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show system packet-forwarding-options hw-resource-monitor utilization-info

date_range 03-Oct-24


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show system packet-forwarding-options hw-resource-monitor utilization-info


Displays hardware resource utilization information for a resource list.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show system packet-forwarding-options hw-resource-monitor utilization-info command.

Table 1: show system packet-forwarding-options hw-resource-monitor utilization-info Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

HW Resource Name

The resource name. The value is one of the following: ecmp-group, ecmp-member, efp, egress-l3-interface , host-ipv4, host-ipv6, ifp, l3-next-hop, lpm-ipv4, lpm-ipv6-128, lpm-ipv6-64, mac, mpls-ingress, mpls-swap, tunnel, vfp, vport , and all-resources.

Max Capacity

The maximum capacity of the resource in number of packets.

Current Utilization

The current hardware resource utilization as an absolute number.

Current Utilization %

The current utilization of the resource as a percentage against the configured threshold.

Lower Threshold %

The lower threshold percentage of the maximum capacity for the resource.

Upper Threshold %

The upper threshold percentage of the maximum capacity for the resource.


The visual health indicator value. This value is updated as Green, Yellow, or Red when a hardware utilization value is compared against the upper and lower threshold boundaries. Whenever there is a change in the resource health, notifications are raised or cleared as required, depending upon the notification type (alarm or syslog).

  • A Green resource health band indicates that the hardware utilization is safely within threshold boundaries.

  • A Yellow resource health band indicates that the hardware resource utilization has crossed the lower threshold but is still within the upper threshold.

  • A Red resource health band indicates that the hardware resource utilization has crossed both the lower and upper thresholds.

Notification Type

The notification type used to alert you to changes in resource health. Values are alarm or syslog. The default is syslog.

  • When the resource health changes from Green to Yellow or vice-versa, a minor alarm is raised or cleared (as applicable).

  • When the resource health changes from Yellow to Red or vice-versa, a major alarm is raised or cleared (applicable only if the notification type is alarm).

  • When the resource health changes from Green to Yellow, a syslog WARNING is logged (as applicable).

  • When the resource health changes from Yellow to Red, a syslog CRITICAL is logged (applicable only if the notification type is syslog).

Sample Output

show system packet-forwarding-options hw-resource-monitor utilization-info

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user@host> show system packet-forwarding-options hw-resource-monitor utilization-info
content_copy zoom_out_map
***** HW Resource Monitoring Information  *****
Polling Interval: 1000 milliseconds (1 seconds)
HW Resource Name    | Max Capacity | Current Utilization | Current Utilization % | Lower Threshold % | Upper Threshold % | Health | Notification Type
ECMP-GROUP          | 4096         | 0                   | 0                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog
ECMP-MEMBER         | 32768        | 0                   | 0                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog
EFP                 | 2048         | 0                   | 0                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog
EGRESS-L3-INTERFACE | 16384        | 7                   | 1                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog
HOST-IPv4           | 147456       | 21                  | 1                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog
HOST-IPv6           | 73728        | 5                   | 1                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog
IFP                 | 18432        | 182                 | 1                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog
L3-NEXT-HOP         | 65536        | 10                  | 1                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog
LPM-IPv4            | 24576        | 8                   | 1                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog
LPM-IPv6-128        | 2048         | 0                   | 0                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog
LPM-IPv6-64         | 12288        | 4                   | 1                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog
MAC                 | 163840       | 2                   | 1                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog
MPLS-INGRESS        | 16384        | 0                   | 0                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog
MPLS-SWAP           | 16384        | 0                   | 0                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog
TUNNEL              | 4096         | 0                   | 0                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog
VFP                 | 1024         | 0                   | 0                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog
VPORT               | 16384        | 0                   | 0                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog
IFP-DYN-GROUP       | 6144         | 364                 | 5                     | 50                | 90                | GREEN  | Sylog

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 24.2R1 for EX4100-48MP, EX4400-24MP, EX4650, QFX5120-32C, QFX5120-48T, QFX5120-48Y, and QFX5120-48YM.
