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Junos CLI Reference
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streaming-server (Junos Telemetry Interface)

date_range 20-Nov-23


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streaming-server streaming-server-name {
    remote-address ip-address;
    remote-port number;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit services analytics]


For Junos telemetry interface, configure the parameters of the server that collects exported data streamed by a monitored system resource. You can configure more than one streaming server. To collect data, you must associate a configured server with one or more configured sensors. The sensor configuration defines the parameters to monitor a specific system resource. To configure a sensor, include the sensor sensor-name statement at the [edit services analytics] hierarchy level.

To configure the server that collects data, you must also configure a destination IP address and a destination port. Junos telemetry interface relies on neighbor reachability information to deliver packets to the destination address. That means that all policies, such as filtering, that apply to the packets for that destination also apply to the exported packets.


Starting with Junos OS Release 15.1F6. you can also associate more than one server with a specific sensor configuration, which enables you to transmit streamed data for the same sensor to more than one server.


Junos telemetry interface was introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1F3 on MX Series routers with interfaces configured on MPC1 through MPC6E and on PTX Series routers with interfaces configured on FPC3. Starting in Junos OS Release 15.1F5, Junos Telemetry Interface is also supported on MPC7E, MPC8E, and MPC9E on MX Series routers.

Starting with Junos OS Release 16.1R3, FPC1 and FPC2 on PTX Series routers are also supported.



Specify a name for the server configured to collect data streamed through Junos Telemetry Interface. You can configure multiple streaming servers. To associate as many as four server names with a sensor configuration, include each name at the [edit services analytics sensor sensor-name streaming server [ streaming-server-names ] ] hierarchy level. If you specify more than one streaming server, you must enclose the names in brackets.

remote-address ip-address

Specify the destination address of the streaming server for exported packets.

remote-port number

Specify a port number for the destination address of the streaming server for exported packets.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1F3.
