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show pim join


Syntax (EX Series Switch and the QFX Series)


Display information about Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) groups for all PIM modes.

For bidirectional PIM, display information about PIM group ranges (*,G-range) for each active bidirectional RP group range, in addition to each of the joined (*,G) routes.



Display the standard information about PIM groups for all supported family addresses for all routing instances.

brief | detail | extensive | summary

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

bidirectional | dense | sparse

(Optional) Display information about PIM bidirectional mode, dense mode, or sparse and source-specific multicast (SSM) mode entries.


(Optional) Display the downstream count instead of a list.


(Optional) Display information about only the group that exactly matches the specified group address.

inet | inet6

(Optional) Display PIM group information for IPv4 or IPv6 family addresses, respectively.

instance (all | instance-name)

(Optional) Display information about groups for all PIM-enabled routing instances or a specific PIM-enabled routing instance.

logical-system (all | logical-system-name)

(Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system.


(Optional) Address range of the group, specified as prefix/prefix-length.


(Optional) Display BGP-MVPN neighbor.

rp ip-address/prefix | source ip-address/prefix

(Optional) Display information about the PIM entries with a specified rendezvous point (RP) address and prefix or with a specified source address and prefix. You can omit the prefix.

sg | star-g

(Optional) Display information about PIM (S,G) or (*,G) entries.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show pim join command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show pim join Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Name of the routing instance.

brief detail extensive summary none


Name of the address family: inet (IPv4) or inet6 (IPv6).

brief detail extensive summary none

Route type

Type of multicast route: (S,G) or (*,G).


Route count

Number of (S,G) routes and number of (*,G) routes.



Rendezvous Point Tree.

brief detail extensive none



brief detail extensive none



brief detail extensive none


Group address.

brief detail extensive none

Bidirectional group prefix length

For bidirectional PIM, length of the IP prefix for RP group ranges.

All levels


Multicast source:

  • * (wildcard value)

  • ipv4-address

  • ipv6-address

brief detail extensive none


Rendezvous point for the PIM group.

brief detail extensive none


PIM flags:

  • bidirectional—Bidirectional mode entry.

  • dense—Dense mode entry.

  • rptree—Entry is on the rendezvous point tree.

  • sparse—Sparse mode entry.

  • spt—Entry is on the shortest-path tree for the source.

  • wildcard—Entry is on the shared tree.

brief detail extensive none

Upstream interface

RPF interface toward the source address for the source-specific state (S,G) or toward the rendezvous point (RP) address for the non-source-specific state (*,G).

For bidirectional PIM, RP Link means that the interface is directly connected to a subnet that contains a phantom RP address.

A pseudo multipoint LDP (M-LDP) interface appears on egress nodes in M-LDP point-to-multipoint LSPs with inband signaling.

brief detail extensive none

Upstream neighbor

Information about the upstream neighbor: Direct, Local, Unknown, or a specific IP address.

For bidirectional PIM, Direct means that the interface is directly connected to a subnet that contains a phantom RP address.

The multipoint LDP (M-LDP) root appears on egress nodes in M-LDP point-to-multipoint LSPs with inband signaling.


Upstream rpf-vector

Information about the upstream Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) vector; appears in conjunction with the rpf-vector command.


Active upstream interface

When multicast-only fast reroute (MoFRR) is configured in a PIM domain, the upstream interface for the active path. A PIM router propagates join messages on two upstream RPF interfaces to receive multicast traffic on both links for the same join request. Preference is given to two paths that do not converge to the same immediate upstream router. PIM installs appropriate multicast routes with upstream neighbors as RPF next hops with two (primary and backup) interfaces.


Active upstream neighbor

On the MoFRR primary path, the IP address of the neighbor that is directly connected to the active upstream interface.


MoFRR Backup upstream interface

The MoFRR upstream interface that is used when the primary path fails.

When the primary path fails, the backup path is upgraded to primary, and traffic is forwarded accordingly. If there are alternate paths available, a new backup path is calculated and the appropriate multicast route is updated or installed.


MoFRR Backup upstream neighbor

IP address of the MoFRR upstream neighbor.


Upstream state

Information about the upstream interface:

  • Join to RP—Sending a join to the rendezvous point.

  • Join to Source—Sending a join to the source.

  • Local RP—Sending neither join messages nor prune messages toward the RP, because this routing device is the rendezvous point.

  • Local Source—Sending neither join messages nor prune messages toward the source, because the source is locally attached to this routing device.

  • No Prune to RP—Automatically sent to RP when SPT and RPT are on the same path.

  • Prune to RP—Sending a prune to the rendezvous point.

  • Prune to Source—Sending a prune to the source.


RP group range entries have None in the Upstream state field because RP group ranges do not trigger actual PIM join messages between routing devices.


Downstream neighbors

Information about downstream interfaces:

  • Interface—Interface name for the downstream neighbor.

    A pseudo PIM-SM interface appears for all IGMP-only interfaces.

    A pseudo multipoint LDP (Pseudo-MLDP) interface appears on ingress root nodes in M-LDP point-to-multipoint LSPs with inband signaling.

  • Interface address—Address of the downstream neighbor.

  • State—Information about the downstream neighbor: join or prune.

  • Flags—PIM join flags: R (RPtree), S (Sparse), W (Wildcard), or zero.

  • Uptime—Time since the downstream interface joined the group.

  • Time since last Join—Time since the last join message was received from the downstream interface.

  • Time since last Prune—Time since the last prune message was received from the downstream interface.

  • rpf-vector—IP address of the RPF vector TLV .


Number of downstream interfaces

Total number of outgoing interfaces for each (S,G) entry.


Assert Timeout

Length of time between assert cycles on the downstream interface. Not displayed if the assert timer is null.


Keepalive timeout

Time remaining until the downstream join state is updated (in seconds). If the downstream join state is not updated before this keepalive timer reaches zero, the entry is deleted. If there is a directly connected host, Keepalive timeout is Infinity.



Time since the creation of (S,G) or (*,G) state. The uptime is not refreshed every time a PIM join message is received for an existing (S,G) or (*,G) state.


Bidirectional accepting interfaces

Interfaces on the routing device that forward bidirectional PIM traffic.

The reasons for forwarding bidirectional PIM traffic are that the interface is the winner of the designated forwarder election (DF Winner), or the interface is the reverse path forwarding (RPF) interface toward the RP (RPF).


Sample Output

show pim join summary

show pim join (PIM Sparse Mode)

show pim join (Bidirectional PIM)

show pim join inet6

show pim join inet6 star-g

show pim join instance <instance-name>

show pim join instance <instance-name> downstream-count

show pim join instance <instance-name> downstream-count extensive

show pim join detail

show pim join extensive (PIM Resolve TLV for Multicast in Seamless MPLS)

show pim join extensive (PIM Sparse Mode)

show pim join extensive (Bidirectional PIM)

show pim join extensive (Bidirectional PIM with a Directly Connected Phantom RP)

show pim join instance <instance-name> extensive

show pim join extensive (Ingress Node with Multipoint LDP Inband Signaling for Point-to-Multipoint LSPs)

show pim join extensive (Egress Node with Multipoint LDP Inband Signaling for Point-to-Multipoint LSPs)

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

summary option introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6.

inet6 and instance options introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for EX Series switches.

Support for bidirectional PIM added in Junos OS Release 12.1.

Multiple new filter options introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2.

downstream-count option introduced in Junos OS Release 16.1.

Support for PIM NSR support for VXLAN added in Junos OS Release 16.2

Support for RFC 5496 (via rpf-vector) added in Junos OS Release 17.3R1.