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uuid (Applications)


Hierarchy Level


Specify the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) for objects. DCE RPC services are mainly used by Microsoft applications. The ALG uses well-known TCP port 135 for port mapping services and uses the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) instead of the program number to identify protocols. The main application-based DCE RPC is the Microsoft Exchange Protocol.

Support for stateful firewall and NAT services requires that you configure the DCE RPC port map ALG on TCP port 135. The DCE RPC ALG uses the TCP protocol with application-specific UUIDs.


uuid hex-value —Specify the universal unique identifier (UUID) for objects.

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement modified in Junos OS Release 8.5.