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show chassis forwarding-options

date_range 20-May-24


content_copy zoom_out_map
show chassis forwarding-options


Display the configuration for the Unified Forwarding Table.


There are no options for this command.


Starting in Junos OS Releases 17.3R2, for QFX5200 Virtual Chassis, information about memory banks are displayed only for the Primary, not for the other members. Values remain the same across all members. All configuration changes for the Unified Forwarding Table are made through the Primary.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show chassis forwarding-options command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show chassis forwarding-options Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

profile name

Name of profile configured:

  • custom-profile (QFX5200 only)

  • l2-profile-one

  • l2-profile-three (default)

  • l2-profile-two

  • l3-profile

  • lpm-profile

  • vxlan-gbp-profile (EX4100, EX4400, EX4650, and QFX5120-32C and QFX5120-48Y switches)

  • vxlan-gbp-l2-profile (EX4400, EX4650, and QFX5120-32C and QFX5120-48Y switches)

  • vxlan-gbp-l3-profile (EX4400, EX4650, and QFX5120-32C and QFX5120-48Y switches)


Maximum amount of memory allocated for Layer 2 entries.


Maximum amount of memory allocated for Layer 3 host entries.


Maximum amount of memory allocated for longest match prefix (LPM) entries.


Maximum amount of memory allocated in LPM table for IP prefixes with lengths in the range /65 through /127.

Total scale(K)

(QFX5200 only) Maximum amount of memory allocated for each address type. This amount includes the amount configured plus the amount allocated through the dedicated hash table.

Bank details for various types of entries

(QFX5200 only) Maximum amount of memory configured by address type for each of the four shared memory banks and the dedicated hash table.

Entry type

(QFX5200 only) Type of forwarding-table entry: L2(mac); L3 (unicast and multicast); Exact Match; and Longest Prefix Match (lpm)

Dedicated bank size(K)

(QFX5200 only) Maximum amount of memory allocated for each address type in the dedicated hash table.

Shared bank size(K)

(QFX5200 only) Default Maximum amount of memory allocated for each address type in the shared memory banks.

Sample Output

show chassis forwarding-options (vxlan-gbp-l2-profile on EX4400 Series switch)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chasiss forwarding-options
UFT Configuration:
num-65-127-prefix = 1K
--------------Bank details for various types of entries------------------
Entry type                         Dedicated Bank Size(K)     Shared Bank Size(K)
L2(mac)                            16                         16 * num shared banks
L3(unicast & multicast)            16                         16 * num shared banks
Exact Match                        0                          8 * num shared banks

show chassis forwarding-options (l2-profile-three)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis forwarding-options
UFT Configuration:
l2-profile-three. (MAC: 160K L3-host: 144K LPM: 16K) (default)
num-65-127-prefix = none


show chassis forwarding-options (custom-profile on QFX5200 Series switch)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chasiss forwarding-options
UFT Configuration:
Configured custom scale:
Entry type                 Total scale(K)
L2(mac)                         8
L3 (unicast & multicast)        72
Exact Match                     0
Longest Prefix Match (lpm)      80
num-65-127-prefix = 1K
-------------Bank details for various types of entries------------
Entry type                   Dedicated Bank Size(K)      Shared Bank Size(K)
L2 (mac)                     8                         32 * num shared banks
L3 (unicast & multicast      8                         32 * num shared banks
Exact match                  0                         16 * num shared banks
Longest Prefix match(lpm)    16                        32 * num shared banks

show chassis forwarding-options (QFX5200 Virtual Chassis)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis forwarding-options
UFT Configuration:
num-65-127-prefix = 1K
-Bank details for various types of entries-
Entry type                         Dedicated Bank Size(K)     Shared Bank Size(K)
L2(mac)                            8                          32 * num shared banks
L3(unicast & multicast)            8                          32 * num shared banks
Exact Match                        0                          16 * num shared banks
Longest Prefix Match(lpm)          16                         32 * num shared banks

UFT Configurtion:
num-65-127-prefix = 1K

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2

Support added to QFX5200 switches in Junos OS Release 15.1X53-D30
