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show auto-configuration out-of-band

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show auto-configuration out-of-band
< brief | count | detail>
< all | pending>
< circuit-id>
< interface>


Display information about ANCP-triggered out-of-band subscriber sessions. You can display all such subscribers or subscribers associated with a particular ACI or interface. You can also display information for sessions that are in the pending state. Sessions transition to the pending state when the Layer 2 wholesale session is authorized and assigned to an existing, nondefault routing instance, but subsequently profile instantiation to create the dynamic VLAN logical interface fails.


brief | count | detail

(Optional) Display the specified level of output. The default output level is the same as brief. The count level displays the number of out-of-band subscribers and sessions.


(Optional) Display information for all out-of-band subscriber sessions, including pending sessions.


(Optional) Limit the display to subscriber sessions on the specified access loop circuit identifier.


(Optional) Limit the display to out-of-band subscriber sessions on the specified interface.


(Optional) Display access lines in the pending state per routing instance.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show auto-configuration out-of-band command.

Table 1: show auto-configuration out-of-band Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

Agent Circuit ID

Agent circuit ID (ACI, access loop circuit identifier) that maps the subscriber to an interface.


Agent Remote ID

Agent remote ID (ARI, access loop remote identifier) that identifies the subscriber associated with an interface and therefore the access node.


Circuit Id

Agent circuit ID (ACI, access loop circuit identifier) that maps the subscriber to an interface.

brief none

Core IFL name

Name of the core-facing logical interface.


Inner Vlan Map Id

Inner VLAN tag that replaces the outer VLAN tag when the subscriber traffic is tunneled to the network service provider router.


Login Time

Timestamp when the subscriber logged in.


Out-of-band subscribers

Number of active out-of-band subscribers.

brief none

Pending count

Number of subscriber sessions in the routing instance that are in the pending state.

brief none

Remote Id

Agent remote ID (ARI, access loop remote identifier) for the subscriber.

brief none


Name of the routing instance for which the pending count is displayed.

brief none

Session ID

Subscriber session identifier.

All levels

Subscriber IFL

Name of the subscriber logical interface.

brief none

Subscriber Interface

Name of the subscriber logical interface.


total entries

Total number of active plus pending subscriber sessions.

brief none


VLAN ID of the subscriber’ s incoming interface.

brief none


VLAN ID of the subscriber’ s incoming interface.


Vlan Map Id

Trunk VLAN ID assigned to the core-facing physical interface within its input VLAN map.


Sample Output

show auto-configuration out-of-band

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show auto-configuration out-of-band
Circuit Id                  Remote Id               Subscriber IFL        Session ID  VLAN eth 1/0  arn.1211.00000000002    ge-2/1/1.1689443721   1301         200

show auto-configuration out-of-band (All Sessions)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show auto-configuration out-of-band all
Circuit Id                  Remote Id              Subscriber IFL         Session ID  VLAN eth 1/0  arn.4312.00000000002    ge-2/0/4.2547532212   1287        100 eth 1/0  arn.1211.00000000002    ge-2/1/1.1689443721   1301        200 eth 1/0  arn.5628.00000000002    ge-2/1/2.7697428544   1628        300

show auto-configuration out-of-band (All Sessions, Detail)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show auto-configuration out-of-band all detail
Agent Circuit ID: eth 1/0
Agent Remote ID: arn.4312.00000000002
Subscriber interface: ge-2/0/4.2547532212
Session ID: 1287
VLAN ID: 100
Core IFL name: ae1.0
Vlan Map Id: 2
Inner Vlan Map Id: 1010
Login Time: 2018-06-25 09:05:14 EST
Agent Circuit ID: eth 1/0
Agent Remote ID: arn.1211.00000000002
Subscriber interface: ge-2/1/1.1689443721
Session ID: 1301
VLAN ID: 200
Core IFL name: ae1.1
Vlan Map Id: 3
Inner Vlan Map Id: 1020
Login Time: 2018-06-25 09:11:21 EST
Agent Circuit ID: eth 1/0
Agent Remote ID: arn.5628.00000000002
Subscriber interface: ge-2/1/2.7697428544
Session ID: 1628
VLAN ID: 300
Core IFL name: ae1.2
Vlan Map Id: 4
Inner Vlan Map Id: 1030
Login Time: 2018-06-25 09:11:58 EST

show auto-configuration out-of-band (Brief)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show auto-configuration out-of-band brief
Circuit Id                  Remote Id               Subscriber IFL        Session ID  VLAN eth 1/0  arn.1211.00000000002    ge-2/1/1.1689443721   1301         200

show auto-configuration out-of-band (Circuit ID)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show auto-configuration out-of-band circuit-id " eth 1/0"
Circuit Id                  Remote Id               Subscriber IFL        Session ID  VLAN eth 1/0  arn.4312.00000000002    ge-2/0/4.2547532212   1287         100

show auto-configuration out-of-band (Circuit ID, Detail)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show auto-configuration out-of-band circuit-id " eth 1/0" detail
Agent Circuit ID: eth 1/0
Agent Remote ID: arn.4312.00000000002
Subscriber interface: ge-2/0/4.2547532212
Session ID: 1287
VLAN ID: 100
Core IFL name: ae1.0
Vlan Map Id: 2
Inner Vlan Map Id: 1010
Login Time: 2018-06-25 09:05:14 EST

show auto-configuration out-of-band (Count)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show auto-configuration out-of-band count
Out-of-band subscribers: 1, total entries: 1

show auto-configuration out-of-band (Detail)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show auto-configuration out-of-band detail
Agent Circuit ID: ACI.0001.aa1000000111
Agent Remote ID: remote-id
Subscriber interface: ge-1/0/0.3221225472
Session ID: 1
Core IFL name: ge-1/0/4.0
Vlan Map Id: 20
Inner Vlan Map Id: 1
Login Time: 2018-07-10 10:27:55 EDT

show auto-configuration out-of-band (Interface)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show auto-configuration out-of-band interface ge-2/0/4.2547532212
Circuit Id                  Remote Id               Subscriber IFL        Session ID  VLAN eth 1/0  arn.4312.00000000002    ge-2/0/4.2547532212   1287         100

show auto-configuration out-of-band (Interface, Detail)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show auto-configuration out-of-band interface ge-2/0/4.2547532212 detail
Agent Circuit ID: eth 1/0
Agent Remote ID: arn.4312.00000000002
Subscriber interface: ge-2/0/4.2547532212
Session ID: 1287
VLAN ID: 100
Core IFL name: ae1.0
Vlan Map Id: 2
Inner Vlan Map Id: 1010
Login Time: 2018-06-25 09:05:14 EST

show auto-configuration out-of-band (Pending Sessions)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show auto-configuration out-of-band pending
Circuit Id                  Remote Id               Subscriber IFL        Session ID  VLAN eth 1/0  arn.4312.00000000002    ge-2/0/4.2547532212                100

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 16.1R4.

all, circuit-id, count, and interface options introduced in Junos OS Release 17.3R1.
