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show multicast next-hops

date_range 14-May-24


content_copy zoom_out_map
show multicast next-hops
<brief | detail | terse>
<inet | inet6>
<logical-system (all | logical-system-name)>
<show multicast next-hops satellitesatellite>

Syntax (EX Series Switch and the QFX Series)

content_copy zoom_out_map
show multicast next-hops
<brief | detail>
<inet | inet6>


Display the entries in the IP multicast next-hop table.



Display standard information about all entries in the multicast next-hop table for all supported address families.

brief | detail | terse

(Optional) Display the specified level of output. Use terse to display the total number of outgoing interfaces (as opposed to listing them) When you include the detail option on M Series and T Series routers and EX Series switches, the downstream interface name includes the next-hop ID number in parentheses, in the form fe-0/1/2.0-(1048574), where 1048574 is the next-hop ID number.

Starting in Junos OS release 16.1, the show multicast next-hops statement shows the hierarchical next hops contained in the top-level next hop.


(Optional) Show a particular next hop by ID number. The range of values is 1 through 65,535.

inet | inet6

(Optional) Display entries for IPv4 or IPv6 family addresses, respectively.

logical-system (all | logical-system-name)

(Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system.


Show satellite multicast unicast next-hops


Show all MCNH session IDs

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show multicast next-hops command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show multicast next-hops Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Protocol family (such as INET).


Next-hop identifier of the prefix. The identifier is returned by the routing device's Packet Forwarding Engine.


Number of cache entries that are using this next hop.


Kernel reference count for the next hop.

Downstream interface

Interface names associated with each multicast next-hop ID.

Incoming interface list

List of interfaces that accept incoming traffic. Only shown for routes that do not use strict RPF-based forwarding, for example for bidirectional PIM.

Sample Output

show multicast next-hops

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show multicast next-hops 
Family: INET
ID      Refcount  KRefcount Downstream interface
262142          4          2 so-1/0/0.0
262143          2          1 mt-1/1/0.49152
262148          2          1 mt-1/1/0.32769

show multicast next-hops (Ingress Router, Multipoint LDP Inband Signaling for Point-to-Multipoint LSPs)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show multicast next-hops  
Family: INET
ID          Refcount KRefcount Downstream interface Addr
1048580            2         1 1048576
(0x600dc04)        1         0 1048584
(0x600ea04)        1         0 (0x600e924)
1048583            2         1 1048579
(0x600e144)        1         0 1048587
(0x600e844)        1         0 (0x600e764)
1048582            2         1 1048578
(0x600df84)        1         0 1048586
(0x600e684)        1         0 (0x600e5a4)
1048581            2         1 1048577
(0x600ddc4)        1         0 1048585
(0x600ebc4)        1         0 (0x600eae4)

show multicast next-hops (Egress Router, Multipoint LDP Inband Signaling for Point-to-Multipoint LSPs)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show multicast next-hops  
Family: INET
ID          Refcount KRefcount Downstream interface Addr
(0x600e844)        8         0 1048575
1048575           16         0 distributed-gmp

show multicast next-hops (Bidirectional PIM)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show multicast next-hops 
Family: INET
ID          Refcount KRefcount Downstream interface
2097151            8         4 ge-0/0/1.0

Family: INET6
ID          Refcount KRefcount Downstream interface
2097157            2         1 ge-0/0/1.0

Family: Incoming interface list
ID          Refcount KRefcount Downstream interface
513                5         2 lo0.0
514                5         2 lo0.0
515                3         1 lo0.0
544                1         0 lo0.0

show multicast next-hops brief

The output for the show multicast next-hops brief command is identical to that for the show multicast next-hops command. For sample output, see show multicast next-hops.

show multicast next-hops detail

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show multicast next-hops detail 
Family: INET
ID          Refcount KRefcount Downstream interface Addr
1048584            2         1 1048581
                               Flags 0x208 type 0x18 members 0/0/2/0/0
                               Address 0xb1841c4
1048591            3         2 787
                               Flags 0x206 type 0x18 members 0/0/2/0/0
                               Address 0xb1847f4
1048580            4         1 ge-1/1/9.0-(1048579)
                               Flags 0x200 type 0x18 members 0/0/0/1/0
                               Address 0xb184134
1048581            2         0 736
                               Flags 0x3 type 0x18 members 0/0/2/0/0
                               Address 0xb183dd4
1048585           18         0 787
                               Flags 0x203 type 0x18 members 0/0/2/0/0
                               Address 0xb184404

Family: INET6
ID          Refcount KRefcount Downstream interface Addr
1048586            4         2 1048585
                               Flags 0x20c type 0x19 members 0/0/2/0/0
                               Address 0xb1842e4
1048583           14         4 ge-1/1/9.0-(1048582)
                               Flags 0x200 type 0x19 members 0/0/0/1/0
                               Address 0xb183ef4
1048592            4         2 1048583
                               Flags 0x20c type 0x19 members 0/0/2/0/0
                               Address 0xb184644

show multicast next-hops detail (PIM using point-to-multipoint mode)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show multicast next-hops detail
Family: INET
ID          Refcount KRefcount Downstream interface
262142             2         1 st0.0-

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

inet6 option introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for EX Series switches.

detail option display of next-hop ID number introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for M Series and T Series routers and EX Series switches.

Support for bidirectional PIM added in Junos OS Release 12.1.

terse option introduced in Junos OS Release 16.1 for the MX Series.
