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show remote-device-management service-devices

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show remote-device-management service-devices


Display information about all remote service devices or a specific remote service device.



Display summary information about all remote service devices.


Display detailed information about remote service devices.


Name of the remote service device.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show remote-device-management service-devices command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show remote-device-management service-devices Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

Device Name

Name of the remote service device.

All levels


State—State of the remote device service management (RDSM) connection to the service device, Up or Down.

All levels

Eligible Services

Number of remote subscriber services that are eligible to be provisioned on the device.

When a remote device is up without interruption, the Eligible Services and Provisioned Services counters should be equal.

If the Provisioned Services counter is less than the Eligible Services counter, you may need to reconfigure the remote device to provision the outstanding eligible services.

All levels

Provisioned Services

Number of remote subscriber services that are provisioned on the device.

All levels


IP address of the remote device used to configure the subscriber service; unique across all routing instances.


Last State Change Time

Timestamp when the RDSM connection to the remote device last changed state.


Vlan Id List

List of VLAN ranges and IDs that are served by the remote device and make up the access domain. The access domain corresponds to the set of subscriber-facing Layer 2 locations that map to the device.


Dictionary File

The absolute file path on the router for the vendor-specific dictionary that defines the set of NETCONF XML protocol commands required to provision, deprovision, and roll back a subscriber service on the remote device.


Provisioning Method

Attributes configured for the NETCONF XML Protocol method for provisioning and deprovisioning services on the remote device:

  • User Name—Name used to access the remote device during service management.

  • Connection Retry Interval—The interval between successive attempts to establish a NETCONF session with the remote device.

  • Response Timeout—Period during which the device must respond to an attempt to provision or deprovision a service.

  • Response Timeout Count—Number of consecutive response timeouts that occur before the BNG takes action.

  • Bulk Interval—Interval during which multiple services are provisioned or deprovisioned based on the assigned dictionary before the configuration is committed to the service device.

  • Bulk Limit—Maximum number of services provisioned or deprovisioned based on the assigned dictionary during the bulk interval—before the configuration is committed to the service device

  • Reconfigure Bulk Limit—Maximum number of services provisioned on the service device for the access domain when the device is reconfigured; number is based on the assigned dictionary before the configuration is committed to the service device

  • Port—TCP port number for the NETCONF protocol session.


Round Trip Time (millisec)

Aggregate duration for all dictionary RPCs required to provision or deprovision a service: Minimum, Maximum, Average, and Last.

When the bulk limit is set to 1, these statistics are reported per remote service.

When the bulk limit is greater than 1, the duration includes all services that are part of the bulk configuration.


Bulk Count

Number of services included in a bulk configuration: Minimum, Maximum, Average, and Last. The number is determined by the bulk-limit and bulk-interval configuration for the remote device at the [edit system services remote-device-management service-device device-name provisioning-method netconf] hierarchy level.

When the bulk limit is set to 1, the count is 1 for all fields.


Service Session ID

ID number for the remote service session.


Subscriber Session ID

ID number for the subscriber session associated with the service session.



Status of the service session; represents the RDSM processing state:

  • Active—Remote service session is up and fully provisioned.

  • Deprovisioning—Remote service session is in the process of being deprovisioned.

  • Init—Transient state that indicates that the state is transitioning to the provisioning state.

  • Provisioning—Remote service session is in the process of being provisioned.

  • Provisioning-Complete—Transient state that indicates service provisioning has completed on the device; transitions to Active or Provisioning-Rollback.

  • Provisioning-Rollback—Rollback of the service provisioning on the device is in progress. Provisioning is rolled back when provisioning fails for one or more other eligible service devices.


Service Name

Name of the remote service.


Service Provisioning

Status counts for all provisioning actions attempted for the remote device.

  • Attempted—Number of service provisioning attempts for a service device in the Up state.

  • Succeeded—Number of services successfully provisioned.

  • Failed—Number of services that failed provisioning for all reasons

    • Reject—Number of failures due to an explicit error response during provisioning.

    • Timeout—Number of failures due to no response during provisioning.

  • In Progress—Number of services being provisioned but not yet completed.

  • Reconfigure Pending—Number of services that are not configured but are pending reconfiguration. A nonzero value implies that you must initiate a reconfiguration request to provision these services.

  • Queued—Number of services for which provisioning has not yet been attempted because another service is in the process of being provisioned or deprovisioned.

    The typical case is when remote device reconfiguration is followed immediately by a new subscriber service provisioning action. In this instance, reconfiguration is allowed to complete, which delays action on the new subscriber service.


Service Deprovisioning

Status counts for all deprovisioning actions attempted for the remote device.

  • Attempted—Number of service deprovisioning attempts for a service device in the Up state.

  • Succeeded—Number of services successfully deprovisioned.

  • Failed—Number of services that failed deprovisioning for all reasons

    • Reject—Number of failures due to an explicit error response during deprovisioning.

    • Timeout—Number of failures due to no response during deprovisioning.

  • In Progress—Number of services being deprovisioned but not yet completed.

  • Queued—Number of services for which deprovisioning has not yet been attempted because another service is in the process of being provisioned or deprovisioned.


Reconfiguration Requests

Status counts of reconfiguration requests: Received, Succeeded, Failed, and Pending. A reconfiguration request initiated while one is in-progress is rejected.


Sample Output

show remote-device-management service-devices

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show remote-device-management service-devices
Device Name     State   Eligible Services     Provisioned Services
Olt-xyz         Up       2                    2
Olt-1           Up       3                    1
Olt-2           Down     2                    0

show remote-device-management service-devices (Device Name)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show remote-device-management service-devices olt-xyz
Device Name     State   Eligible Services     Provisioned Services
Olt-xyz         Up      2                     2

show remote-device-management service-devices (Device Name Detail)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show remote-device-management service-devices olt-xyz detail
Device Name: olt-xyz
State: Up
Routing Instance: default
Last State Change Time: Wed Apr 11 07:24:02 2018
Vlan Id List: 1-40 71-80 
Dictionary File: /var/home/dict/dictionary-1.xml
Eligible Services: 1
Provisioned Services: 1

Provisioning Method: netconf
    User Name: regress
    Connection Retry Interval: 3
    Response Timeout: 10
    Response Timeout Count: 3
    Bulk Interval: 1000
    Bulk Limit: 1
    Reconfigure Bulk Limit: 100
    Port: 830

Round Trip Time (millisec)
Minimum      Maximum      Average      Last
1681         1681         1681         1681       

Bulk Count
Minimum      Maximum      Average      Last
1            1            1            1          

show remote-device-management service-devices (Device Name Extensive)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show remote-device-management service-devices olt-xyz extensive
Device Name: olt-xyz
State: Up
Routing Instance: default
Last State Change Time: Wed Apr 11 07:24:02 2018
Vlan Id List: 1-40 71-80 
Dictionary File: /var/home/dict/dictionary-1.xml
Eligible Services: 1
Provisioned Services: 1

Provisioning Method: netconf
    User Name: regress
    Connection Retry Interval: 3
    Response Timeout: 10
    Response Timeout Count: 3
    Bulk Interval: 1000
    Bulk Limit: 1
    Reconfigure Bulk Limit: 100
    Port: 830

Round Trip Time (millisec)
Minimum      Maximum      Average      Last
1681         1681         1681         1681       

Bulk Count
Minimum      Maximum      Average      Last
1            1            1            1          

Service Sessions
Service Session ID    Subscriber Session ID State                    Service Name
3                     2                     Active                   s1

Service Provisioning
   Attempted: 1
   Succeeded: 1
   Failed: 0
      Reject: 0
      Timeout: 0
   In Progress: 0
   Reconfigure Pending: 0
   Queued: 0

Service De-provisioning
   Attempted: 0
   Succeeded: 0
   Failed: 0                            
      Reject: 0
      Timeout: 0
   In Progress: 0
   Queued: 0

Reconfiguration Requests
   Received: 0
   Succeeded: 0
   Failed: 0
   Pending: 0

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 18.3R1.
