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request system software nonstop-upgrade (QFabric Systems)

date_range 28-May-24


content_copy zoom_out_map
request system  software nonstop-upgrade package-name
<fabric >
<node-group name>


Nonstop software upgrade enables you to upgrade a QFabric system with minimal packet loss and maximum uptime. You should upgrade the devices in the following order: Director group, fabric controls and Interconnect devices, and network and server Node groups.


Before you perform a nonstop software upgrade, contact JTAC to perform a pre-upgrade health check on the QFabric system.



Location from which the software is to be installed. For example:

  • protocol://hostname/pathname/package-name—For a software package or bundle that is to be downloaded and installed from a remote location. Replace protocol with one of the following:

    • ftp—File Transfer Protocol. Use ftp://hostname/pathname/package-name. To specify authentication credentials, use ftp://<username>:<password>@hostname/pathname/package-name. To have the system prompt you for the password, specify prompt in place of the password. If a password is required, and you do not specify the password or prompt, an error message is displayed.

    • http—Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Use http://hostname/pathname/package-name. To specify authentication credentials, use http://<username>:<password>@hostname/pathname/package-name. If a password is required and you omit it, you are prompted for it.

    • scp—Secure copy (available only for Canada and U.S. version). Use scp://hostname/pathname/package-name. To specify authentication credentials, use scp://<username>:<password>@hostname/pathname/package-name.

  • The pathname in the protocol is the relative path to the user’s home directory on the remote system and not the root directory.


Install software package on the Director group and Fabric managers.


Install software package on the Interconnect devices and Fabric controls.

node-group name

Install software package on the redundant server Node group, server Node group, or network Node group.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

When you enter this command, you are provided feedback on the status of your request.

Sample Output

request system software nonstop-upgrade director-group

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@qfabric> request system software nonstop-upgrade director-group jinstall-qfabric-12.2X50-D10.3.rpm 
Validating update package jinstall-qfabric-12.2X50-D10.3.rpm
Installing update package jinstall-qfabric-12.2X50-D10.3.rpm
Installing fabric images version 12.2X50-D10.3
Performing cleanup
Package install complete
Installing update package jinstall-qfabric-12.2X50-D10.3.rpm on peer
Triggering Initial Stage of Fabric Manager Upgrade
Updating CCIF default image to 12.2X50-D10.3
Updating FM-0 to Junos version 12.2X50-D10.3
[Status   2012-06-05 15:25:29]: Fabric Manager: Upgrade Initial Stage started
[FM-0     2012-06-05 15:25:38]: FM-0 Master already running on LOCAL DG
[NW-NG-0  2012-06-05 15:25:45]: NW-NG-0 Master already running on LOCAL DG
[FM-0     2012-06-05 15:26:12]: Retrieving package
[FM-0     2012-06-05 15:27:11]: Pushing bundle to re0
[Status   2012-06-05 15:29:06]: Load completed with 0 errors...
[Status   2012-06-05 15:29:06]: Reboot is required to complete upgrade ...
[Status   2012-06-05 15:29:07]: Trying to Connect to Node: FM-0
[Status   2012-06-05 15:29:13]: Rebooting FM-0
[FM-0     2012-06-05 15:29:13]: Waiting for FM-0 to terminate ...
Starting Peer upgrade

Initiating rolling upgrade of Director peer:  version 12.2X50-D10.3

Inform CCIF regarding rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Validating install package jinstall-qfabric-12.2X50-D10.3.rpm
[Peer Update Status]: Cleaning up node for rolling phase one upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Director group upgrade complete
[Peer Update Status]: COMPLETED
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to return after reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to return after reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to return after reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to return after reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to return after reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to return after reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to return after reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to return after reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to return after reboot and start phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Waiting for peer to complete phase one of rolling upgrade
[Peer Update Status]: Peer completed phase one of rolling upgrade
Setting peer DG node as the master SFC

Delaying start of local upgrade to allow peer services time to initialize [15 minutes]
Delaying start of local upgrade to allow peer services time to initialize [15 minutes]
Delaying start of local upgrade to allow peer services time to initialize [12 minutes]
Delaying start of local upgrade to allow peer services time to initialize [9 minutes]
Delaying start of local upgrade to allow peer services time to initialize [6 minutes]
Delaying start of local upgrade to allow peer services time to initialize [3 minutes]
[Peer Update Status]: Check for VMs on dg0
Triggering Final Stage of Fabric Manager Upgrade:
Updating FM-0 to Junos version 12.2X50-D10.3
[Status   2012-06-05 16:10:12]: Fabric Manager: Upgrade Final Stage started
[NW-NG-0  2012-06-05 16:10:22]: Transferring NW-NG-0 Mastership to REMOTE DG
[NW-NG-0  2012-06-05 16:11:44]: Finished NW-NG-0 Mastership switch
[Status   2012-06-05 16:11:45]: Upgrading FM-0 VM on worker DG to 12.2X50-D10.3
[DRE-0    2012-06-05 16:12:43]: Retrieving package
[DRE-0    2012-06-05 16:13:46]: ------- re0: -------
[Status   2012-06-05 16:15:17]: Load completed with 0 errors...
[Status   2012-06-05 16:15:17]: Reboot is required to complete upgrade ...
[DRE-0    2012-06-05 16:15:22]: Waiting for DRE-0 to terminate ...
[DRE-0    2012-06-05 16:15:34]: Waiting for DRE-0 to come back ...
[DRE-0    2012-06-05 16:18:44]: Running Uptime Test for DRE-0
[DRE-0    2012-06-05 16:18:51]: Uptime Test for DRE-0 Passed ...
[Status   2012-06-05 16:18:51]: DRE-0 booted successfully ...
Performing post install shutdown and cleanup

Broadcast message from root (Tue Jun  5 16:18:51 2012):

The system is going down for reboot NOW!
Director group upgrade complete

root@qfabric> Read from remote host qfabric-partition0: Connection reset by peer
Connection to qfabric-partition0 closed.

request system software nonstop-upgrade fabric

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@qfabric> request system software nonstop-upgrade fabric jinstall-qfabric-12.2X50-D10.3.rpm 
[FC-0     2012-06-05 16:48:53]: Retrieving package
[FC-1     2012-06-05 16:48:53]: Retrieving package
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:48:59]: Retrieving package
[FC-0     2012-06-05 16:49:51]: ------- re0: -------
[FC-1     2012-06-05 16:49:52]: ------- re0: -------
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:49:54]: ------- re0: -------
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:50:42]: Step 1 of 20 Creating temporary file system
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:50:42]: Step 2 of 20 Determining installation source
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:50:43]: Step 3 of 20 Processing format options
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:50:43]: Step 4 of 20 Determining installation slice
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:50:43]: Step 5 of 20 Creating and labeling new slices
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:50:44]: Step 6 of 20 Create and mount new file system
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:50:53]: Step 7 of 20 Getting OS bundles
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:50:53]: Step 8 of 20 Updating recovery media
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:51:17]: Step 9 of 20 Extracting incoming image
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:52:56]: Step 10 of 20 Unpacking OS packages
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:52:59]: Step 11 of 20 Mounting jbase package
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:53:28]: Step 12 of 20 Creating base OS symbolic links
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:54:45]: Step 13 of 20 Creating fstab
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:54:45]: Step 14 of 20 Creating new system files
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:54:46]: Step 15 of 20 Adding jbundle package
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:58:15]: Step 16 of 20 Backing up system data
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:58:18]: Step 17 of 20 Setting up shared partition data
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:58:18]: Step 18 of 20 Checking package sanity in installation
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:58:18]: Step 19 of 20 Unmounting and cleaning up temporary file systems
[IC-F4912 2012-06-05 16:58:22]: Step 20 of 20 Setting da0s1 as new active partition
[Status   2012-06-05 16:58:34]: Load completed with 0 errors...
[Status   2012-06-05 16:58:34]: Reboot is required to complete upgrade ...
[Status   2012-06-05 16:58:34]: Trying to Connect to Node: FC-0
[Status   2012-06-05 16:58:39]: Rebooting FC-0
[Status   2012-06-05 16:58:39]: Trying to Connect to Node: FC-1
[Status   2012-06-05 16:58:44]: Rebooting FC-1
[Status   2012-06-05 16:58:44]: Trying to Connect to Node: IC-F4912
[Status   2012-06-05 16:58:50]: Rebooting IC-F4912

request system software nonstop-upgrade node-group (Redundant Server Node Group)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@qfabric> request system software nonstop-upgrade node-group RSNG jinstall-qfabric-12.2X50-D10.3.rpm 
Upgrading target(s): RSNG

[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:26:44]: Starting with package
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:26:44]: Retrieving package
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:28:56]: Pushing bundle to fpc1
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:29:26]: fpc1: Validate package...
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:35:22]: fpc0: Validate package...
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:35:49]: ------- fpc1 -------
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:36:25]: Step 1 of 20 Creating temporary file system
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:36:26]: Step 2 of 20 Determining installation source
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:36:26]: Step 3 of 20 Processing format options
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:36:26]: Step 4 of 20 Determining installation slice
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:36:27]: Step 5 of 20 Creating and labeling new slices
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:36:27]: Step 6 of 20 Create and mount new file system
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:36:35]: Step 7 of 20 Getting OS bundles
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:36:35]: Step 8 of 20 Updating recovery media
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:36:56]: Step 9 of 20 Extracting incoming image
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:38:07]: Step 10 of 20 Unpacking OS packages
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:38:16]: Step 11 of 20 Mounting jbase package
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:38:41]: Step 12 of 20 Creating base OS symbolic links
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:39:41]: Step 13 of 20 Creating fstab
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:39:42]: Step 14 of 20 Creating new system files
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:39:42]: Step 15 of 20 Adding jbundle package
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:16]: Step 16 of 20 Backing up system data
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:32]: Step 17 of 20 Setting up shared partition data
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:33]: Step 18 of 20 Checking package sanity in installation
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:33]: Step 19 of 20 Unmounting and cleaning up temporary file systems
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:36]: Step 20 of 20 Setting da0s2 as new active partition
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: ------- fpc0 - master -------
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 1 of 20 Creating temporary file system
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 2 of 20 Determining installation source
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 3 of 20 Processing format options
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 4 of 20 Determining installation slice
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 5 of 20 Creating and labeling new slices
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 6 of 20 Create and mount new file system
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 7 of 20 Getting OS bundles
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 8 of 20 Updating recovery media
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 9 of 20 Extracting incoming image
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 10 of 20 Unpacking OS packages
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 11 of 20 Mounting jbase package
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 12 of 20 Creating base OS symbolic links
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 13 of 20 Creating fstab
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 14 of 20 Creating new system files
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 15 of 20 Adding jbundle package
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 16 of 20 Backing up system data
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 17 of 20 Setting up shared partition data
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 18 of 20 Checking package sanity in installation
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 19 of 20 Unmounting and cleaning up temporary file systems
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:42:51]: Step 20 of 20 Setting da0s2 as new active partition
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:43:36]: Rebooting Backup RE
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:43:36]: ------- Rebooting fpc1 -------
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:50:12]: Initiating Chassis In-Service-Upgrade
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:50:33]: Upgrading group: 0 fpc: 0
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:52:38]: Upgrade complete for group:0
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:52:38]: Upgrading group: 1 fpc: 1
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:54:42]: Upgrade complete for group:1
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:54:42]: Finished processing all upgrade groups, last group :1
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:54:48]: Preparing for Switchover
[RSNG     2012-06-05 17:55:38]: Switchover Completed
[Status   2012-06-05 17:55:41]: Upgrade completed with 0 errors

request system software nonstop-upgrade node-group (Server Node Group)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@qfabric> request system software nonstop-upgrade node-group P1507-C jinstall-qfabric-12.2X50-D10.3.rpm 
Upgrading target(s): P1507-C

[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:02:44]: Retrieving package
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:03:21]: ------- P1507-C: -------
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:03:59]: Step 1 of 20 Creating temporary file system
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:03:59]: Step 2 of 20 Determining installation source
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:03:59]: Step 3 of 20 Processing format options
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:03:59]: Step 4 of 20 Determining installation slice
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:04:00]: Step 5 of 20 Creating and labeling new slices
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:04:00]: Step 6 of 20 Create and mount new file system
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:04:08]: Step 7 of 20 Getting OS bundles
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:04:09]: Step 8 of 20 Updating recovery media
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:04:29]: Step 9 of 20 Extracting incoming image
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:05:42]: Step 10 of 20 Unpacking OS packages
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:05:49]: Step 11 of 20 Mounting jbase package
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:06:14]: Step 12 of 20 Creating base OS symbolic links
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:07:15]: Step 13 of 20 Creating fstab
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:07:15]: Step 14 of 20 Creating new system files
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:07:16]: Step 15 of 20 Adding jbundle package
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:09:52]: Step 16 of 20 Backing up system data
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:10:07]: Step 17 of 20 Setting up shared partition data
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:10:07]: Step 18 of 20 Checking package sanity in installation
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:10:08]: Step 19 of 20 Unmounting and cleaning up temporary file systems
[P1507-C  2012-06-26 14:10:11]: Step 20 of 20 Setting da0s2 as new active partition
[Status   2012-06-26 14:10:25]: Trying to Connect to Node: P1507-C
[Status   2012-06-26 14:10:32]: Rebooting P1507-C
[Status   2012-06-26 14:10:32]: Upgrade completed with 0 errors

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2.
