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request vmhost software add

date_range 19-Nov-23

MX Series

content_copy zoom_out_map
request vmhost software add package-name 
<re0 | re1>
<set [package-names]>

PTX Series

content_copy zoom_out_map
request vmhost software add package-name 
<set [package-names]>


Install Junos OS and host software packages on the device.

For installing the host software as well as Junos OS, specify the package name junos-vmhost-install-x.tgz in the request vmhost software add command. Junos OS installation alone can be achieved by specifying the regular package name junos-install-x.tgz in the request system software add command. However, installation using the vmhost package is recommended as it upgrades both the host software and Junos OS.

To upgrade to Junos OS Release 21.2R1, you must include the no-validate option when using this command to install the package.


You must load the PTX1000, PTX10008, PTX10016, PTX10002-60C, and QFX10002-60C devices only with junos-vmhost-install-x.tgz package using the request vmhost software add command. The junos-vmhost-install-x.tgz package upgrades both the host software and Junos OS. The PTX1000, PTX10008, PTX10016, PTX10002-60C, and QFX10002-60C devices do not support Junos only upgrade. If you try to load Junos only image, then these devices go down or vmhost commands do not work or the device state is unpredictable.


none—Install Junos OS and host software packages on the Routing Engine on the local Virtual Chassis member.


Location from which the software package or bundle is to be installed. For example:

  • /var/tmp/package-name—For a software package or bundle that is being installed from a local directory on the device.

  • protocol://hostname/pathname/package-name—For a software package or bundle that is to be downloaded and installed from a remote location. Replace protocol with one of the following:

    • ftp—File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Use ftp://hostname/pathname/package-name. To specify authentication credentials, use ftp://<username>:<password>@hostname/pathname/package-name. To have the system prompt you for the password, specify prompt in place of the password. If a password is required, and you do not specify the password or prompt, an error message is displayed.

    • http—Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Use http://hostname/pathname/package-name. To specify authentication credentials, use http://<username>:<password>@hostname/pathname/package-name. If a password is required and you omit it, you are prompted for it.

    • scp—Secure Copy Protcol (SCP)(not available for limited editions). Use scp://hostname/pathname/package-name. To specify authentication credentials, use scp://<username>:<password>@hostname/pathname/package-name.

  • The pathname in the protocol is the relative path to the user’s home directory on the remote system and not the root directory.

  • Do not use the scp protocol in the request vmhost software add command to download and install a software package or bundle from a remote location. The software upgrade is handled by the mgd process that does not support SCP.

    To install a software package or bundle from a remote location:

    1. Use the file copy command to copy the software package or bundle from the remote location to the /var/tmp directory on the hard disk:file copy scp://source/package-name /var/tmp

    2. Install the software package or bundle by using the request vmhost software add command:request vmhost software add /var/tmp/package-name


(Optional) When loading a software package or bundle with a different release, suppress the default behavior of the validate option.

To upgrade to Junos OS Release 21.2R1, you must include the no-validate option when using this command to install the package.

re0 | re1

(Optional) Load a software package or bundle on the Routing Engine in slot 0 (re0) or the Routing Engine in slot 1 (re1).


The option re1 is not supported on the PTX1000 Packet Transport Router.


(Optional) After adding the software package or bundle, reboot the system.

set [package-names]


Additional Information

Before upgrading the software on the device, when you have a known stable system, issue the request vmhost snapshot command to back up the software. After you have upgraded the software on the device and are satisfied that the new package or bundle is successfully installed and running, issue the request vmhost snapshot command again to back up the new software to the backup disk.

After you run the request vmhost snapshot command, you cannot return to the previous version of the snapshot, because the previous snapshot is replaced by the new snapshot.

Before installing software on a device that has one or more custom YANG data models added to it, back up and remove the configuration data corresponding to the custom YANG data models from the active configuration. For more information see Managing YANG Packages and Configurations During a Software Upgrade or Downgrade.

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

request vmhost software add (Multiple Packages)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> request vmhost software add set [/var/tmp/junos-vmhost-install-ptx-x86-64-15.1F-20160518.0.tgz /var/tmp/junos-vmhost-jdiag-15.1F-20160518.0.tgz no-validate 
Verified /var/tmp/junos-vmhost-install-ptx-x86-64-15.1F-20160518.0.tgz signed by PackageDevelopmentEc_2016
Copied the config and other data to the aux disk.
Transfer Done
Transfer /packages/db/pkginst.7286/junos-vmhost-install*.tgz
Transfer Done
Starting upgrade...
Preparing for upgrade...

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1F3.


PTX3000 router supports the Routing and Control Board, RCBPTX.
