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show bridge mac-ip-table

date_range 22-Feb-25


content_copy zoom_out_map
show bridge mac-ip-table
<bridge-domain (all |bridge-domain-name)> <instance instance-name>
<brief | count | detail | extensive>
<kernel >
<logical-system (all | logical-system-name)>


Displays the MAC-IP address for all IPv4 (ARP) and IPv6 (ND) bindings for bridge domains on a virtual switch.


bridge-domain (all | bridge-domain-name)

(Optional) Display the MAC-IP address entries for all bridge domains or for a specified bridge domain.

brief | detail |extensive | summary

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

instance instance-name

(Optional) Display the MAC-IP address information for the specified routing instance.


(Optional) Display the MAC-IP address entries in the kernel

logical-system <logical-system-name>

(Optional) Display the MAC-IP address information for the specified logical system or all logical systems.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show bridge mac-ip-table command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show bridge mac-ip-table Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

IP address

IP address associated with the EVPN routing instance.

All levels

MAC address

MAC address

All levels


Assigned Group Based Policy (GBP) tag ID (a value from 1 through 65535).

All levels


MAC IP flags: Identifies : statically installed MAC-IP entries.

  • S—Statically installed MAC-IP entries.

  • D—Dynamic installed MAC-IP address entries.

  • L—Locally learned MAC-IP address entries

  • R— MAC-IP address entries that are learnt from a remote device via the control plane.

  • Lp—Local proxy MAC IP address entries.

    In multihoming networks, a device that learns of a MAC address as a DLR (local and remote) and also learns the MAC-IP address binding remotely will send a MAC-IP address notification message (as if it was generated by traffic). This entry is identified as a local proxy address. The remote multihomed peer identifies the corresponding MAC-IP entry as remote proxy address.

  • Rp—Remote proxy MAC IP address entries. See Lp flag for more information

  • K—MAC-IP address entries that are installed in the kernel.

  • RT—Destination Route that corresponds to an installed entry.

  • AD—Advertised to remote device.

  • NAD—MAC-IP address entries on disabled IRB interfaces. These entries are not advertised.

  • RE—Specifies temporary ARP/ND entries while the device is waiting for a response from an arp or network solicitation request. The entries are removed after three unsuccessful request attempts.

  • RO—Router. This applies only to IPv6 MAC-IP addresses. Refer to RFC 4861 for more information on the Router flag.

  • OV—Override.This applies only to IPv6 MAC-IP addresses. Refer to RFC 4861 for more information on the Override flag.

  • UR—Unresolved MAC-IP address entries. This flag is specific to the Junos EVO environment
  • RTS—Device skipped adding an EVPN Type 2 route in favor of an EVPN Type 5 route with a matching prefix (extensive output displays dest_route_skipped).

Brief, detail

Logical Interface

The logical interface associated with the routing instance.

Brief, detail

Active Source

The source of the learned MAC-IP address entry. Displays the ESI or router ID.

All levels

Routing Instance

Information on the Routing instance where the MAC-IP address entry was learned.

  • Bridging domain

  • MAC-IP local mask

  • MAC-IP remote mask

  • MAC-IP RPD flags

  • MAC-IP flags



Bridge Domain ID


Sample Output

show bridge mac-ip-table

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show bridge mac-ip-table
MAC IP flags  (S - Static, D - Dynamic, L - Local , R - Remote, K - Kernel, RT - Dest Route,
               AD - Advt to remote, RE - Re-ARP/ND, RO - Router, OV - Override)
 Routing instance : evpn
 Bridging domain : bd1
   IP                           MAC                  Flags             Logical            Active
   address                      address                                Interface          source                     00:11:00:00:00:01    DR,K                                            00:22:00:00:00:01    DR,K                                            00:33:00:00:00:01    DL,K,AD           ge-0/0/2.1                     00:44:00:00:00:01    DR,K                       

show bridge mac-ip-table extensive

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show bridge mac-ip-table extensive
IP address:
  MAC address: 00:11:00:00:00:01
  Routing instance: evpn
   Bridging domain: bd1
   MAC-IP local mask: 0x0000000000000000
   MAC-IP remote mask: 0x8000000000000000
   MAC-IP RPD flags: 0x00000081
   MAC-IP flags: remote,kernel

show bridge mac-ip-table kernel

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show bridge mac-ip-table kernel
    BD       IP                           MAC                  Logical           Flags
    id       address                      address              Interface
    2                  00:21:59:aa:77:f0    irb.1             0x00000209
    2                00:00:5e:00:01:01    irb.1             0x00000609
    3                  00:21:59:aa:77:f0    irb.2             0x00000209
    3                00:00:5e:00:01:01    irb.2             0x00000609
    4                  00:21:59:aa:77:f0    irb.3             0x00000209
    4                00:00:5e:00:01:01    irb.3             0x00000609
    5                  00:21:59:aa:77:f0    irb.4             0x00000209
    5                00:00:5e:00:01:01    irb.4             0x00000609

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 17.4R2.
