avg-fd-twoway-threshold avg-fd-twoway-threshold-value{ flap-trap-monitor seconds;}
Hierarchy Level
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Configure the threshold value for average frame delay, in microseconds, for two-way Ethernet frame delay measurement (ETH-DM). When the configured threshold for average frame delay is exceeded, an SNMP trap is generated for ETH-DM. SNMP traps are triggered if you configure either the average frame-delay threshold or the average inter-frame delay variance threshold. If you do not configure either the frame-delay threshold or the frame delay variation threshold, no SNMP traps are generated. You can configure these threshold values only with a two-way ETH-DM SLA iterator.
Frame delay refers to the difference, in microseconds, between the time a frame is sent and when it is received. Frame delay variation refers to the difference, in microseconds, between consecutive frame delay values. Frame delay variation is sometimes called “frame jitter.” For one-way Ethernet frame delay measurement, only the receiver MEP (on the remote system) collects statistics. For two-way Ethernet frame delay measurement, only the initiator MEP (on the local system) collects statistics.
—Threshold value for average frame delay, in microseconds,
for two-way ETH-DM.
Range: 1 through 4294967295 microseconds
flap-trap-monitor seconds
in seconds, for summarizing flap occurrences and send out a single
jnxSoamPm ThresholdFlapAlarm notification to the network management
system (NMS).
Range: 1 through 360 seconds
Required Privilege Level
Configure—To enter configuration mode.
Control—To modify any configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1.