | extensive>
<bridge-domain (all | domain-name)>
<instance instance-name>
(MX Series routers only) Display bridge domain information.
none | Display information for all bridge domains. |
brief | detail | extensive | (Optional) Display the specified level of output. |
bridge-domain (all | domain-name) | (Optional) Display information about all bridge domains or the specified bridge domain. |
instance instance-name | (Optional) Display information for the specified routing instance. |
operational | (Optional) Display information for the operational routing instances. |
Required Privilege Level
Sample Output
show bridge domain
user@host> show bridge domain Instance Bridging Domain Type Primary Table Active vs1 vlan100 bridge bridge.0 2 vs1 vlan200 bridge bridge.0 0
show bridge domain brief
user@host> show bridge domain brief Instance Bridging Domain Type Primary Table Active vs1 vlan100 bridge bridge.0 2 vs1 vlan200 bridge bridge.0 0
show bridge domain detail
user@host> show bridge domain detail Routing Instance:vs1 Bridging Domain:vlan100 Router ID: Type: bridge State: Active Interfaces: ge-11/0/3.0 ge-11/1/4.100 ge-11/1/1.100 ge-11/1/0.100 xe-10/2/0.100 xe-10/0/0.100 Tables: bridge.0 : 2 macs (2 active) Routing Instance:vs1 Bridging Domain:vlan200 Router ID: Type: bridge State: Active Interfaces: ge-11/1/0.200 ge-11/1/1.200 ge-11/1/4.200 xe-10/0/0.200 xe-10/2/0.200 Tables: bridge.0 : 0 macs (0 active)
Release Information
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 8.4.