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clear evpn duplicate-mac-suppression



Clear suppressed duplicate MAC addresses in an EVPN network. You can also use this command to re-enable any blocked duplicate MAC addresses. After you have enabled these duplicate MAC addresses, these MAC addresses will be available for relearning and forwarding.


instance instance

(Optional) Clear suppressed MAC address for a specific routing instance. On MX Series routers , the routing instance can be an EVPN instance or virtual-switch instance. On QFX Series switches, the routing instance can be an EVPN instance, virtual-switch instance or an implicit default-switch instance.

l2-domain-id l2-domain-id

(Optional) Clear suppressed MAC address for a specific L2 domain.

logical-system (all | logical-system-name)

(Optional) Clear suppressed MAC address on all logical systems or on a specific logical system.

mac-address mac-address

(Optional) Clear a specific suppressed MAC address.

Required Privilege Level


Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 17.4.