graceful-restart (Protocols RSVP)
graceful-restart { disable; helper-disable; maximum-helper-recovery-time seconds; maximum-helper-restart-time seconds; }
Hierarchy Level
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-options], [edit protocols rsvp], [edit routing-options]
Configure graceful restart on the router. You must
configure the graceful-restart
statement at the [edit
hierarchy level to enable graceful restart
on the router.
—Disable graceful restart
on the router or for RSVP.
—Disable RSVP graceful restart
helper mode (this option is only available at the [edit protocols
hierarchy level).
Default: Helper mode is enabled by default.
maximum-helper-recovery-time seconds
—The maximum length of time the router stores the state
of neighboring routers when they undergo a graceful restart. The value
applies to all neighboring routers, so it should be based on the time
that the slowest RSVP neighbor requires for restart.
Default: 180 seconds
Range: 1 through 3600 seconds
maximum-helper-restart-time seconds
—The maximum length of time the router waits between
when it discovers that a neighboring router has gone down and when
it declares the neighbor down. This value is applied to all neighboring
routers, so it should be based on the time that the slowest RSVP neighbor
requires for restart.
Default: 20 seconds
Range: 1 through 1800 seconds
Required Privilege Level
routing—To view this statement in the configuration.
routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.