show ddos-protection protocols flow-detection
show ddos-protection protocols <protocol-group> flow-detection
<brief | detail | terse>
Display flow detection information for all protocol groups or for a particular protocol group.
none | Display information for all protocol groups. |
brief | detail | terse | (Optional) Display the specified level of output.
protocol-group | (Optional) Display information for a particular protocol group. See show ddos-protection protocols for a list of available groups. |
Required Privilege Level
Output Fields
Table 1 lists the output fields for the show ddos-protection protocols flow-detection
command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Field Name |
Field Description |
Level of Output |
Number of packet types. |
All levels |
Number of packets for which policer values have been modified from the default. |
All levels |
Name of protocol group. |
All levels |
Name of packet type in protocol group. |
All levels |
Configuration of flow detection at the packet level. |
Mode of operation for flow detection at the packet level:
All levels |
Policer BW (pps) |
Bandwidth allowed at the packet level. |
Time in seconds that a suspicious flow that has exceeded the bandwidth allowed for the packet type must remain in violation to be confirmed as a culprit flow. |
State of automatic logging of suspicious traffic flows for the packet type: on ( |
All levels |
Time in seconds that must pass before a culprit flow for the packet type is considered to have returned to normal. The period starts when the flow drops below the threshold that triggered the last violation. |
State of timeout enabling for culprit flows:
All levels |
Time in seconds that a culprit flow is suppressed. On expiration, the flow times out even if it is still violating the bandwidth limit. |
Configuration of flow detection for each flow aggregation level. |
One of three levels of flow aggregation
All levels |
Mode of operation for flow detection at the flow aggregation level:
All levels |
Mode by which traffic in a culprit flow is handled.
All levels |
Bandwidth allowed at the flow aggregation level. |
Sample Output
- show ddos-protection protocols flow-detection
- show ddos-protection protocols flow-detection brief (Parameters for a Specific Protocol)
show ddos-protection protocols flow-detection
user@host> show ddos-protection protocols flow-detection Packet types: 190, Modified: 2 * = User configured value Protocol Group: IPv4-Unclassified Packet type: aggregate Flow detection configuration: Detection mode: Automatic Detect time: 3 seconds Log flows: No Recover time: 60 seconds Timeout flows: No Timeout time: 300 seconds Flow aggregation level configuration: Aggregation level Detection mode Control mode Flow rate Subscriber Automatic Drop 10 pps Logical interface Automatic Drop 10 pps Physical interface Automatic Drop 2000 pps Protocol Group: IPv6-Unclassified Packet type: aggregate Flow detection configuration: Detection mode: Automatic Detect time: 3 seconds Log flows: No Recover time: 60 seconds Timeout flows: No Timeout time: 300 seconds Flow aggregation level configuration: Aggregation level Detection mode Control mode Flow rate Subscriber Automatic Drop 10 pps Logical interface Automatic Drop 10 pps Physical interface Automatic Drop 2000 pps ...
show ddos-protection protocols flow-detection brief (Parameters for a Specific Protocol)
user@host> show ddos-protection protocols dhcpv4 flow-detection brief Packet types: 19, Modified: 1 * = User configured value Detection mode(Op): a = automatic Flow control mode(Fc): d = drop o = on k = keep x = off p = police Protocol Packet Op Policer Aggr level Op:Fc:BWidth(pps) Log Time group type mode BW(pps) sub ifl ifd flow out dhcpv4 aggregate auto 5000 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:5000 No No dhcpv4 unclass.. auto 300 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:300 No No dhcpv4 discover auto 777* a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:500 No No dhcpv4 offer auto 1000 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:1000 No No dhcpv4 request auto 1000 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:1000 No No dhcpv4 decline auto 500 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:500 No No dhcpv4 ack auto 500 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:500 No No dhcpv4 nak auto 500 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:500 No No dhcpv4 release auto 2000 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:2000 No No dhcpv4 inform auto 500 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:500 No No dhcpv4 renew auto 2000 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:2000 No No dhcpv4 forcerenew auto 2000 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:2000 No No dhcpv4 leasequery auto 2000 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:2000 No No dhcpv4 leaseuna.. auto 2000 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:2000 No No dhcpv4 leaseunk.. auto 2000 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:2000 No No dhcpv4 leaseact.. auto 2000 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:2000 No No dhcpv4 bootp auto 300 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:300 No No dhcpv4 no-msgtype auto 0 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:0 No No dhcpv4 bad-pack.. auto 0 a:d:10 a:d:10 a:d:0 No No
Release Information
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3.
Support for Enhanced Subscriber Management added in Junos OS Release 17.3R1.