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Junos CLI Reference
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rpm-tracking {
    route destination-prefix {
        metric metric;
        next-hop next-hop {;
           rpm-probe name rpm-test test-name;
        preference preference;
        tag tag;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit routing-instances name routing-options],
[edit routing-options]


RPM-tracked static routes are coupled with a given RPM test instance. Routes can be installed or removed according to the results of the given RPM test. When installed, these routes are automatically given a preference of 1, and so are preferred over static routes that may already exist with the same prefix.

If the RPM test result is “success,” then all the RPM-tracked static routes that match the probe owner and test name of the successful test are added to the routing table. If the test result is “failure,” then all the RPM-tracked static routes that match the probe owner and test name of the failed test are removed, if present, from the routing table.

RPM route tracking supports both IPv4 and IPv6 routes. RPM-tracked static routes are configured individually; wildcards, ranges, and regular expressions are not supported.


route destination-prefix

(Required) Configure an RPM-tracked static route. Must be a IPv4 or IPv6 destination prefix.

next-hop next-hop

(Required) Configure a next-hop address. Must be a IPv4 or IPv6 address. You can configure up to 16 multiple paths (next-hops) for any given RPM-tracked static route (RPM-tracked static routes with multiple next-hops can also be configured inside a routing instance).

metric metric

(Optional) Set the route metric for the destination prefix. The route with the lowest metric is active in the routing table.

  • Default: 1

  • Range: 1 through 16.

preference preference

(Optional) Set the route preference value for the destination prefix. The route with the lowest preference value is active in the routing table. Qualified next hops are not supported with RPM-tracked static routes. Hence, the setting of the preference, metric, and tag options apply only to the RPM-tracked static route and not to the related next hops.

  • Default: 1

tag tag

(Optional) Set the route tag value for the destination prefix. The route with the lowest tag value is active in the routing table.

  • Default: 0

rpm-probe name

(Required) Must be a valid RPM probe owner from the [edit services rpm] configuration hierarchy.

rpm-test test-name

(Required) Must be a valid RPM test name from the [edit services rpm] configuration hierarchy.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Support introduced in Junos OS Release 18.4 R1.

next-hop option added in Junos OS Release 19.1R1.

preference and tag options added in Junos OS Release 20.4R1.
